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Made in Abyss – The Golden City of the Scorching Sun Episode 5 Review – Best In Show

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Made in Abyss – The Golden City of the Scorching Sun Episode 5 Review – Quick Summary

In Made in Abyss – The Golden City of the Scorching Sun episode 5, “Concealment,” Reg had two immediate problems. First, he had attracted the attention of a turbinid-dragon, which seemed intent on making a meal out of him. Second, he had gotten completely lost. Could he make it back to Riko before she does something insane? Meanwhile, Riko tried to learn the local language from Moogie, who let slip she also would like a human child. Then – and you saw this coming – Riko did something insane. How insane? What were the consequences? And do we find out what happened to Nanachi?

Note: This post may include spoilers, so be cautious.

Favorite Quote from Made in Abyss – The Golden City of the Scorching Sun Episode 5

Made in Abyss - The Golden City of the Scorching Sun Episode 5: Vuelo could not even remember how to speak well

It was heart-rending to see her so hesitant talking to Riko. Capture from the HIDIVE stream.

Vuelo Eluko has been a sympathetic character since we first met her in the first episode of season 2. Seeing her seemingly chained in some dark cave, surrounded by creatures that put me in mind of baby versions of Armus from Star Trek, made me sad. Sad in a particularly Abyss sort of way. Her life had been hard, and it got harder in the Abyss.

In this episode, Vuelo seemed so excited to see Riko. Riko must have been the first human she had seen in ages. I wonder if Vuelo thought she was seeing a vision, because at first, she didn’t seem to understand what her eyes told her. 

Mumbling that whatever it was she saw still looked like a human, Riko reacted with surprise. Not anger; just surprise. Vuelo didn’t know how to interpret Riko’s reaction, and the poor chained young woman (well, physically young – she’s centuries old chronologically) became flustered.

“Oh, s-sorry, sorry!” she said (11:45). “It’s been so long since I talked to anyone.”

Yuka Terasaki, Vuelo’s voice actor, turned in an amazing performance. Her words came out all rushed, as if she had forgotten even the cadence of speech. There was a longing there, too, for some kind of contact. It was almost like she had put her entire history into those two sentences.

It struck me as a particularly Abyss kind of quote!

Best in Show Moment for Made in Abyss – The Golden City of the Scorching Sun Episode 5

Made in Abyss - The Golden City of the Scorching Sun Episode 5: Riko finally began to understand the currency in this village

I think Riko understands that how far behind Kansas is now. Capture from the HIDIVE stream.

Setup: A Variety of Horrors

You saw it, didn’t you? You saw how big the gulf was between the mind space of villagers like Majikaja and outsiders like Riko. Even when she learned their language, which she did with Moogie’s help, they still couldn’t communicate. Their frames of reference were too different.

Even though she had seen a graphic demonstration of their economy, she could not free herself from the idea that value could be something extrinsic to herself. That whole theme had me seriously worried, but not in a Lovecraftian sort of way. Not the kind of dread from works like The Lurking Fear. In this case, the show had me increasingly worried for Riko’s safety. As in, her life and limb.

I’ve been thinking a lot about a comment Dawnstorm left on my review of the previous episode. He spoke of how this village’s portrayal took away “ontological security.” This show is effective at assaulting the foundations of language to evoke dread. It’s also effective at making me afraid in a more prosaic sort of way.

Made in Abyss - The Golden City of the Scorching Sun Episode 5: Riko went off searching on her own

Even a moment like Riko spelunking, which is about as basic an activity as you can get, evokes feelings of dread. Capture from the HIDIVE stream.

I’m trying to think of another show, or a work of fiction at all, that is adept at scaring me across the human spectrum of thoughts, emotions, and spirit. That’s pretty good work for an anime that’s only in its second season.

In this episode, my favorite moment goes to Riko. She’s still so chipper after everything she’s been through. She’s still so impulsive. She freed Vueko even during her description of the role she played in the village’s founding.

I like Riko. I really do. But she’s got to learn some sense. Or, well, you’ll see in a minute.

Delivery: Riko Finally Begins to Understand

She asked Vueko to help her find her friends. Vueko led Riko and Maaa to Belaf’s cave. There, Riko learned that Belaf now owned Nanachi, who had sold herself to save Mitty

In what might be the most stunning example of naivete I’ve ever seen, Riko just came out and asked (19:45), “Um, so what do I have to do to get you to give Nanachi and Mitty back?”

She even laughed off Belaf’s opening bid, which was that he wanted her entire body. She remembered Majikaja saying she was super valuable, and she said Belaf was being too greedy. It seems like felt confident when she made a counter offer that included the finger nails from her left hand and her hair, which had grown quite long.

Belaf then, in just a couple of sentences, proved that Riko’s understanding of the village was quite wrong.

“It’s true I was too greedy,” Belaf said (21:34). “But that is not enough. In addition, I want you to choose one of the following. Both eyes, or both legs, of half your innards. I won’t go lower than that. I want it, but I won’t be greedy.”

Made in Abyss - The Golden City of the Scorching Sun Episode 5: Belaf knew exactly what he wanted from Riko

Not being greedy? Dude… Capture from the HIDIVE stream.

And then he added, as if it might sweeten the deal, “I will do all that I can so you won’t die.”

That was the fruition, or maybe the first interest payment, of Riko’s tutelage in the village. Judging from her expression, she only now realizes just how precarious her position had become. I worried about her when she blithely stepped in a trap back in episode 2, but Reg was with her then. He’s not here now. And I’m not sure she’s learned enough about the idea of caution to get herself out of this intact!

Heck, I’m not sure I understand enough about what’s going on to be afraid enough on her behalf! 

What did you think of Reg’s discoveries with Gaburoon? What were your favorite moments in this episode? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments!

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