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Freezing Episode 3: Favorites

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Freezing Episode 3 – Quick Summary

In Freezing episode 3, “Accelerating Turn,” Kaho Hiiragi introduced herself to Kazuya Aoi. He had impressed her by standing up for Satellizer el Bridget. At the same time, she wanted to warn him to stay away from Satellizer – Limiters had a tendency to get injured around her. But Kazuya felt determined to apologize properly to Satellizer. He went so far as to grab her by the wrist – again – as she tried to order lunch. Will Kazuya survive the experience? Will he ever listen to Kaho’s well-intentioned advice? And Miyabi Kannazuki already has three Limiters. Why is she interested in Kazuya?

Note: This post may include spoilers, so be cautious.

Favorite Quote from Freezing Episode 3

Freezing Episode 3: Satellizer didn't know how to react to kindness

After years of honing her power persona, Satellizer had no idea how to respond to honest kindness. Capture from the Blu Ray.

I like the chemistry that’s developing between Kazuya and Satellizer. He’s bound and determined to apologize to her. She’s bound and determined to stay away from everyone, he intrigued her. After all, his touch doesn’t evoke revulsion or horror.

My favorite quote happened when he delivered the hamburgers she dropped in the cafeteria. He tried again to apologize to her. He explained how bad he felt for messing up her victory, and he felt bad for his role in her getting into trouble in the previous episode

Embarrassed, completely unsure how to respond in a situation where the speaker wasn’t trying to kill her or disparage her, she said that he had tried to help her, so she only defended him against Ganessa. She said she always repaid her debts.

“That makes me happy,” Kazuya said (05:53). “You are a kind person, just like I thought.”

Her reaction was beautiful. It was great seeing her begin to see him as someone she could talk to. Though that moment didn’t last very long!

Favorite Moment from Freezing Episode 3

Freezing Episode 3: Satellizer decided she would trust Kazuya

Satellizer decided Kazuya was someone she could trust. Capture from the Blu Ray.

Setup: Miyabi, My Most Detested Character

I just mentioned, in my favorite quote, that Satellizer’s quiet moment with Kazuya didn’t last long. It’s because the characters who earned a unique distinction showed up. Miyabi Kannazuki holds the distinction of Most Detested Character. It’s not just that she toyed with the hearts of so many young men (according to Kaho). It’s that’s she in a senior position, in a school designed to train the next front-line fighters on the battlefront for humanity’s survival. And she is most decidedly not focused on that task.

Honestly? I couldn’t watch the scene where she and her Limiters humiliated Satellzier. I saw it years ago, and I didn’t want to see it again. But here’s the thing: I can’t condemn it. Not as a scene in the context of this world’s narrative.

Given the situation, given the hierarchy, given the power these women wield, it’s inevitable that some percentage will turn to this kind of lifestyle. It’s inevitable that some Limiters would be attracted to this lifestyle. What they did disgusted me, but it was supposed to.

Freezing Episode 3: Miyabi realized she had overplayed her hand

Someone realized they had overplayed their hand. Capture from the Blu Ray.

It also disgusted Kazuya. He’s a nice guy. He doesn’t want to cause trouble. All he wanted to do was chat with Satellizer. Seeing his reaction when Miyabi suggested her minions take and distribute explicit photos and Satellizer was too much for him. He snapped.

It was our first view of what he’s capable of. It was seriously cool. He shattered the freezing effect the three minions had cast on him. He also cast is own freezing field that captured not only the three minions, but Miyabi as well. And she was a third year and supposedly very powerful.

Delivery: Kazuya Talks Satellizer Down

Unfortunately for Miyabi, Satellizer ws now free to move. And she moved. Fast. Satellizer wrecked the three Limited. She beat the daylights out of Miyabi. She beat Miyabi so hard that she was going to carve her into travel-sized chunks.

That’s when Chiffon Fairchild showed up and ordered Satellizer to stand down. I like Chiffon, but I felt my opinion of her plummet when she assumed that Satellizer had instigated this debacle. Satellizer was not inclined to obey, and she prepared to carve up her opponent. 

She didn’t get the chance. In front of everyone, Kazuya froze the whole scene. He begged Satellizer to stop. “True enough,” he said (16:51), “what Miyabi did to you is unforgivable. But enough is enough, isn’t it?”

In the middle of speaking, he recalled his sister telling him about the importance of the Pandora. Speaking with the conviction granted by that memory, he added, “Pandora aren’t meant to harm one another! They can’t!”

Freezing Episode 3: Kazuya is an earnest young man

I bet the kid’s middle name is “earnest.” Capture from the Blu Ray.

Still holding her blade aloft, Satellizer looked back at him (17:30). You could see the moment she let his words affect her (17:32). She relented. When he released the field effect, she dematerialized her volt weapon. What I like so much about this moment is that Satellizer, who had been alone for so long, recognized Kazuya’s earnestness. In him, she suspected she saw someone she could trust. Especially after such a terrible scene, it was good seeing her end up in a place where she not only had an advocate. She had someone she cold advocate for.

That’s a pretty big deal.

What did you think of Kazuya telling Kaho off for repeating rumors about Satellizer? What were your favorite moments? Feel free to let me know in the comments!

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