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Amagi Brilliant Park Episode 7 – Quick Summary
In Amagi Brilliant Park episode 7, “Not Enough Pool Safety!,” Kanie and Sento came up with an idea for a new attraction set in their pool area. Moffle, Macaron, and Tiramie were onboard. Eiko Adachi was ready to narrate the new adventure – even the fairies of Elementario were ready to do their part. The crowds seemed to enjoy the show. But then a great white shark showed up in the pool and things got out of hand. Where’d the shark come from? What does it want? And what’s with the water leaking out of the enormous subterranean gate?
Note: This post may include spoilers, so be cautious.
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Favorite Quote from Amagi Brilliant Park Episode 7
The shark seemed surprisingly contrite – and a lot less dangerous out of the water! Capture from the Blu Ray.
With Amagi Park, I never know what to expect. Well, I could count on Moffle, Macaroon and Tiramie making poor life decisions. Tiramie gave us an excellent example of that in this episode! But I mean in general, it’s really hard to predict what’s going to happen. And I’m saying that after already having watched the series several times!
Take the two kids swimming around in the pool. Two kids, just having a good time. They were watching Moffle and friends do little tricks to keep the other kids entertained. When the two kids noticed a shark fin, they made a reasonable assumption (for most amusement parks): the shark was part of the fun.
Then the shark reared up out of the water and showed its teeth – row after row of terrifying, very realistic shark’s teeth.
The scene then cut to the OP.
After the OP, we see Kanie facing a very chastised looking shark. Standing on its tail fins.
“Jaw, didn’t I tell you to stay behind the scenes?” Kanie asked (03:40).
I think this is the only show where I’ve seen someone chastise a shark – and the shark didn’t eat that someone.
Favorite Moment from Amagi Brilliant Park Episode 7
If I have a regret, it’s that we never found out exactly what she would have done. Capture from the Blu Ray.
Setup: Moffle’s Botched Plan
The episode’s MVP is Eiko Adachi. She kept her cool under wildly varying circumstances. Moffle juggling? No problem. Sento and Elementario acting out the part of pirates and “attacking” children? She had us covered. Even when Ironbeard showed up and actually captured everyone? No sweat.
Like Biino Bandou (10:39), I have no idea how Eiko understood Ironbeard’s pirates.
But that wasn’t my favorite moment. My favorite part of this episode had a great springboard. Literally. Remember when Tiramie forced Moffle to walk the plank? It was basically the high dive over a swimming pool filled with strange tentacles.
Yeah, I tried not to think about that too hard.
Moffle had a decent plan. He just didn’t have the coordination to pull it off. Capture from the Blu Ray.
Moffle imagined he’d bounce once on the diving board, jump behind Tiramie, and kick him into the tentacles. Then, he planned to leap to where Ironbeard stood with Latifa. Once there, Moffle planned to shatter his manacles and save the princess.
Instead, he jumped at the edge of the diving board and slipped. He plummeted, upside down, into the tentacles. It was a good plan, though. Luke Skywalker pulled it off in Return of the Jedi. Moffle just didn’t have Luke’s dexterity. Or the Force.
Delivery: Revenge of the Sento
My favorite part came when Tiramie turned to ask Sento if she would just step off the edge. At least, I think that’s what he was going to ask her. Because he took one look at her and froze in fear.
Sento was seriously angry. The rage rolled off her in red waves. The pirates had chained her ankles so she could only take short steps, but each step spoke of horrors about to befall Tiramie. A shiver started at his feet and ran all the way up his body. Such was the weight of her fury that Tiramie stepped back for each step she came forward.
On the ground, Muse looked up and wondered (15:38), “Why are they reversed?”
“Dunno,” Salama answered.
Muse asked a valid question! Capture from the Blu Ray.
We never found out exactly what she would have done to the traitorous Tiramie. Kanie launched his counter attack. Still, it was awesome to see how Sento intimidated the pink fairy. He deserved it after what he had done.
What did you think of Elementario as pirates? What were your favorite moments? Feel free to let me know in the comments!
Amagi Brilliant Park Episode 7: Other Posts
Other Anime Sites
- Reddit: [Spoilers] Amagi Brilliant Park – Episode 7 [Discussion]
- Chikorita157’s Anime Blog: Amagi Brilliant Park – Episode 7 – It’s Time for Some Piracy
- The GlorioBlog: Amagi Brilliant Park Episode 7
This Site (Crow’s World of Anime!)
- Amagi Brilliant Park Episode 1: Not Enough Visitors!
- Amagi Brilliant Park Episode 2: Not Enough Time!
- Amagi Brilliant Park Episode 3: Not Enough of a Boost!
- Amagi Brilliant Park Episode 4: Not Enough Secretary Competence!
- Amagi Brilliant Park Episode 5: Not Enough Money!
- Amagi Brilliant Park Episode 6: Not Enough Staff!
- Amagi Brilliant Park Episode 7: Not Enough Pool Safety!
- Amagi Brilliant Park Episode 8: Not Enough Love Appeal!
- Amagi Brilliant Park Episode 9: Not Enough Teamwork!
- Amagi Brilliant Park Episode 10: Nothing Can Be Done!
- Amagi Brilliant Park Episode 11: Nothing to Worry About!
- Amagi Brilliant Park Episode 12: Nobody Knows What the Future Holds!
- Amagi Brilliant Park Episode 13: Not a Good Promo!