5 Favorite Anime Blog Posts from 2021 Week 30
Welcome to my 5 favorite anime blog posts from 2021 week 30!
Every week I look for posts that celebrate amazing moments in anime or otherwise blow me away with their wit and charm. I check hundreds of sites, and I can tell you that the ani-blogging community constantly produces a ton of amazing posts. I hope this list helps you find some of them!
Here’s the list of the sites I check!
At a Glance Anime
A Certain Scientific Railgun S
There are a handful of series that are special to me. A Certain Scientific Railgun S is one of those series. There are several reasons for it, starting with the Mikoto Misaka’s stubborn bravery, Kuroko Shirai’s tenaciousness, and Kazari Uiharu’s celebrated computer skills. But what makes it most special are moments like happened in the episode called Sisterhood. The events leading up to Mikoto covering her mouth in shock (around 06:15) hit all of the So Cool It Brings Chills buttons.
Because of the high regard I have for this series, I’m always on the lookout for for reviews that celebrate it. And I’m happy to report that I found THEAWERSOME’s post on At a Glance Anime! I touches on some of the reasons he prefers this season to the first, how it compares to A Certain Magical Index II, and how the various arcs within the season compare. See if he talks about your favorite aspects of the show!
Beneath the Tangles
Thunderclap and Flash: When Zenitsu Struck My Heart
When does mere anime become art? Is that a self-defeating question — is anime always art? Without embarking on too esoteric a conversation, I suggest that at least one characteristic of art is that it invites us to see ourselves in a character or a situation. Upon seeing ourselves, a work of art then gets us to see something we might not have been willing to admit to ourselves. Art gives us a safe place to examine ourselves, quietly, beyond the scrutiny of others. I’m focused on fiction as art, of course, because I’m not sure how well that translates to sculpture or painting (though it certainly could, under the right circumstances).
It takes courage to face ourselves and our failings, even through the lens of art. Do you know what takes even more courage? Sharing what you see in that fictional mirror with the world! That’s just what Laura A. Grace did in a recent post on Beneath the Tangles. In her post, she discussed what she saw of herself in Demon Slayer’s character Zenitsu, especially in what the poor man went through in episode 17. By presenting this perspective, Laura A. Grace gives us the opportunity to reflect on an important universal fact: Ain’t none of us perfect! Sharing our imperfections is a good step towards making the world a better place! Take a look at the article to see what I mean.
Confessions of an Overage Otaku
I wonder if you have the same experience that I do. You watch a series, and by the time it’s over, you reflect on how enjoyable it was to watch and you wonder if you’ll feel the same after a few months — or even a few years. Will you even think about that series at all? What does it take for a series to stand the test of time? Put another way, what’s it take for an older series like Samurai Champloo to stand out in our minds despite having concluded in 2005?
There are several answers to that question, but The Overage Otaku on the site Confessions of an Overage Otaku talked about one fantastic reason: The character Fuu Kasumi. What’s it about this character that makes her the topic of conversation more than 15 years later? Well, I’ve come to know The Overage Otaku as an expert on character development (and story development!), and I can tell you that his insights in this post are right up there with his best. See if he captured what you liked about Fuu!
This week’s Other Posts to Crow About/My 5 Favorite Blog Posts from Last Week seems to be, with one exception, series I wish I had reviewed. Or maybe it’s series I might review as throw-back series in the future? Either way, we continue the theme with the series Kiznaiver. The series had a fascinating concept, and it used interesting characters to play it out for us. For whatever reason, I feel drawn to characters like Noriko Sonozaki, who either are emotionless or can’t express their emotions. At the same time, insanely creative or spontaneous characters like Nico Niyama also capture my imagination. I suppose there’s a psychological insight about me in there somewhere…
So, what’s interesting about Kiznaiver? Funny you should ask! I happened upon this post by Nora on the site IT’S YOUR FAULT THAT I’M NOT POPULAR!. In this post, Nora relates how the series presented big, bold ideas, and then proceeded to do something with them. Plus, some of the characters also distinguished themselves. Did the ideas produce any world-shattering conclusions? Which characters stood out? There’s one way to find out!
Season 1 Episode 1
Summer 2021 First Impressions – Kageki Shojo!!
Back in 5 Favorite Anime Blog Posts from 2021 Week 27, Vance left a comment suggesting that I watch Kageki Shojo!!. Before that, I had decided to give the show a pass. I wasn’t sure about the art style, and it looked like it might be a slice of life series. Nothing against those, of course! But I didn’t have a lot of time, and I had decided to focus on the series I had decided to review. Boy, am I glad Vance left that comment! I checked out the first episode and found myself hooked. I’ve always loved series about performing arts, and this series had a couple of standout characters in Sarasa Watanabe and Ai Narata.
To me, the characters and scenarios felt vivid, authentic, and interesting. But you know me: I have the emotional resonance of a standard cinder block. In fact, the Cinders and I often compare notes about shows, and we have a high correlation of favorite shows! What that means is I keep on the lookout for bloggers whose opinions have earned my respect and who aren’t emotional cinder blocks. This week, I found that Jessi Silver had reviewed the opening episodes on her site Season 1 Episode 1. I’ve always enjoyed how she presents her reviews, including warnings for folks who may be sensitive to some topics. As a cinder block, I am pretty insensitive to all topics, so I appreciate her perspective. Speaking of which, did she point out how terribly wrong I was? Or was my affection for this series actually reasonable?
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- Lesley’s Anime and Manga Corner: Anime and Manga Blog Posts That Caught My Eye This Week (July 23, 2021)
Thanks for the shout out, TCrow. I’ve been trying to get as many people to watch Kageki Shoujo!! as possible after its first episode, which I felt was a standout of the season due to how well it set up the cast, the storylines, and the setting, and I was ecstatic after Episode 3 because the show lived up to my expectations that I had formed based on Episode 1. This is not a show that will instantly cure somebody’s trauma, and its portrayal of AI’s trauma has been very on point.
Thanks again for bringing it to my attention.
You mentioned its realistic portrayal of trauma. I saw that in episode 4. Without giving anything away, I was really happy to see what they did with Ai Narata in that episode. Well, Sarasa Watanabe, too, but Ai in particular.
Hi there! I recently decided to get back to anime blogging after taking a long hiatus.
That’s great news! Glad you’re blogging again. I’ve marked your site as active again.
Looking forward to reading what you post!