Itami’s character continues to amaze me. From the first episode, where the Otaku plunged a knife into an invader, to last episode, where we found out that he was Special Forces, I’ve enjoyed seeing his character deepen in unexpected yet believable ways. Last week’s episode ended where this week’s episode starts: we got to meet […]
Gate Episode 8: Our Heroes Visit Japan
You Might be Interested In… Review If you haven’t watched Gate Episode 8 yet, please stop reading this immediately, buy a Crunchyroll membership (if you don’t already have one), and watch the episode. Of course, if you haven’t watched the previous episodes, watch them first. There are moments in episode 8 that are worth the […]
In Defense of Monster Musume
The first science fiction story I can remember reading is Lords of the Starship. The book depicted cultures that were so far from my experiences as a farm boy in rural Ohio that they blew me away. After reading that book, I’ve wanted to learn about new culture: not only about Terran cultures, but about […]
The Summer 2015 Anime Slate: Funimation Edition
I subscribe to both Crunchyroll and Funimation. I find that both are well worth the investment! Note: With Crunchyroll, I generally watch the new releases. With Funimation, I find that I choose a mix of new and old. So, please expect to see both on this list! Here are the shows I’m watching right now on […]
The Summer 2015 Anime Slate: Crunchyroll Edition
Cool Merchandise Preview I subscribe to Crunchyroll, Funimation, and Daisuki. Though I like all three, and I would recommend any of them to anime fans, my favorite is Crunchyroll. Expect that most of the series I review will be from there. From my perspective, not only does Crunchyroll offer the best selection, it also streams […]