Welcome to my 5 favorite anime blog posts from 2021 week 49!
Every week I look for posts that celebrate amazing moments in anime or otherwise blow me away with their wit and charm. I check over 300 sites, and I can tell you that the ani-blogging community constantly produces a ton of amazing posts. I hope this list helps you find some of them!
Here’s the list of the sites I check!
Honey’s Anime
Mieruko-chan’s Fresh Take on the Horror Genre
Here’s a shocker for you: I really like watching Mieruko-chan. Yeah, I should have told you to sit down first. Probably made some of you faint outright. But, you know, it shouldn’t be a surprise if you read my reviews of the show! Kidding aside, I really have enjoyed it so far. For me, it’s a case of what was old is new again. The show’s ambiance reminds me a lot of 1980s horror, before torture porn and gore took over. But there’s another way to describe it, as the author G proves on the site Honey’s Anime. Just what sets this show apart from its peers? What makes it distinct? I think this article nails it! See if you agree!
The Mind of the Hybrid One
Anime Discovery XXI: NICHIJOU (My ORDINARY Life) – #234
Maybe you’re like me, and you know this show mostly from its memes. And it has a lot of memes! But Nichijou – My Ordinary Life is a lot more than just its memes! At first glance, it didn’t seem like it would be a show that I’d like. But then I read this post by Mark King on the site The Mind of the Hybrid One. Now, I don’t know what’s real anymore! Yes, I’m exaggerating. But I’m mimicking the style of this post, which is hilariously aligned with the show itself. After reading this post, I not only want to watch this series. I want to watch it right the f*ck now! I bet you feel the same way. Unless, of course, you’ve already seen it. In which case, I’ll be you want to rewatch it right the f*ck now! See if I’m right!
A Richard Wood Text Adventure
Demon Slayer: Season 2 – Episode 7: Set Your Heart Ablaze
As you’ve no doubt heard, the first several episodes of Demon Slayer Season 2 serialized the movie’s content. Was that a good move? I think it’s hard to say until we’ve seen the entire season. But one thing I’ll say with certainty: I’m happy to be reviewing it this season with Irina from I Drink and Watch Anime, and I’m glad that this season added the content from episode 1. Yes, I know, that was two things, and before this devolves into a Monty Python sketch, just let me say that the content from the first episode really set the tone.
As importantly, the perspective from that first episode drove the emotional impact of episode 7. How emotional was it? Does a ton of bricks ring a bell? Too cliche? Yeah, it’s too cliche. So I don’t have to subject you to more of my lame jokes, do let me direct you to someone who can actually speak lucidly and with humor about the topic: Wooderon on the site A Richard Wood Text Adventure. Wooderon’s description of why the episode had such an impact was spot on. It reminded me of why the episode hit me so hard. See if this article gives you yet more reasons to appreciate about the episode!
TakaTempest Reviews
Anime Review 223 Kageki Shoujo!!
Have I mentioned how amazing I found Kageki Shojo!! to be? I feel like I have. Oh, but I haven’t within the last ten minutes! So I’m clear to sing its praises again! Which makes sense because it’s a show about… You know what? You deserve better humor than that. So, until I learn to be funny (and I’m not sure how many galactic years that’ll take), I’ll stick to the facts. And one of those facts is that this post by TakamakiJoker on the site TakaTempest Reviews captured the spirit and tone of the show in an entertaining and exciting way. This article shows that the more well-written the series, the more interesting and insightful perspectives bloggers can have about it. Put another way, this article helped me appreciate the show even more than I did. And that’s saying a lot!
This is My Place
The Best in Anime
I like the idea of lists. I like the implementation of lists. But what I like best are lists that remind me of something interesting, amazing, or important. This post by Fred Heiser on the site This is My Place actually has all three of the things I like best about lists. The post is a simple list of some of his favorite moments of anime. It has an evocative description and video link about the best inner monologue. It has an amazing OST.
But best of all, it has an important confession of love. Why important? Because it’s the best damned confession I’ve ever read, seen, or heard. Across any media. Across any time. And I’ve read stuff back to the Instructions of Shuruppak and older (depending on how you date certain scriptures)! Yes, that’s setting a high bar. But that’s my honest feeling about it. See what you think!
Want to Read More of My Favorite Anime Post Lists?
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Thanks Crow. I’m super excited to see what the next arc has in store. I’ve tried my hardest to avoid spoilers as much as I can.
You’re welcome! And avoiding spoilers is getting tough!