Quick Summary In Fruits Basket episode 20, “I Can’t Believe You Picked It Up,” Tooru Honda faces her greatest challenge yet: Hiro Shouma, a young man who is Kisa Shouma’s close friend. After Kisa stays overnight at Shigure Shouma’s house to watch DVDs with Tooru, Hiro barges into Tooru’s life and steals her pocketbook — with her mom’s picture in […]
Best in Show
Review: Astra Lost in Space Episode 07 – Best In Show
Quick Summary In Astra Lost in Space episode 07, “Past,” Aries Spring’s realization that she didn’t remember Charce Lecroix from her biology class threw the crew into confusion, because he said he had been in her class. His explanation changed how they all thought of him — but was he the traitor? They land on a new […]
Review: To the Abandoned Sacred Beasts Episode 07 – Best In Show
Quick Summary In To the Abandoned Sacred Beasts Episode 07, “The Trigger of Memories,” Nancy Schaal Bancroft makes a surprisingly fast recovery, and it is related to something Elizabeth Weezer did. Was it intentional? Accidental? Schaal makes her way back to her town, but everyone’s strangely distant. It doesn’t get any better when Claude, Liza Renecastle, and […]
Review: Dr. Stone Episode 06 – Best In Show
Quick Summary In Dr. Stone episode 06, “Two Nations of the Stone World,” Taiju Ooki and Yuzuriha Ogawa apply the thawing liquid to the remains of the stone on the back of Senkuu’s neck. Will the extraordinary restorative power of the stone’s removal bring him back to life? Meanwhile, their gunpowder blast alerted other humans to their presence. One of […]
Review: Fruits Basket Episode 19 – Best in Show
Quick Summary In Fruits Basket episode 19, “I’m So Sorry,” Ritsu Shouma decided to visit Shigure Shouma’s house just as Mitsuru was leaving — at a furious run. Apparently, she had come to collect Shigure’s manuscript, and you can guess how willing he was to just give it to the beleaguered woman. She almost crashed into […]
Review: Astra Lost in Space Episode 06 – Best In Show
Quick Summary In Astra Lost in Space episode 06, “Secret,” Ulgar Zweig held a pistol to Luca Esposito’s forehead, obviously leading the crew to conclude he was the traitor. He told them that no, he wasn’t their enemy, but he was still going to kill Luca. He then told the story of how Luca’s father the senator was […]
Review: To the Abandoned Sacred Beasts Episode 06 – Best In Show
Quick Summary In To the Abandoned Sacred Beasts Episode 06, “The King of Beasts,” Hank Henriette decided to accept the invitation from Cain Madhouse, in part because he wanted to rescue Nancy Schaal Bancroft and in part because of his mission. Meanwhile, Claude and his troops discover evidence that Cain is in the vicinity. They, too, converge on […]