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Alice & Zouroku Episode Guide

Episode 1: The Red Queen Escapes

Alice & Zouroku – A Chilling Escape and Mayhem in the Streets

In Alice & Zouroku episode 1 (The Red Queen Escapes), the Red Queen Sana attempts a daring escape in a cold rain. She comes up short because her captors at K & C Pharmaceutical Corporation of Japan wouldn’t give her enough food to sustain her powers. Later, after trying to befriend Zouroku Kashimura, she has to defend him against the psychic attacks of her old friends Yonaga and Asahi Hinagiri. The aftermath landed all of them in a police station — but not for long. Later, deciding she trusts Zouroku because of what she read in his mind, she tells him of the corporation and what it’s doing to her and the others like her, called collectively the Dreams of Alice. Knowing what she’s up against, will he help her? And if he does, what can he do against the power of K & C Pharmaceutical, a company that can order even the police around?

Sana, in the grips of melancholy, looks out over the city she’s just teleported to. Capture from the Crunchyroll stream.

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Episode 2: Dreams of Alice

Alice & Zouroku – Giant Pancakes and Flying Piglets

In Alice & Zouroku episode 2, Dreams of AliceZouroku Kashimura leaves a sleeping Sana home for his granddaughter, Sanae Kashimura, to babysit. Sanae ends up enduring piglets raining from the sky, an attack by a giant pancake, and a whirlwind teleportation trip around the world. As the corporation’s Director pieces together the clues leading to Sana’s whereabouts, Zouroku reaches out to an old friend for help. Then the piglets attack where he least suspects!

Note: This post may include spoilers, so be cautious!

Nothing upsets Sanae’s calm demeanor — not even a surprise teleportation to the South Pole! Capture from the Crunchyroll stream.

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Episode 3: Cards

Alice & Zouroku – Back into the Fire

In Alice & Zouroku’s third episode, CardsZouroku Kashimura demands that Sana apologize for raining pigs down on his place of business. Shizuku Ichijou reveals that this isn’t the first time she’s met Sana. Cleo doesn’t like Minnie (Miriam) C. Tachibana; why would there be discord within the Dreams of Alice? Ryuu Naitou has an idea that shocks Zouroku and delights Sanae Kashimura and Sana. The Directory and Minnie C. make their move against Sana.

Note: This post may include spoilers, so be cautious!

I’m really buying Sana as a child. Everything from her mannerisms to her voice (credit to the voice actor!) feel authentic. Capture from the Crunchyroll stream.

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Episode 4: Something Not Human

Alice & Zouroku Ep 4 – Gunfire and a Stern Talking To

In Alice & Zouroku episode 4, Something Not HumanMinnie (Miriam) C. Tachibana literally tightens her grip on SanaRyuu Naitou and Shizuku Ichijou launch a search and rescue mission. Sana, Zouroku Kashimura, and Sanae Kashimura learn about Sana’s true nature. Zouroku finally reveals his super power! Ichijou raises the roof!

Note: This post may include spoilers, so be cautious!

Sanae demands that Zouroku consult her on decisions affecting their whole family. Well, more like respectfully requests… Capture from the Crunchyroll stream.

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Episode 5: Home To Return To

Alice & Zouroku Ep 5: A Tenacious Enemy and a Beautiful View

In Alice & Zouroku episode 5, A Home to Return toMinnie (Miriam) C. Tachibana proves that’s she’s not as easily beaten as it appeared in the last episode. Noriko Yamada puts forth her stalking power with surprising results! Shizuku Ichijou invokes her maid-side and shows the potential of single digits. Sana treats Zouroku Kashimura to a spectacular view. A insurance company for container ships nears bankruptcy.

Note: This post may include spoilers, so be cautious!

Ichijou might not have liked invoking #1 and turning herself into a maid, but Yamada was a huge fan! Capture from the Crunchyroll stream.

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Episode Recap

Alice & Zouroku Ep SP: What Has Passed, What Is to Come

I wonder if getting a re-cap show after 5 episodes is a good sign? I hope it is, because this week’s Alice & Zouroku is a recap. But it’s more than just that — we get to meet the principle voice actors, too, as well as glimpse into part 2!

Note: This post may include spoilers, so be cautious!

This is a close-up of the key visual for Part 2. It’s hard to get a good capture of it, because it’s tall, and in the longer shot, it’s harder to see the details. Capture from the Crunchyroll stream.

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Episode 6: The Kashimura Family

Alice & Zouroku Ep 6: The New Family and a Considerate Stranger

In Alice & Zouroku episode 6, The Kashimura FamilySana enjoys some quiet time after the traumatic events of the last episodes. She kind of tries to fit in, but she’s so accustomed to using her powers that following Zouroku Kashimura’s rules remains a challenge. She’s supposed to wait for Zouroku after a haircut, but what do you think she does? Will she use her powers to find her way home? Or will she follow the rules? And what was in the envelope that Ryuu Naitou gave to Zouroku?

