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5 Favorite Anime Blog Posts from 2025 Week 05

Every week, I visit over 230 anime sites looking for posts that celebrate amazing moments in anime or otherwise blow me away with their wit and charm. These are my five favorite posts for the week. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did!

You can see a list of the sites I check here: Massive List of Sites!

AngryJellyfish’s Blog

2024 Anime – Top 12 ED Themes

In this moment in time, I like lists that help me remember something pleasant or happy. Ordinarily, I’d like lists that help me remember amazing moments in anime. But I’m feeling like I want happy stuff right now. No need to get into the details — we’re all living it, so you get it. But. I came across this list of the top 12 ending themes (EDs) from 2024 by AngryJellyfish on the site AngryJellyfish’s Blog. Gotta say — many of those selections made me very happy! In fact, I’ve had numbers nine and ten on loop all week, just by coincidence! See if AngryJellyfish mentions any of the songs you enjoyed!

More Post from AngryJellyfish’s Blog

Anime Rants

Orb: On the Movements of the Earth Episode 18 – Schmit’s Spirituality

I’m dying for heart-felt, authentic perspectives. One thing I hate, loathe, and despise (and if I could come up with stronger language, I’d use it) is when a tribe mouths the incantations of their masters without thought, feeling, or conviction. You know — like when there’s a fatal plane crash, and one tribe blames DEI even though the evidence is conclusively to the contrary? The entire tribe takes up the chant like it’s some kind of pre-historic prayer to the gods to bring rain or forestall famine. I find that sort of thing so indescribably vile, for the obvious reasons. And one reason that’s not obvious.

It’s damned boring.

Do you know what’s not boring? 7mononoke’s posts in Anime Rants. This week, early in this post, she said, “Apologies for the possibly awkward and disjointed writing…” I’m like, no way would 7mononoke write something that’s either awkward or disjointed. And you know what? Not to toot my own horn, but I was right. The post contained insights and ruminations that were thought-provoking and (yes, I’m serious) restorative of my faith in humanity. Which is taking a pounding lately. So thank heavens for posts like this one!

More Posts from Anime Rants

Confessions of an Overage Otaku

Oh, So Trope-ical: Pawn Queens

Have you ever heard of a Pawn Queen? I hadn’t. Leave it to The Overage Otaku to visit learning upon my sorry self. I hadn’t heard of it, and I’ve been writing novels for more than fifty years! Well, novel-length material. Some of it legible, most of it… anyway. Pawn Queens. I’d never heard the trope, but once The Overage Otaku explained in within this post on Confessions of an Overage Otaku, I not only got it. I agreed with the points he made about its use! I wonder if he’s considered writing a book on the application of tropes? I’ve read a good one, but I think he’d give it a run for its money!

More Posts from Confession of an Overage Otaku

Leisure Byte

Dr Stone Season 4 Episode 4 Review: The Kingdom Of Science Is Cooked!

Are you watching Dr. Stone: Science Future? I’ve loved the series since it started, and I’m finding that this season is no different. The tone’s very different this season, though, and I wondered if I’d see any reviewers talk about that. Guess what? I found one such reviewer in Arpita Samaddar on the site Leisure Byte! I thought that she described the change, and its implications, in a clear and entertaining way! See if you picked up on the change and its importance!

More Posts from Leisure Byte

Myska’s Reviews

Philosophical Themes in Ao no Exorcist

Since it started, Blue Exorcist has dealt with deep, philosophical questions. That’s one of the things I like about it. I think at a cultural level, we’ve de-emphasized philosophy, and the humanities in general, to our detriment. After all, a society educated in philosophy is more difficult to manipulate (which is true of folks with a humanities education in general). So, it’s no wonder the current powers-that-be want to get rid of it. Can’t have something like a well-informed population running about, can we? They’re much less…

Okay, yes, it’s that kind of week, and I’m sorry I just can’t keep it out of my writing. But seriously — those of us who know history spend more of our time screaming internally at the state of affairs. Especially since I chose this moment in history to research Goering for the next trilogy I’m writing. I swear, there are times I think I have it in for myself.

Where am I going with this? Glad you asked. This week, I found this post by Myska on the site Myska’s Reviews. Myska took a look at the philosophical themes in Blue Exorcist, and it was like feeling a breath of fresh air as I read through the post. This kind of stuff’s important, not only in the abstract, but in how it informs how we allow the world to treat us. Seriously. Understanding this stuff is simply that important. Reading this was another one of those some-faith-in-humanity-restored moments.

More Posts from Myska’s Reviews

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Copyright 2022 Terrance A. Crow. All rights reserved.

5 thoughts on “5 Favorite Anime Blog Posts from 2025 Week 05

  1. Thank you for the shout-out! Glad the list made you happy, I certainly enjoyed listening to all those themes again (and a bunch more besides) while putting it together. 🙂

    1. You’re welcome!

      And isn’t it a lot of fun to listen to the themes like that? I do it all the time! It can turn around an otherwise challenging day.

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