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Fruits Basket – The Final Episode 9 Review – Bleeding in the Rain

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Fruits Basket – The Final Episode 9 Review – Quick Summary

In Fruits Basket – The Final Episode 9, “What’s Your Name?“, Kyou fled Tohru’s confession of love, which prompted Yuki to speed after him. That left Tohru standing alone in the rain. Well, not exactly alone. Apparently stunned by recent events, she didn’t see Akito stagger into the yard. Akito still clutched the knife that had stabbed Kureno in the back. Muttering apocalyptic words about how everything was all Tohru’s fault, Akito lurched forward. Will Tohru run for her life? Will either Yuki or Kyou come to her rescue? And just how far will a scream carry in the rain?

Note: This post may include spoilers, so be cautious.

Favorite Quote from Fruits Basket – The Final Episode 9

Fruits Basket - The Final Episode 9: Too soon, Shigure. Too soon!

I could almost hear Hatori thinking, “Dude, seriously?” Capture from the Crunchyroll stream.

I do not now and I have not ever liked Akito. I can’t imagine that changing. But there’s something to be said for understanding. In this case, I’m talking about understanding how Akito arrived on the course that led her, armed with a knife and a shattered psyche, to Tohru. Certainly, Akito has a lot to answer for. Kureno and Tohru appear ready to forgive her, and more power to them. Both are better people than I am. But that’s hardly the end of the twisted and intersecting contents of wills that set much of this in motion.

I’m talking about Shigure here. I don’t understand why he chose the convoluted path he chose. I don’t know why he didn’t choose a path like Ayame did. Maybe he didn’t have the love and support of someone like Mine? It’s hard to keep the inner demons at bay without the warmth of some else’s love. But we’re still obligated to try.

As an aside, if I have one complaint about Fruits Basket, it’s that it didn’t have enough Mine.

Anyway, my favorite quote of this episode actually made me want me to hit Shigure with a hammer. Not one of those nerf hammers. I’m talking a ball-peen hammer. One with heft to it. After everything that happened this episode, even with Kureno and Tohru still recovering in the hospital, Shigure joked to Hatori (21:20), “Maybe the stabbing spree was cathartic?”

Judas H. Priest, dude! Too soon! Way too soon!

Best in Show Moment for Fruits Basket – The Final Episode 9

Fruits Basket - The Final Episode 9: Only Tohru could offer acceptance in her state.

Even covered in her own blood, blood that Akito had spilled, Tohru still reached out with acceptance. Damn, she’s strong. Capture from the Crunchyroll stream.

Setup: Tohru and Human Fundamentals

This has been an interesting couple of weeks of anime. I mean, what with series dealing with issues that are at the foundation of humanity and all. That sounds pretty grandiose, doesn’t it? I don’t think of it that way. I see it as art reflecting life in its most simple and raw forms.

First we had the episode of 86 that explored the idea of human political power. Then we got to watch episode 98 of My Hero Academia, which talked about a related and equally critical concept: the perception of how we exercise power. And for what reason.

What Fruits Basket gave us this week is difficult to talk about without resorting to religious imagery. Going that route might give me a more precise vocabulary, but it comes at a cost: Each major faith gives those terms their own connotations. Worse, different sects or cults within those faith systems change the meaning further. Finally, if I use that vocabulary, I might come across as dismissive of those who stand apart of any given faith system. I wish I could do what Fruits Basket did in this episode: Just show what I’m talking about. No telling; no preaching. Just a concrete, beautiful example of the ideal become real.

Fruits Basket - The Final Episode 9: Tohru met Akito in an emotional place wholly unfamiliar to Akito

Tohru met Akito on a level that Akito had never felt. That’s why she’s Tohru. Capture from the Crunchyroll stream.

But hey, I’m pretending to be a writer, so I’d better at least give the writing thing a shot, huh?

The cycle of violence sucks. How many revenge stories have you read or watched? One act of violence triggers a reprisal. That reprisal forces a response. Pretty soon, the Hatfields and McCoys are dropping like flies, and no one remembers why.

Delivery: The Light of Tohru

At a national level, the humiliation of one country sets the stage for the next war. One country tries to oppress a segment of its population, who begin to fight back. The act of fighting back triggers a violent response. Before we know it, country or people A hate and kill the country of people B, and it’s been going on five thousand years.

Violence causes more violence. I cannot think of a single time when violence solved a problem. The Civil War may have ended slavery, but we’re still wrestling with the same issues today. We thought we’d put down fascism at the end of WWII, but here we are, fighting the same enemy using the same rhetoric and same tools that failed before. Violence is a never-ending cycle. There’s only one way to stop it. There’s only one way to absorb its fury and put it to rest.

That’s what Tohru did in this episode. After coming to an understanding of Akito’s pain, Tohru reached out to her. Akito slashed her. Tohru tried again, and Akito struck again. Each time, Tohru remained Tohru. She took the violence. She accepted it and did not return it. In the end, she did what no power could. She broke through Akito’s barriers and gave her the acceptance she needed, not as a god. Not as a revered other.

Only one known force can destroy the cycle of violence

Akito knew all about how to inflict violence. Tohru broke all of the old patterns. Capture from the Crunchyroll stream.

Instead, Tohru smiled warmly and sincerely to Akito (08:55), one broken soul to another, one human to another. No one had done that for Akito before. And it made all the difference.

I might not be able to forgive Akito. But Tohru could. That’s what makes Tohru Tohru. It’s what makes her the ultimate answer to violence. Even if in real life, that ultimate answerer often pays for the achievement with their life.

What did you think of Tohru and Kyou’s kiss? What was your Best in Show moment? Let me know in the comments!

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2 thoughts on “Fruits Basket – The Final Episode 9 Review – Bleeding in the Rain

  1. I just needed to pop down here in the comments and let you know that I loved this post. I adore Fruba, and it’s gut-wrenching to watch this season, but that’s okay because the messages are so powerful and their execution is brilliant. Excellent post.

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