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Log Horizon: Destruction of the Round Table Episode 12 Review

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Log Horizon: Destruction of the Round Table Episode 12 Review – Quick Summary

In Log Horizon: Destruction of the Round Table Episode 12, “Song of the Nightingales,” the Genius Ereinus had almost destroyed the first raiding party Minori had ever commanded. Finally, among of the Adventurers in her party, Akatsuki stood alone. Her clear-headed understanding of her feelings for Shiroe helped her resist Ereinus’ worst attacks. Using a battle-cry that somehow incorporated Shiroe’s bedhead, Akatsuki launched a counter attack. The other party members tried to heal and prepare to re-engage the enemy. But even Akatsuki’s skill could not best the Genius. What else could they try? Would Minori’s first command end in disaster — for herself and for all of Akiba?

Note: This post may include spoilers, so be cautious.

Favorite Quote from Log Horizon: Destruction of the Round Table Episode 12

Log Horizon: Destruction of the Round Table Episode 12: Akatsuki saved Minori's bacon

Minori looked torn between relief that Akatsuki had just saved her and wondering what the hell the assassin was going on about! Capture from the Funimation stream.

Maybe it’s just me. Or maybe not, since at Mamare Touno, Log Horizon’s creator, wrote the situation. Or so I guess. I couldn’t find a writer credit other than him for the series. But I found Akatsuki’s running confession of love for Shiroe to be one of the most romantic things I’ve ever seen. There was something raw and honest and mature about it. What Akatsuki felt was not an exaggerated view of him based on infatuation. She saw Shiroe as he was, and she still loved him.

That’s seriously cool.

I loved the entire monologue Akatsuki kept up as she attacked Ereinus. The part I liked best became my favorite quote in the episode. As she prepared to launch her attack, she refuted Ereinus’ insistence that the raid party expected their object of veneration to come rescue them. Akatsuki listed Shiroe’s rather embarrassing weaknesses, including that he got annoyed when she told him his choice of tea reminded her of her grandfather. Then there was this gem:

“He sometimes has bedhead. If you see his hair sticking out, that’s what it is…” (00:17).

Talking about bedhead in the middle of a battle? That’s perfectly in character for the Assassin Akatsuki. I hope Shiroe realizes how lucky he is.

Best in Show Moment for Log Horizon: Destruction of the Round Table Episode 12

Minori came into her own in this episode

In this moment, Minori came into her own. The raid party responded to her, and together, they won the day. Capture from the Funimation stream.

Setup: Akatsuki Is My Favorite Character

Of all the things I expected from Log Horizon, a mature, satisfying love story wasn’t one of them. Yet, between the previous episode and this one, we saw the culmination of three seasons of Akatsuki and Shiroe’s growing affection for each other. While it was wonderful to watch Akatsuki’s running commentary of what she did and didn’t love about Shiroe, and it was fun to watch Shiroe admit he loved her, too (albeit he said that to Minori!), that wasn’t my favorite moment in the episode. Instead, my favorite moment had to do with Minori. It stood out to me for two reasons.

First, I think I’ve mentioned before how I had intended to be a teacher. After I’d gotten through three and a half years of college learning to teach English and theology, I checked starting teacher salaries. Then I checked them again, because those numbers looked ridiculously low. But no, they were really that low. Since I wanted to have a family, I didn’t see any way I could live on that salary. So, I switched and ended up accidentally going into computer programming. But I never forgot what I’d wanted to do, and I often wondered if I hadn’t just chickened out.

Log Horizon: Destruction of the Round Table Episode 12: Lelia did her part.

There’s nothing like teamwork among high skilled people. Capture from the Funimation stream.

Second, I used to work for a non-profit financial institution. By the end of my tenure there, I was the AVP of System Solutions. I was responsible for hardware and software architecture, as well as software design, construction, and level 3 support. The team I had the privilege of working with embodied an amazing combination of skill, drive, and creativity. It was fantastic. I still think fondly of those days, and I’m pretty sure they won’t come again. But despite the feeling of melancholy, I’m still grateful I could experience it at all. I hope you have similar professional experiences to either look forward to or to remember.

Delivery: But Minori’s Growth is Fun, Too!

My favorite moment in this episode was like the fusion of those two threads. Akatsuki’s attacks gave Lelia Mofur and Litka Mofur time to launch their attack. Between the three of them, they gave the rest of the raid party time to heal and regroup. Even better: Lelia’s attack revealed the true form of their enemy. Minori looked at the orb in the Genius’ thorax and knew that was their target. That was the last bit of information she needed.

All through the last several episodes, and in the series in general, self-doubt had eaten at Minori. She voraciously learned everything that Shiroe would teach her, and he saw her as his apprentice. Yet, she still doubted herself. When she received the last piece of information, something in her clicked. Something enabled her to ignore that doubt and assert herself. She assumed control of the raiding party and coordinated the attack.

Log Horizon: Destruction of the Round Table Episode 12: Akatsuki had no problem supporting Minori.

Seriously, team work can be amazing. Capture from the Funimation stream.

That moment in and of itself was amazing. Seeing her pull together the threads of what Shiroe had taught her, weave them through her own skills, and direct the successful attack reminded me of why I’d wanted to teach. I wanted to see my students become whatever amazing person they wanted to be. I wanted to do my part to help.

Almost as cool was Minori’s awesome self-aware moment, when she realized just what she was doing, and as importantly, with whom. As the party under her command landed blow after coordinated blow, and as the support teams healed those on the front line, Minori took an instant to think (11:20), “So this is what Shiroe has been experiencing.” There’s nothing quite like that exhilaration, and I’m glad Minori realized that in the moment. I wish I had!

What did you think of Minori’s confession to Shiroe? What was your Best in Show moment? Let me know in the comments!

Log Horizon: Destruction of the Round Table Episode 12: Other Posts

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