Welcome to My 5 Favorite Anime Blog Posts from 2022 Week 31!
Every week, I check around 325 anime sites looking for posts that celebrate amazing moments in anime or otherwise blow me away with their wit and charm. The ani-blogging community constantly produces a lot of amazing posts. I hope this list helps you find some of them!
You can see a list of the sites I check here: Massive List of Sites!
Confessions of an Overage Otaku
I’ve been thinking about how a god sees the world. I don’t know is that’s a “normal” thing or not. Regardless, as a student of theology, I saw hints in Western Scripture that the common perceptions of Divinity made flesh are point blank wrong. I don’t think the Jesus the Christ knew he was divine until well into his ministry. I don’t think the idea occurred to him. Why would it have? I remember back in college, a Dominican sister put it into perspective for me. She asked if I thought that Jesus spent his early years rubbing his hands together and thinking, “If only they knew who I really am! Mooo-hahaha!”
That’s when it struck me. About the only thing impossible for the Second Person is dishonesty. I think you know I write novels (and you can subscribe to my e-mail list and receive a free gift here!). In my next trilogy, I intend to write a character who’s a god in a particular space/time continuum, but he doesn’t know it. How would that play out? What assumptions would that character make about the world? How would others see him? How would he react when he found out?
So you can imagine my surprise (and delight!) when I came across The Overage Otaku’s post on Confessions of an Overage Otaku. The post is about The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, specifically Haruhi Suzumiya and her godhood. Which she isn’t aware of! How cool is that? Well, I’ll tell you my opinion: very cool! From the perspective of my writing, Overage Otaku has pointed out that this anime series might be my best reference model for unconscious godhood. From your perspective, it’ll be a damn fun read! Check it out and see if you agree!
Hanime on Anime
Hanime on Analysis: What I Didn’t Say about the Forger “Family”
You might see this title and think, “Dude. We know you liked the show. Ya really gonna suggest another post about it?” You know I value your time, so I’m only going to recommend posts that I think you’ll enjoy. And this post from Hanime on Anime from the site Hanime on Anime is fun to read because it digs into an aspect of the show that I haven’t see get much attention. What might that be? I’ll give you a hint: it’s in the title! Okay, that’s less a hint and more a statement of the obvious, but seriously, I already adore the series, and I came away from Hanime on Anime’s post liking the show even more! That’s about as positive as I can be about a post! See if you enjoy it that much!
The Magic Planet
Let’s Watch CALL OF THE NIGHT Episode 4 – Isn’t This a Tight Squeeze?
I’m sensing a pattern with posts on The Magic Planet. The more complex the series reviewed, the more intricate and interesting the characters, then the more entertaining, clear, and concise Jane the Anime Witch’s posts! I’ve of two minds regrading this observation. The writer in me is all, “How the hell does that happen? Isn’t prose based on series like that supposed to be more complex and hard to understand?” Whereas the reader in my is all like, “Writer-dude, shut up and enjoy the post!” Speaking as a writer, sure, I’ll shut up and enjoy the post. But I’m taking notes! I’ve got to discover the her secret to enjoyable clarity! In the meantime, follow my Reader’s example and see if you enjoy the post as much as he did!
The Otaku Exhibition
Lycoris Recoil Review: The Police State Will be Run by Anime Girls
Hope is a suckful thing. Yeah, yeah, I know folks seem to like it. Everyone seems to wax poetic about it. It “springs eternal,” and all that. But from my pragmatic view of the world (and no, I’m not cynical, I’m pragmatic — I tell myself there’s a difference), hope just gets in the way. Remember takt.Op Destiny? The first episode reignited my hopes for excellence in fiction. Sure, I celebrated it all I could. But deep down? I’m longing for another Re:CREATORS. I’m longing for another experience like standing on the brink of Mount Doom with Sam. I want to hear Brekke scream “Don’t leave me alone!” again, for the first time. takt.Op Destiny got my hopes up. I still enjoyed the series, but it didn’t deliver what I thought it was going to.
Ah, the wages of hope!
Will history repeat itself? We’ll know that in about eight episodes, because Lycoris Recoil’s first four episodes are off to a hell of a start. A lot of it has to do with Chisato, but there are signs that her world has a lot more to say. perseus54321, in his recent post on The Otaku Exhibition, lays out what he see as the shows strengths. Taken together, do they mean that we’ll get something amazing? Merely entertaining? See the forecast through perseus54321’s eyes!
Shallow Dives in Anime
Love after World Domination: It’s Couple Time!
Love After World Domination looked like an interesting show. But it was one interesting show among dozens, so I never got around to watching it. And as for adding it to my backlog — that thing’s a monster already. I don’t want to feed it any more! But then I read Dewbond’s review on his site Shallow Dives in Anime. And I learned something important. Namely, if I’ve made the decision not to watch a series, I need to not read Dewbond’s reviews. That’s because he has a knack for bringing out just what makes a show distinctive, or enjoyable, or whatever it is the show brings to the table. Because now, it’s all Dewbond’s fault that my backlog grew by another title! See if you have a similar reaction!
Want to Read More of My Favorite Anime Post Lists?
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- Lesley’s Anime and Manga Corner: Anime and Manga Blog Posts That Caught My Eye This Week (July 29, 2022)