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Grisaia: Phantom Trigger Episode 5 – Quick Summary
In Grisaia: Phantom Trigger episode 5, “Phantom Blade II,” Haruto remembered to the time he first met Murasaki and Yuuki. Haruto had wanted to learn the special technique from their father, who refused to give Yuuki’s hand to Haruto in marriage – despite him not asking for it. Murasaki’s and Yuuki’s mother, who was blind, seemed to have a less pushy perspective. But then another student returned to take revenge for their father withholding their most powerful technique. Is there anything Haruto can do to prevent murder?
Note: This post may include spoilers, so be cautious.
Favorite Quote from Grisaia: Phantom Trigger Episode 5
I know that expression. I wear a similar one all the time. Too often. Capture from the Crunchyroll stream.
I haven’t talked about this lately, but this episode reminded me of how far I feel away from the normal human experience. My favorite quote reminded me that I just don’t think like a normal person.
There’s a line in one of Chrome Shelled Regios’s EDs that said, “You are always telling me kind lies.” I’ve also seen it translated as “tender lies.” I only vaguely understood it the first time I saw it. I’ve only vaguely understood it in western love songs.
I could never get why anyone would want a lie – tender or otherwise. Then I lived through COVID. And I’m living through something worse now. All around me, I see people preferring a comfortable lie. I still don’t get it, not really. But I see the pattern.
So did Murasaki. When Haruto answered her questions about whether or not he was sure of something she very much wanted to hear, he honestly said no. It’s just what his teacher had told him.
“I wish you would’ve said it was true, even if it was a lie,” Murasaki said, disappointed (05:46).
But she had the self-awareness to know that weakness within her. I respect that!
Favorite Moment from Grisaia: Phantom Trigger Episode 5
Making a mistake is hard. Making a mistake that hurts your family? That sucks. Capture from the Crunchyroll stream.
Setup: Murasaki and Yuuki Fill Us In
I’m trying to figure out why my favorite moment is my favorite. Put another way, I’m trying ti figure out why it hit me so hard. Maybe talking about it to you will help!
First, I liked how Murasaki explained her backstory to Shiori, while Yuuki explained the same thing to everyone else. That was an effective show both characters still grappled with the implications of those events. It also meant they could be be open with their respective audiences, because the other being present would have been awkward.
To say the least.
It was a shock to learn that Murasaki was directly responsible for Yuuki’s mental condition. Murasaki jumped to a conclusion. It was plausible, but still rash. But you know what? She was just a kid. Kids jump to conclusions. It’s just part of being a kid.
It’s a bit different when adults do it.
Anyway. Those sequences set up the final scene, where Haruto showed up to say goodbye to Yuuki at the airport. She complained no one was supposed to know her departure time, but Haruto knew better. He knew Yuuki was being considerate to Murasaki. He also knew she was leaving to reduce the pressure on her little sister.
Under other circumstances, they’d make a good power couple. Capture from the Crunchyroll stream.
Their parting conversation came close to being my favorite. They clearly love each other; they clearly know, as responsible adults, that a relationship could not work, given who they are. So they supported each other as best they could – which was, indirectly.
Delivery: Murasaki Can’t Forgive Herself
When he flat out told her he knew she was doing this to help Murasaki, she pretended she’d go along with his lie and asked (22:44), “What do you say? I’m a good big sister, aren’t I?” When Haruto displayed yet more of his insight by saying that’s not what Murasaki wanted, Yuuki said, more or less, “whatever.” Then she said (22:53), “Bye. We’ll see each other again if we’re both alive.”
Given who they are, that’s the best they can do. Their relationship aside, Yuuki has forgiven Murasaki. I think she understood her sister’s misunderstanding, and she accepts who she is now. But I can’t saw the same for Murasaki.
My favorite moment was when Haturo was standing there, waiting for the plane to leave after Yuuki had boarded. Murasaki, ninja-style, just appeared beside him. He told her she should have said goodbye.
“It’s fine,” she said in her resigned monotone (23:12). The contrast with her sister’s dynamic, musical voice was apparent. “Words aren’t necessary between us.”
Of course, tragedy packed the backstory. But it also hinted at a still larger, dynamic world. Capture from the Crunchyroll stream.
Murasaki’s inner dialogue revealed that she had no regrets, and she didn’t think that Yuuki did, either. But I think it’s a sign of skillful writing that there’s ambiguity here. I don’t think Yuuki was being stubborn at all. I think she knows her sister hasn’t forgiven herself. Yuuki’s giving her space.
At the same time, Yuuki still loves her sister. She thinks she understands her, at least to some extent. But perhaps most telling is her assertion that (23:33) “tomorrow will be another day.”
This Grisaia is very different from what came before, but you know what? I like it. I like these characters. And I really want to see how Murasaki’s relationship with Yuuki develops!
Looks like I was able to figure it out! Thanks for the assist!
What did you think of how easily Haruto put down the powerful villain? What were your favorite moments? Feel free to let me know in the comments!
Grisaia: Phantom Trigger Episode 5: Other Posts
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- Grisaia: Phantom Trigger Episode 1: Mother’s Cradle I
- Grisaia: Phantom Trigger Episode 2: Mother’s Cradle II
- Grisaia: Phantom Trigger Episode 3: Mother’s Cradle III
- Grisaia: Phantom Trigger Episode 4: Phantom Blade I
- Grisaia: Phantom Trigger Episode 5: Phantom Blade II
- Grisaia: Phantom Trigger Episode 6: Bluest Blue #1