Note: This post may include spoilers, so be cautious!

Zouroku seems like a good boss. He gives our deserved praise, and his staff seems to appreciate it! Capture from the Crunchyroll stream.

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Episode 7: Friends

Alice & Zouroku Ep 7: Feeling Frazzled and a Chance Meeting

In Alice & Zouroku episode 7, FriendsSana discovers she’s good at math, but other subjects make her feel frazzled. So much so that it might affect her powers! She runs into Yonaga and Asahi Hinagiri again, which makes all kinds of trouble for Shizuku IchijouSanae Kashimura has to make a middle of the night rescue — is she up to the task?

Note: This post may include spoilers, so be cautious!

Sana’s so frazzled that she can’t tell if Sanae’s teasing her or not. Capture from the Crunchyroll stream.

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Episode 8: The Evil Witch

Alice & Zouroku Ep 8: A Loyal Friend and More Frazzled Feelings

In Alice & Zouroku episode 8, The Evil Witch, Shikishima Hatori’s Mirror Gate manifests itself to maintain peace in her family, but how long will such an artificial state last? Miho Ayumu, her friend, agrees to leave home with her, but their paths soon intersect with Sana Kashimura. How will Sana react to everyone around her — including Zouroku Kashimura — turning into mindless zombies?

Note: This post may include spoilers, so be cautious!

Hatori realized in the end that, despite all of her intentions, she’d ended up as the bad witch. Capture from the Crunchyroll stream.

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Episode 9: Where the Cheshire Cat Smiles

Alice & Zouroku Ep 9: The Lonely Witch and Vengeful Queen

In Alice & Zouroku episode 9, Where the Cheshire Cat SmilesSana Kashimura recovers from the exhaustion of overusing her powers and tries to enjoy a sleepover with Yonaga and Asahi Hinagiri. She’s still shaken by the memory of seeing Zouroku Kashimura frozen. Shikishima Hatori tries to deal with having become a bad witch and tries to send her friend Miho Ayumu away. Without a Mirror Gate of her own, what can Ayumu do? And how far will Sana go to protect her family?

Note: This post may include spoilers, so be cautious!

The girls get so loud that Sanae has to shush them. She doesn’t dare let them know that she’d love to join in! Capture from the Crunchyroll stream.

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Episode 10: The Little Queen

Alice & Zouroku Ep 10: A Sorta Accepted Apology and the Collapse of Wonderland

In Alice & Zouroku episode 10, The Little QueenSana Kashimura tries to exact vengeance from Miho Ayumu, but the little queen wasn’t ready for her foe’s response. Zouroku Kashimura contends with an unexpected bathroom remodel, which Sanae Kashimura tries to claim for her bedroom. Finally, Sana lures Shikishima Hatori into a trap with cataclysmic results.

Note: This post may include spoilers, so be cautious!

“Wonderland’s expanding? Very dangerous? And Sana’s in there? I’m on my way!” Nothing flusters Zouroku! Capture from the Crunchyroll stream.

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Episode 11: The Queen and the Witch

Alice & Zouroku Ep 11: A Rescue Mission and Purpose Rediscovered

In Alice & Zouroku episode 11, The Queen and the WitchShikishima Hatori searches for an exit from Wonderland in spite of Sana Kashimura’s protests. Zouroku Kashimura, Sanae Kashimura, and Shizuku Ichijou begin a rescue operation that quickly goes awry. Sana and Hatori try to come to an understanding while Wonderland performs all around them. Sana shares a secret that she’s not supposed to tell anyone.

Note: This post may include spoilers, so be cautious!

How would Zouroku feel seeing a Zouroku statue this huge? I hope he felt touched that Sana thinks that well of him! Capture from the Crunchyroll stream.

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Episode 12: I’m Home

Alice & Zouroku Ep 12: Zouroku’s Authority and Sana’s New Friends

In Alice & Zouroku episode 12, I’m HomeSana Kashimura and Shikishima Hatori continue their struggle to find their out of Wonderland. Miho Ayumu receives a long distance photo text from the White Rabbit. Zouroku Kashimura and Sanae Kashimura doggedly follow the little piggy until Zouroku has to confront Wonderland itself. Shizuku Ichijou leaves quite an impact on Wonderland.

Note: This post may include spoilers, so be cautious!

Ayumu couldn’t know that the picture of the flower didn’t come from Hatori. It came from the White Rabbit, who had found Hatori’s phone. Capture from the Crunchyroll stream.

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