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Fruits Basket Season 2 Episode 17 – Quick Summary
In Fruits Basket Season 2 Episode 17, “You Will, I’m Sure of It,” Tohru Honda and her classmates took a class trip to Kyoto. After visiting a bamboo forest, they stopped to rest when the unheard of happened: a random classmate called Kyo Sohma aside to confess to him. Did Tohru’s friends respect his privacy? Of course not! Arisa Uotani led the charge to eavesdrop. At least Saki Hanajima pretended to be discrete. Later, Tohru chose some souvenirs to take home — as well as some “paper clay.” What was she planning to make? And what souvenirs will Yuki Sohma take back for the student council members not in his class — if anything?
Note: This post may include spoilers, so be cautious.
Best in Show Moment for Fruits Basket Season 2 Episode 17
Kyo has no filters. So, when he shows unabashed concern for Tohru, everything that he is shines through. Capture from the Crunchyroll stream.
Setup: Kyo Accidentally Hurts Tohru
If you’re onboard the Kyo/Tohru ship, then this episode had a lot for you! I’ve recently boarded, so I’m still getting my gear stowed. In addition to stuff about their relationship, there was a lot of warm, gentle humor, too. I still chuckle after seeing Arisa pretend to offer Kyo a candy bar as if he were a wild animal she was trying to lure in — with Saki’s support. After seeing events almost break Tohru’s heart in the previous episode, this episode was a welcome emotional change of pace.
Not that Tohru’s heart was safe even here. One of Kyo’s defining traits is that he’s thoughtlessly honest. The guy has absolutely no filters. In this episode, we got two related tastes of that.
First, when his poor classmate confessed her feelings to him, he didn’t let her down gently. He handled it as if he were a construction pile-driver. Fortunately, the girl had a healthy amount of self-confidence, and she shrugged it off. Still, Kyo could have been a little nicer.
His classmate had no way of knowing why she couldn’t touch him. Kyo had a lifetime of reasons to believe she was crazy for even talking to him. At least the girl knew where she stood! Capture from the Crunchyroll stream.
The second example was related to the first. Tohru and Yuki had stayed behind when Arisa and company went to spy on Kyo. Tohru seemed like she didn’t want to intrude — or maybe she didn’t quite understand her own feelings about another girl confessing to Kyo? In either case, when the group returned, Tohru asked what had happened. Kyo bluntly told her it was none of her business. That hurt.
Delivery: Kyo Just as Accidentally Takes Tohru’s Breath Away
Later, everyone had gone their own ways. Tohru found Kyo leaning against a fence. He was talking to a random cat who had decided to visit with him. The cat, apparently a female, left in a huff when Kyo started talking to Tohru instead. Concerned, Tohru asked if they should go after her.
“It came to me on its own and left on its own,” he said, annoyed that it had scratched him (10:08). “Just leave it.”
Adding that he couldn’t just be nice to everyone, he walked past her. Tohru wondered if he would someday dismiss her as callously as he’d just dismissed the cat. The thought seemed to freeze her in place. Then, acting on impulse, she turned and grabbed his shirt.
I think Tohru acted instinctively. She wanted Kyo to stop and look at her. She got her wish. Capture from the Crunchyroll stream.
As Kyo turned, she let go, her hand still held high. He took it. With the same level of honestly that he’d turned down the classmate earlier, he smiled at Tohru and said (10:39), “Hmmm? What’s the matter?”
Kyo says what he thinks. He doesn’t sugar coat anything. In that moment, he really wanted to know what was bothering Tohru. His full attention took her breath away.
In that moment, Kyo was completely present to her. She filled his vision, and he wanted to know if she was okay. Her heart responded, even if her mind is still trying to catch up.
Seeing them grow together is one of the more heart-warming parts of this series!
What did you think of how Machi Kuragi reacted to the leaf souvenir that Yuki gave her? What was your Best in Show moment? Let me know in the comments!
Fruits Basket Season 2 Episode 17: Other Posts
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