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Freezing Episode 4 – Quick Summary
In Freezing episode 4, “Tempest Turn,” the third year Pandora Ingrid Bernstein, the self-proclaimed Guardian of Order, took an unhealthy interest in Satellizer. Apparently, Ingrid saw Satellizer as a troublemaker – someone who threatened order in the school. She warned Satellizer to find a Limiter so Ingrid could properly beat her down. Why did Ingrid single Satellizer out? Who’s pulling the strings? And will Satellizer finally let Kazuya Aoi help her?
Note: This post may include spoilers, so be cautious.
Favorite Quote from Freezing Episode 4
Ganessa said she didn’t want Satellizer’s thanks. Capture from the Blu Ray.
This was the episode where Ganessa stepped up and became more than a caricature. Prior to this point, she was just the Satellizer’s Irrational Rival. This episode painted a different picture. We caught a glimpse of a confident, powerful Pandora – learning what those words might mean.
Take my favorite quote, for example. Ganessa could have walked by as Ingrid and Satellizer fought. She could have kept her crown intact and ignored the whole thing. But she didn’t. She decided to tell Ingrid what she’d seen that night when Ingrid’s dear friend Marin Maxwell died.
After that disclosure (more on that in my favorite moment), Satellizer approached Ganessa. Still prideful, unwilling to accept anything from Satellizer, she blocked the attempt at thanks. She said she hadn’t done it for Satellizer.
“I simply thought that Ingrid needed to be told that at some point,” Ganessa said (21:32).
Interactions like this made this world more realistic to me. After all, these aren’t just Cute Girls Learning Combat Things. This shows gives us a glimpse of women learning to fight in a brutal war that has claimed countless Pandora. That’s gotta cause psychological damage — and damaged folks can act in less than ideal ways.
Favorite Moment from Freezing Episode 4
Ingrid had the wrong idea since her friend died in her arms. Capture from the Blu Ray.
Setup: Kazuya the Creeper
Generally speaking, I get where Kazuya is coming from. But the dude had me shaking my head in this episode. Remember when he just entered Satellizer’s quarters (05:37)? He knew she wasn’t comfortable with him. Yet, he walked right in. He was even tempted to look at her diary!
Granted, he decided not to – but not before Satellizer saw him reaching for it.
That aside, I’d like to build on what I said in my favorite comment. This series takes the idea that Pandora are likely going to die and runs with it. Some of the students, like Miyabi Kannazuki, turn to a life of decadence. Why not enjoy what you have while you have it? It’s not going to last very long! I don’t agree with that train of thought, but I understand it.
Ingrid was earnest – and therefore easily manipulated. Capture from the Blu Ray.
Or look at Ingrid. Her best friend died in her arms. Ingrid tried her darndest to make her death meaningful. She erred by blaming the first years, as Ganessa helped her understand. But she tried to do her best. She was honest, and she was earnest.
Which made her a perfect target.
Attia Simmons is a jealous schemer. She doesn’t like Satellizer, and I suspect the reason is she’s ridiculously powerful and is only a second year. Worse, her mindset is at odds with every other Pandora. In other words, she seems to be the only one who eschews a Limiter and everything that goes along with it. I suspect Attia thinks Satellizer made that decision out of a sense of superiority.
She’s wrong, of course. But isn’t being wrong part and parcel of being manipulative? The mere concept of tricking people into obeying you is fundamentally flawed.
Delivery: Ganessa Has Her Reasons
Anyway. My favorite was Ganessa helping Ingrid understand the breadth and extent of her friend’s sacrifice. Ingrid had thought Marin died because the first years abandoned her because of a lack of discipline. In effect, a lack of order.
Ganessa related her conversation with Marin – a conversation Ingrid had not heard. Ganessa had been wounded. She watched as Ingrid held back the Nova, and she asked why she hadn’t tried to rally the first years.
“Pandora who haven’t completed baptism are hopeless against the Nova,” Marin told her (20:13). They didn’t abandon her; Ingrid helped them escape. Knowing the odds, she stood against the Nova while they escaped certain death – a death that would have been meaningless.
Marin knew the first year students had no chance against the Nova. Capture from the Blu Ray.
To an incredulous Ingrid, Ganessa said (20:31), “Marin made herself their protector, and tried to save as many of her underclassmen as she could. That’s what I think.”
Ganessa’s testimony helped Ingrid re-contextualize Marin’s last words to her – (20:42) “Are the girls… okay?” Marin wasn’t lamenting their lack of support. She was relieved her sacrifice had meaning.
In other words, Ingrid finally understood that Marin did not die in vain.
The problem with assumptions is not only that they can blind you to options. They make you vulnerable to manipulation. Attia had tricked Ingrid into trying to wipe out Satellizer. I’m not sure how the fight would have played out had Ganessa not become involved. I’m pretty sure that Genessa didn’t have any idea about what Attia was doing. I wonder if Attia will hold a grudge against Ganessa? Attia seems like the grudgeful sort.
What did you think of Satellizer’s reaction to Ingrid threatening Kazuya? What were your favorite moments? Feel free to let me know in the comments!
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- My Anime List (need to be logged in): Freezing Episode 4 Discussion
- Indigo-Gos Random Reviews: Freezing : Episode 4
- Random Curiosity: FREEZING – 04