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5 Favorite Anime Blog Posts from 2024 Week 03

Every week, I visit about 280 anime sites looking for posts that celebrate amazing moments in anime or otherwise blow me away with their wit and charm. These are my five favorite posts for the week. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did!

You can see a list of the sites I check here: Massive List of Sites!

Animated Observations


Over the last several weeks, lots of bloggers have posted their thoughts on Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2. All of the posts I read interested me. Most were contenders for this 5 Favorite Anime Blog Posts. This post struck me harder, though. Written by Vivian Scheibelein on the site Animated Observations, the reason is the passion with which it was written. I get exactly why Vivian Scheibelein felt this way about the show — because the post spells it out with clarity! This site, and this post, is all about celebrating anime, and this post does a fantastic job doing just that. See if you agree!



Gushing over Magical Girls actually made it to my list of finalists of potential series to review this season. But I chose Metallic Rouge instead. I figured I didn’t need to see another Puella Magi Madoka Magica and put it out of my mind. I saw a few scenes here and there on social media — just enough to think, “Huh. That doesn’t look what I expected.” Then I read this post by DoubleSama from the site DOUBLESAMA. Turns out I had completely the wrong idea about what the show was about! Like, completely! In fact, I’m going to have to watch the series at some point. If you seen it, check out this post to see if DoubleSama picked up your favorite moments! If not, well, go see what you’re missing!

Everything Is Bad For You


Did you watch Azur Lane: Queen’s Orders? It seems that the show appeals to a very specific demographic. No, not that demographic. Okay, yes, that demographic, too. So I should say, the show appeals to two specific demographics. I just learned about the second when I read this post by AK on the site Everything Is Bad for You. Can you guess the second demographic? There’s one way to see if you were right!


Anime First Look: The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic

The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic is another series that made it to my list of finalists. Based on the first couple of episodes, I have to say that I regret not having more time this season. It’s a fun show! So, what makes this more than yet-another-isekai? I’m glad you asked, because this post by The Filthy Casual on the site Filthy Casual for Life asks the same question. What’s more, this post answers it! I have to say, the answer matches what I thought. Which means either that it’s guaranteed 100% accurate, or it’s, well… Let’s hope, for The Filthy Casual’s sake, that it’s 100% accurate. I’m mostly sane, after all! Sharing an opinion with me isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Right? Never mind. Don’t answer that. just go read the post!

Anime’s New Great Detective

The Apothecary Diaries is already on my back log, so when I came across this post by Frog-kun on the site, I figured I was safe. I can’t exactly add the same title to my backlog twice, can I? But I’d forgotten a very important point. Frog-kun’s posts are infectious. To read one is to become enamored of the subject. So, sure, I had the post already in my backlog. But after reading Frog-kun’s post, seeing details the post brought to life, I want to stop watching current series and binge The Apothecary Diaries! Sigh. Well, someday I’ll watch it. Until then, you can enjoy this post and get excited about the series all over again!

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Copyright 2022 Terrance A. Crow. All rights reserved.

6 thoughts on “5 Favorite Anime Blog Posts from 2024 Week 03

  1. Thanks for the link! I didn’t even know about Queen’s Orders before I found it while looking for OVAs to watch a few days before. Maid fans should definitely check it out.

  2. The same guy composed the music for GOMG and…
    HeartCatch Precure
    Suite Precure,
    Smile Precure,

    And 10 Precure theatrical movies.

    So that’s another connection.

  3. GOMG is so tied to Precure that there must be some interesting meetings going on at Toei.
    The character designs, and the occasional fetishy villainess designs taken to the extreme here are just the start.
    You could argue that there are similarities to some of the attacks, done by monsters in Precure, and directly and more explicit in GOMG. I’m sure has a lot more impact with all the Precure fans, moreso than for other MG series.
    It’s really popular in Japan, and getting a 2nd season already. And there are 27 article references in the wikipedia page already.

    1. Only now that you’ve mentioned it can I see the resemblance. I knew GOMG reminded me of something, but I couldn’t remember what. The (overt) tone of the show is so different from Precure that I’m not sure I would have made the connection.

      I’m curious where the show is going with Azure’s reactions. I’d like to see an exploration of her very human reaction and the implications for how she sees herself and how her friends see her. I doubt the show do something so serious, but I’m not sure it won’t. It’s made a few decisions that surprised me.

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