Quick Summary • Best Moment • Setup • Delivery • Other Posts
Lycoris Recoil Episode 8 – Quick Summary
In Lycoris Recoil episode 8, “Another day, another dollar,” Shinji gave his assistant an ominous assignment to do something to Chisato. Exactly what, we don’t know. But it can’t be good. Meanwhile, Takina made a terrible discovery: LycoReco was losing money! If things didn’t turn around, they might have to close! So Takina declared that she’s going to take control of the finances and rules with an iron fist. Is that better than closing? Or can she actually save the restaurant? And what is Shinji up to?
Note: This post may include spoilers, so be cautious.
Favorite Quote from Lycoris Recoil Episode 8
I like how the background became a diffuse glow. Capture from the Crunchyroll stream.
My favorite quote this week is actually an exchange. Takina had taken over the LycoReco’s finances, and she had decreed that Chisato had been firing too many bullets. Those non-lethal rounds were expensive! So she had to cut back.
Chisato did. Partly by relieving her opponent of his gun and using that to scare him, then hitting him with a single non-lethal shot. Afterward, Chisato went fishing for compliments.
“See? Did you see that? I only fired one shot! What do you think?” she asked (05:56).
“Well done,” Takina said, as honest as she was solemn.
“I got a compliment!” Chisato said, almost dancing.
They are so good together! And this quote dovetails nicely with my favorite moment.
Best in Show Moment for Lycoris Recoil Episode 8
The color, the shading – everything about this scene exuded warmth. Capture from the Crunchyroll stream.
Setup: Takina and Chisato Helping Others
I’ll tell you what: this episode did a great job of showing us how much closer Chisato and Takina are becoming. It’s heart-warming, and it’s terrifying. Why terrifying? I think you know: the show’s building up to a seriously powerful emotional beat — probably doing harm to their relationship. Something like an Alan Institute operative messing with Chisato’s heart.
But until we see what happens in the next episode, I wanted to take a moment to just bask in the warmth that is Chisato and Takina’s relationship. We got a number of quick shots of them going about the LycoReco mission of helping relieve misery, one small group at a time. They taught a language class where Chisato’s mispronunciations finally drove Takina to direct Chisato to do a one-handed handstand. Which she did.
To be fair, if she had pronounced “dog” correctly, things might have turned out differently. Chisato kind of reminds me of Musubi protecting her modesty in Sekirei. Capture from the Crunchyroll stream.
They even handed out Halloween candy to a group of children. Takina, always looking to make their operations more efficient, said she’d take care of the kids and sent Chisato to handle some of their other jobs. Chisato went dressed in her Halloween outfit. Which I think should be a figurine. Which I’d buy. In a heartbeat.
Anyway, Chisato finished her jobs just as Takina was handing out bags of candy to the trick-or-treaters. Chisato announced her return by showing up in line for treats. When Takina refused, Chisato pouted and said (09:32), “I want a present from Takina, too!” And you might have thought that was my favorite moment. You’d be close. Like, really close! But it only set up my favorite moment.
Delivery: Takina’s Present
Near the end of the episode, Chisato sat outside polishing her pistol. It was the one she used to fire non-lethal bullets. I admit I was surprised to learn in this episode that she had always fired non-lethal rounds, even back during the radio tower incident against a younger Majima. Now she sat, thinking about her meeting with Majima and her meeting with Shinji.
Takina came out to join her. She picked up on Chisato’s mood, so she asked her about the pistol. When the conversation lagged, Takina reached into her satchel and drew out one of the bags of candy.
“Here,” she said (20:00).
“Oh, is this from the preschool?”
“You wanted one, right?”
Chisato still doesn’t quite know how to react when Takina notices something like how important LycoReco is to her. Capture from the Crunchyroll stream.
I loved that moment. Takina seizing the initiative was great enough. Seeing how well they get along and how much they’re concerned with and about each other is wholesome and up-lifting. And terrifying. Because Takina had to add (in good faith, I might add), “P-please go to your physical.” We all know how the episode ended.
I hope Takina doesn’t have to deal with guilt. But until we find out, I’m going to remember this scene fondly.
What did you think of Takina’s efforts to improve the restaurant’s finances? What were your favorite moments in this episode? Feel free to let me know in the comments!
Lycoris Recoil Episode 8: Other Posts
Other Anime Sites
- Reddit: Lycoris Recoil – Episode 8 discussion
- Chikorita157’s Anime Blog: Lycoris Recoil – Episode 8 – Money is What Makes LycoReco Goes Around
- RABUJOI: Lycoris Recoil – 08 – Poo Parfait
This Site (Crow’s World of Anime!)
- Lycoris Recoil Episode 1: Easy does it
- Lycoris Recoil Episode 2: The more the merrier
- Lycoris Recoil Episode 3: More haste, less speed
- Lycoris Recoil Episode 4: Nothing seek, nothing find
- Lycoris Recoil Episode 5: So far, so good
- Lycoris Recoil Episode 6: Opposites attract
- Lycoris Recoil Episode 7: Time will tell
- Lycoris Recoil Episode 8: Another day, another dollar
- Lycoris Recoil Episode 9: What’s done is done
- Lycoris Recoil Episode 10: Repay evil with evil
- Lycoris Recoil Episode 11: Diamond cut diamond
- Lycoris Recoil Episode 12: Nature versus nurture
- Lycoris Recoil Episode 13: Recoil of Lycoris
I thought about that as well. It was Takina who basically encouraged Chisato to go to there and then… That happened. I don’t want her to feel like it’s her fault for any of this
Takina would take it hard, I think. There have been several times when I thought I could guess where this show was going, and it veered in a very different direction. Right now, I’m afraid something dreadful is going to happen to Chisato, and Takina will snap — falling into Shinji’s hands. But who knows?
All I know is this show is way more entertaining than I expected it to be!