Every week, I visit around 230 anime sites looking for posts that celebrate amazing moments in anime or otherwise blow me away with their wit and charm. These are my five favorite posts for the week. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did!
You can see a list of the sites I check here: Massive List of Sites!
Anime B&B
Blue Exorcist -Beyond the Snow Saga- is GOOD, Actually
I am troubled by the nature of thought. That’s a pretty heavy way to kick off this week’s post, isn’t it? I blame two things for this somber beginning: the Blue Exorcist franchise, with its most recent entry being Blue Exorcist: Beyond the Snow Saga, and the thoughtful, introspective post that Marina just gave us about that topic on the site Anime B&B.
It’s the Blue Exorcist’s fault because I have to ask myself: what role did me being at a particular point in my life when I first watched its first season play in my opinion of it? What about those moments in time allowed that show to affect me so much? Conversely, if those conditions aren’t present, does that mean I would have missed out? Or that I’ve missed out on a lot otherwise? Misunderstood people, misinterpreted events, simply because of a mood or a random chain of events?
It’s Marina’s fault (and I use the term “fault” as a joke, because I thoroughly enjoyed her post!) because she clearly pointed out the deficiencies in Blue Exorcist’s middle seasons. I knew those deficiencies existed, yet I allowed myself to still embrace the show. It didn’t hurt that I found Izumo Kamiki to be a powerfully sympathetic character, but the question remains.
Regardless of how I answer those questions, please do check out this post! It’s a great statement about the most recent season!
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Anime Evo
The 100 Girlfriends S2 – 01 [First Look]
Have you ever tried to write humor? More importantly, have you ever tried to write humor that made a lot of people laugh? I tell you what: I’d rather write a 900,000 word series of science fiction books that a single 80,000 word humorous novel. Humor’s hard to get right. And that’s especially true of humor in today’s culture! That said, I found the premiere of The 100 Girlfriends Who Really, Really, Really, Really, Really Love You Season 2 to be hilarious. Why? What made it so funny? FlareKnight, on the site Anime Evo, just laid it out in an entertaining, energetic way. I literally could not have said it better myself! Go see what I mean!
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The Infinite Zenith
Challenging The Tyranny of Exceptionalism and Merits in The Mundane: A Case Study in Saekano and Characteristics of Virtue in Megumi Katō At Saekano’s Tenth Anniversary
I tried to come up with a succinct way to prepare you for this study in Saekano, and frankly, I struggled. Sure, I could boil it down to a few words, but they would not have reflected the subtlety of thought in this post. After all, infinitezenith’s post on The Infinite Zenith is a nuanced, in-depth, and, above all else, thorough discussion of multiple themes that intersect in this series — in the person of Megumi Katou.
But I think that’s the point! It’s not easy to summarize because of those characteristics. Sure, I enjoy fast-paced surface treatments. But there are times, like right now, when I want something that I can immerse myself in — and come out the other side with a better understanding of a thing. Anything, actually! And understanding Megumi Katou’s role turned out to be exactly what I was looking for! See how it affects you!
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Myska’s Reviews
Mononoke: Karakasa
It’s hard to keep up with all the series coming out each season. For some reason, at least for me, keeping up with the movies is even more difficult! That’s why this post by Myska on the site Myska’s Reviews caught my attention. This post reviews Mononoke Movie: Karakasa, and that’s a movie I knew almost nothing about. Seeing the key art, I might have a vague memory of seeing it once or twice. But nothing else. But now, after reading this post, I have a better understanding of what I’ve missed, so onto the back-log it goes! See if Myska’s description captures your imagination!
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Shallow Dives in Anime
ReZero Season 3 First Cour: What Is, Not What Was
It’s been a heavy week, and I’m thinking a lot about how I see the world. One of the hardest things to learn was how I impact my opinions. That sounds like one of those “rain is wet!” sorts of things, doesn’t it? And maybe it is — you might well be more perceptive than I am. But it took me years to learn that my expectations can ruin an experience for me. Worse, it’s taken even more years to learn how to manage that human trait.
Seriously, we should come with owner’s manuals.
I found a kindred spirit in Dewbond this week! His review of Re:Zero Season 3 was an authentic self-examination that struck home. Dewbond’s reviews already impress me as a matter of course. But combining his previous levels of insight with a deep perception of self? That’s next level stuff. I am seriously looking forward to what comes next! In the meantime, see what you think of Dewbond’s perspective on ReZero’s season 3!
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- Anime Feminist: Weekly Round-Up, 8-14 January 2025: Simoun Retrospective, AI in Lolita Fashion, and Witchy Precure Cuts
- Lesley’s Anime and Manga Corner: Anime Feminist: Weekly Round-Up, 8-14 January 2025: Simoun Retrospective, AI in Lolita Fashion, and Witchy Precure Cuts
First one for 2025! Thanks for the love!
You’re welcome!
Your post really hit home, too! Thanks for writing it!
The Saekano review was interesting! I didn’t see anything on it when it came out, and I might have dropped it as just being a fanservice vehicle after the first episode. It sounds different enough that it’s worth a watch!
That was my response to the second season — I need to fix that!