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Freezing Episode 2: Favorites

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Freezing Episode 2 – Quick Summary

In Freezing episode 2, “Pandora Mode,” Kazuya Aoi learned that there were consequences for his causing Satellizer el Bridget to lose the competition. Not only did he cause her to lose. He had touched her. They don’t call her the Untouchable Queen for nothing! The situation was so dire that Chiffon Fairchild suggested that Kazuya transfer immediate in spite of having just arrived! But it was too late. Satellizer stepped off the bus just behind them! Will she immediately attack Kazuya? Can even Chiffon, the student council president, save him?

Note: This post may include spoilers, so be cautious.

Favorite Quote from Freezing Episode 2

Freezing Episode 2: Chiffon told Kazuya to run for the hills

Kazuya wasn’t understanding what Chiffon was trying to say. Capture from the Blu Ray.

Kazuya is a kind-hearted soul. Kinda clueless, but what what he lacks in cluefulness he makes up for with earnestness. He knows he screwed up in the previous episode. He knows he messed up the competition for Satellizer. So, he honestly wants to apologize.

Chiffon and an underling were escorting Kazuya to his dorms. They were going on about how dangerous Satellizer was. When he said he was going to track her down to apologize, Chiffon flat out warned him by saying (04:27), “Please do not do that! Kazuya Aoi!” 

She was serious, too. She even grabbed his shoulders and looked him in the eyes (though hers were closed – she’s the kind of character who keeps her eyes closed until she’s serious). 

Kazuya didn’t get it. She tried telling him to transfer immediately. He argued that he’d just got there.

“Your life is more important, is it not?” she asked him (04:56).

By this point, Chiffon has sold the idea that Kazuya is in mortal danger. Just in time for Satellizer to get off the bus behind them!

Favorite Moment from Freezing Episode 2

Freezing Episode 2: Turns out that Satellizer can invoke Pandora Mode, too!

Was it Kazuya’s blood catalyst? Or a shred of empathy? Capture from the Blu Ray.

Setup: Sound Narrative Construction

You know, it’s been so long since I watched this that I forgot about the PFPM (panties flashed per minute) rate. It’s not quite to the level of Agent AIKa, but it’s up there.

This episode did several of things exceptionally well. First, it showed us that, as a consequence of their power and training, most of the Pandora are almost pathologically arrogant. Ganessa Roland, for example, couldn’t just let Satellizer walk by, despite the latter being on crutches with a bandaged eye. 

Second, it showed the Satellizer really is just that powerful. She brushed aside Ganessa’s attacks with ease. So much so that Ganessa’s pride required her to switch to Pandora mode. This was a nice bit of world-building. Chiffon objected that Pandora Mode was a real combat mode – not intended for competitions or for school use at all. Another character mentioned that very few second years had that ability. Apparently, it’s more advanced.

Freezing Episode 2: Kaho Hiragi let us know that only a few second years can invoke Pandora Mode

Kaho Hiiragi casually mentioned that few second year students can invoke Pandora Mode. Capture from the Blu Ray.

Third, Ganessa gave us a hint that the power released by Pandora Mode was intoxicating. She marveled at its power (“The Pandora Mode certainly is incredible,” she said (14:16) after abusing an immobile Satellizer).

There are two other things that lead up to my favorite moment. The episode shows us that of all the people she’s met, Kazuya’s is the first physical contact that she can bear. Now, I get it: this kind of trope has been overused to death. Sexual abuse has been overused as a backstory. I acknowledge that and in fact, I agree.

Delivery: Insights into Satellizer

For Satellizer, though, it’s an integral part of who she is and why she’s at West Genetics. Is that sufficient? For me, it is. I have a feeling this is one of those situations where YMMV is especially applicable.

The other thing is that Satellizer, despite her stern exterior, despite her self-imposed emotional distance, is an empathetic human being. She was willing to let Ganessa slice her up, to the point of not resisting Ganessa preparing to slice off Satellizer’s right arm.

Satellizer might not have objected, but Kazuya certainly did. Even after seeing the kind of damage that Ganessa could inflict in Pandora Mode, he put himself bodily between Ganessa and her prey. He tried to reason with her. He got a back-hand – a Pandora Mode backhand – for his trouble. The poor dude crumpled.

Freezing Episode 2: Ganessa back-handed Kazuya

One could almost dislike Ganessa after this incident! Capture from the Blu Ray.

Some of his blood actually splashed onto Satellizer’s face. Was that the catalyst? Or did she simply object to Ganessa striking someone who was trying to defend her? I’m guessing the latter, and I could be wrong. But absent other evidence, I’m saying that she just didn’t like Kazuya getting smacked around.

“Pandora Mode… activate,” she said in a low voice (15:06).

That’s the moment that Ganessa realized she’d made a Big Mistake. It’s also the moment that Satellizer first acted on Kazuya’s behalf. The world they inhabit is brutal. The strongest make the rules, and those rules seem arbitrary. Even rules regarding weaponry are seen as optional, at least to a point. That makes Satellizer’s gesture even more important. Which is why I chose it as my favorite moment!

What did you think of Arthur Crypton bragging that he was Ganessa’s Limiter to Kazuya? What were your favorite moments? Feel free to share in the comments!

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