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Log Horizon: Destruction of the Round Table Episode 7 Review

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Log Horizon: Destruction of the Round Table Episode 7 Review – Quick Summary

In Log Horizon: Destruction of the Round Table Episode 7, “Not a Curse,” Rieze and Takayama began act two of the “Krusty, Tycoon Lord” puppet show. Krusty had just regained consciousness to see Kanami saying “Yoo hoo!” A welcoming sight, no doubt, but not one he wanted to see in the caved in remnants of a mountain — a mountain he’d helped destroy in his battle against Elias Hackblade in the previous episode. Where was the former hero who had turned insane monster? What had happened to Krusty after he’d been taken from his friends during the incident at Seven Falls (previous seasons)? And what’s that Akatsuki’s saying about the power of masculinity?

Note: This post may include spoilers, so be cautious.

Favorite Quote from Log Horizon: Destruction of the Round Table Episode 7

Youren hadn’t captured Krusty. Capture from the Funimation stream.

We learned a lot of Krusty in this episode. Not only did we learn something of his sorrowful past, but we also finally found out what had happened after he pushed Takayama aside so she wouldn’t get sucked away by that energy vortex.

We also got to see him fight in this episode. Dude knows how to swing an axe! And he can wage psychological warfare with the best of them. When Papus (in the form of Youren) tried to bring him back under control, Krusty showed the kind of moves and techniques an elite Adventurer was capable of. And even for a Genius like Papus, it felt overwhelming.

“I degenerated Elias and apprehended you,” Papus said as the fight turned serious against her (17:41).

My favorite quote from the episode was Krusty adjusting Papus’ understanding of the situation.

“I wasn’t apprehended,” Krusty said (17:47). “I was just resting.”

I’ve always low-key put downs like that. No need for harsh language in all cases!

Best in Show Moment for Log Horizon: Destruction of the Round Table Episode 7

Krusty remembered who he was and what was important to him. Capture from the Funimation stream.

Setup: Yeah, It’s Cliche

There are times that Log Horizon takes the whole “show, don’t tell” thing to extremes. Take this episode, for example. Gumon took an attack intended for Hua Diao. Gumon used her last strength to return Hua Diao to Krusty, then Gumon collapsed and died. For just an instant (13:48), I thought I saw a severed arm in the spot where Gumon had exploded into multi-colored bubbles of light that indicated her spirit would head back to cathedral (at least on the Japanese server). I wasn’t certain why, but I knew the event trigged the return of some of Krusty’s memories.

Then the shot cut back to Takayama, who had an artificial arm. I used the took the wiki to confirm it. So it was no surprise that the first memory to come back to him was one of Takayama herself, reminding Krusty that he sought out tough problems because he liked the challenge.

The memory of Takayama’s words kicked off Krusty’s recovery. Capture from the Funimation stream.

What happened next was that Krusty used something Shiroe had come up with: Contract Technique. Shiroe had used that new branch of magic to remake Rudy into an adventurer, thus saving his life. And though that’s really pretty cool, it’t not my favorite moment. That came a few second later. Do you remember in the previous episode when Krusty said he didn’t think it was fun to tease Youren? That was an indication of his real problem. Krusty was bored out of his mind. He’d lost his memories, so he didn’t know he had done before in any detail. But he knew this life wasn’t enjoyable. In other words, he didn’t know what had brought him joy.

My favorite moment brought that memory back to him.

Delivery: But They’re Called “Oldies but Goodies for a Reason”

As Krusty started regaining his memories, Youren began to panic. The curse she’d put on Krusty unraveled before her eyes, and her plan was in jeopardy of collapsing.

Krusty then began enumerating the reasons he was about to destroy her and reclaim his former self. First, he was not in the least bit pleased with her haven taken his memories. That’s completely understandable. I mean, talk about a violation!

Second, Krusty had initially given in, because without his memories, he thought he had to accept a boring life. Now, he remembered the words of a troublesome little princess — a princess he did enjoy teasing. “But I once saw a noble-minded person who refused to give up on her wishes…” he told Youren/Papus (15:30).

Awww, he want to fight for love! That’s almost my favorite moment. I have a soft spot for the lazy princess, and I want her relationship with Krusty to succeed. And yes, it’s an old trope, but it’s a good trope.

This part of the puppet show particularly interested Lenessia. That didn’t mean she couldn’t enjoy a tasty snack! Capture from the Funimation stream.

But there was one more piece that captured my imagination even more. Maybe it’s because I’m to the point in my life where I wonder what my legacy will be, or even if I’ll have a legacy.

“D.D.D. Is a comfortable place for me. It probably is my treasure. I don’t intend to let it be taken away,” Krusty said (15:55). The guild he had built up, the mechanism that let him make a mark on the world, was important to him. For that, he would fight. I like that message, even as it put me in a self-reflective mood.

What did you think of Leonardo’s solution to Elias’ curse? What was your Best in Show moment? Let me know in the comments!

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5 thoughts on “Log Horizon: Destruction of the Round Table Episode 7 Review

  1. Oh thanks for reminding me , I need to catch up with this series . It started off slow , and I got distracted by all the other new and returning shows , Re:Zero , Orphen , So What I’m a Spider, plus others.

    1. Log Horizon has always been meticulous, and that can feel slow, especially against something like Re:ZERO. At least in the first two seasons, what happened afterward was always worth it, and I’m hopeful that pattern will repeat!

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