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Engaged to the Unidentified Episode 4: Favorites

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Engaged to the Unidentified Episode 4 – Quick Summary

In Engaged to the Unidentified episode 4, “That’s Just Her Being a Pervert,” Kobeni still could not remember details from her childhood, despite Benio trying to explain it to her. She felt like she should say something to Hakuya. Yet, when she tried to get out of bed, dizziness overcame her and she collapsed. What happened to Kobeni? What is it about her memory that’s preventing her from remembering? And will the family survive Benio’s cooking while Kobeni is under the weather?

Note: This post may include spoilers, so be cautious.

Favorite Quote from Engaged to the Unidentified Episode 4

Engaged to the Unidentified Episode 4: Mashiro's naiveté dazzled Benio

Benio just likes messing with Mashiro’s mind. Capture from the Blu Ray.

When I first watched this show (okay, the first dozen or so times I watched it) I admit Benio’s fascination for Mashiro made me a little uneasy. But after seeing it a dozen more times, and after watching the first episode (you can see my thoughts here) to review it, I decided that Benio really was just messing with Mashiro.

This episode offered a bit more proof. 

Kobeni was sick. Hakuya offered to stay home with her, but Benio objected. When Hakuya asked why, Benio explained that it was obvious: an adolescent boy couldn’t stay at home with an adolescent girl, even if they were betrothed.

Mashiro didn’t get it at all. Benio made up a story about cabbage patches, which Mashiro interpreted to mean cabbages are known to help stomachs feel better. As if struck by a sudden inspiration, Mashiro asked if Kobeni had a weak stomach too.

The light of innocence glowing all around, Benio took a step back, shielded her eyes, and said (07:26), “Can’t stand it… What is this blinding light?”

All the while grinning like an idiot. That’s pretty much Benio’s emotional makeup in a nutshell!

Favorite Moment from Engaged to the Unidentified Episode 4

Engaged to the Unidentified Episode 4: Kobeni knew what was important.

To Kobeni, Hakuya’s well-being, specifically his need to be in school, was more important than anything else. Capture from the Blu Ray.

Setup: Kobeni is The Heart of the Show

Kobeni is the show’s beating heart. She’s not martyr-level selfless, but she thinks of others in part to keep her mind off herself, and in part because she’s just that kind-hearted. In the previous episode, Benio explained how Hakuya had saved Kobeni’s life. That made Kobeni feel terrible – here was this guy, Hakuya, who had saved her life, and she didn’t remember it! She was worried that would make him feel bad. Which helped trigger one of her weak spells.

After missing a day or two of school, she came downstairs. Benio thought she still looked terrible, but Kobeni was determined to resume her role as the person who kept everything working (Benio’s cooking almost sent folks to the hospital). However, she still didn’t know how to face Hakuya. She didn’t know what to say to him.

Engaged to the Unidentified Episode 4: Kobeni pushed herself to get back to keeping the household running

Kobeni might have pushed herself to get out of bed a little too early. Capture from the Blu Ray.

As she talked to Benio, Mashiro and Hakuya came downstairs. Kobeni panicked. She didn’t know what to say; she didn’t know what kind of expression to adopt. She was so worried about how she’d make Hakuya feel that she looked away.

Now, Hakuya’s a nice guy. You can probably guess how he reacted. Or maybe you can, but only to a point. The easy part? He assumed he was at fault. He saw the tears in her eyes and assumed he repulsed her so much that it made her cry.

Delivery: Kobeni’s Sense of What’s Most Important

The next part, in any other story, would have taken center stage. Hakuya ran off. Fast. Like, very fast. As in, supernaturally fast. Benio freaked out and demanded to know what she’d just seen. Mashiro did her hand-wavey thing and tried to make Benio forget, but it wasn’t working. The situation was degrading when Kobeni spoke up.

“That isn’t the problem!” Kobeni said (12:15). “We have to be at school soon, so we have to go find him!”

As she ran off to track down Hakuya – the guy she couldn’t even look at because she didn’t know how to apologize or properly express her gratitude – Mashiro turned to Benio and said (12:29), “Kobeni is very serious.”

Engaged to the Unidentified Episode 4: Even Mashiro thought Kobeni's focus unusual

Even Mashiro remarked on how unusual Kobeni’s attitude seemed to be. Capture from the Blu Ray.

Right there is what elevates this show. Other shows I’ve watched would have focused on the supernatural aspect of what Hakuya did. But this show is about Kobeni and her character. She saw the same thing Benio saw. Benio’s sensibilities objected to a young man moving at speeds clearly impossible for humans. But Kobeni saw someone who was going to be late for school, because of something she did (looking away). She put his emotional well-being above mundane issues like the speed of sound (I doubt he actually approached the speed of light, being made of matter and all). 

It reminds me of Dawnstorm’s comment on episode 1, about how during the OP (which is awesome, by the way), Kobeni’s at the center of all of this chaos, and it’s Hakuya who is there with her at the end. He put it more poetically than that, but that perspective is helping me enjoy the series even more than I did during the first couple dozen viewings. And it makes moments like this one all the more powerful.

What did you think of Kobeni and Hakuya arguing to say who was most at fault (13:51)? What were your favorite moments? Feel free to share in the comments!

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One thought on “Engaged to the Unidentified Episode 4: Favorites

  1. OMG, Hakuya and Kobeni are just such a cute couple, they might now know each other very well, but they already care about each other’s well being. I totally agree with you, Benio’s a little bit of a troll and just loves messing with people.

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