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My Dress-Up Darling Episode 6 Review – Best In Show

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My Dress-Up Darling Episode 6 Review – Quick Summary

In My Dress-Up Darling Episode 6, “For Real?!,” Marin Kitagawa tried to process Wakana Gojou calling her beautiful just before he fell asleep on the train. Did it mean what she thought it means? If it does, what does that mean? Does she have feelings for him, too? Would he even notice if she did? Later, a mysterious stranger happens to show up in front of the Gojou hina doll shop. Since she was alone and soaking wet, Kaoru Gojou invited her into the shop, then left as soon as Wakana got home, saying a friend was waiting for him. With a shock, Wakana realized he only had one friend, and Marin was at work! Had grandpa just let in a thief? Was their doll collection in danger? Just what did this young woman want from them?

Note: This post may include spoilers, so be cautious.

Favorite Quote from My Dress-Up Darling Episode 6

I got the impression Marin was happy that Sajuna Unui had noticed her picture. Capture from the Crunchyroll stream

I think this is a first for my favorite quotes. Usually, I pick words for my favorite quote, it being a quote and all. But this week, Marin forced me to go in a little bit of a different direction. I totally blame the captivating performance of her voice actor, Hina Suguta

When Marin came over to Wakana’s house after work, she found Sajuna Inui clad only in a tee-shirt that probably belonged to Wakana. Now, in about 100% of the rom-coms I’ve seen, and in roughly 99% of real life situations I’ve been involved with or heard about, a woman in Marin’s position would have reacted with some jealousy. Maybe expressed some concern or distrust. 

But this is Marin. She has such a healthy and strong sense of self-confidence that she took the whole situation in stride. In fact, she did freak out, but only because she found herself looking at Sajuna Inui, one of her cosplay idols. Marin went so far as to tell Sajuna that she had flawless skin and the like. 

The ever-helpful Wakana then told Marin why Sajuna was there. She had seen one of the pictures that Marine, Marin’s screen name, had published of her Shizuku-tan cosplay. He tried to add some more, but I’m pretty sure Marin didn’t hear it.

Because as soon as Wakana said that Sajuna had looked at her picture, Marin gave this adorable gasp (16:05). It managed to be lyrical and raspy at the same time. It so perfectly captured Marin’s feelings that I decided to pick it as my favorite quote.

Best in Show Moment for My Dress-Up Darling Episode 6

I respect a character who is honest with themselves! Capture from the Crunchyroll stream.

One of the things I liked about Toradora is how the Taiga and Ryuuji fell in love. It felt realistic and true to the characters. In their case, it was a long, drawn-out affair, because they had fooled themselves into thinking that they were in love with someone else.

I’m seeing early indications that My Dress-Up Darling might take a similar route, in that Marin and Wakana are going to fall in love in a realistic way that is likewise true to their character. But in Marin’s case, at least, it’s not at all drawn out. Marin realized she was in love with the force and suddenness of a crashing wave. 

That’s just perfect for Marin!

At the end of the previous episode, as Wakana fell asleep on the train, he told Marin that she had looked beautiful in cosplay. Marin realized that meant more than just “Hey, you’re cute!” from him. It meant her beauty had moved him, and in that moment, she didn’t quite know how she felt about that. She was shocked, flattered, and flabbergasted.

Marin at first didn’t know how she felt about Wakana. It took her every bit of 3 minutes of episode runtime to figure it out! Capture from the Crunchyroll stream

That didn’t last long, though. When she visited the next day, as Wakana and Karou nit-picked about the work Wakana had done on Shizuku-tan’s costume, Marin realized she knew exactly how she felt about Wakana. And Marin, being Marin, was not in the least bit subtle. Not was she about to hide it from herself.

“Oh, shit!” she thought with the adorable freaking-out expression she gets (03:09). “I’m totally head over heels for Gojou-kun!”

Not only is that kind of honesty refreshing. It leaves room for so much more interesting plot developments! Seems like a win-win to me. 

What did you think of Sajuna Inui threatening to blackmail Wakana? What were your favorite moments? Feel free to let me know in the comments!

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