Episode 1: Prepare to be Bewitched
Review: Otome Yokai Zakuro Episode 1: The Tides Of History And A Cowardly Lieutenant
In Otome Yokai Zakuro episode 1, “Prepare to be Bewitched,” it’s the period of rapid Westernization in Japan, and the government wants to put an end to demons meddling with humans. So, the government creates the Ministry of Spirit Affairs and assigns three young military officers, Kei Agemaki, Riken Yoshinokazura, and Ganryuu Hanakiri, to lead it. They meet their spirit counterparts in Zakuro, Susukihotaru, and the twins Bonbori and Houzuki, and while the meeting seems to go well, there are clear signs that some friction exists between the two groups. Can Kei and his officers find a way to work with Zakuro and the other half-spirit girls? Will circumstance even give them the chance? Or will the demons who are causing so much trouble for humans take advantage of their strife?
Note: This post may include spoilers, so be cautious.
Episode 2: Crimson Brilliant
Review: Otome Yokai Zakuro Episode 2: Their First Mission And The Shadow Of Doom
In Otome Yokai Zakuro episode 2, “Crimson Brilliance,” the Ministry of Spirit Affairs gets their first field mission. Development on a new hotel has come to a halt because a spirit keeps disrupting the construction. The workers are convinced if they don’t flee, the spirit will curse them — or worse! Kei Agemaki wants them to have a successful mission, but he runs into several obstacles, including Zakuro! Can he overcome her animosity long enough to them to work as a team? Or will he even have a chance after he encounters the spirit in person — as its black, hulking shape towers over him?
Note: This post may include spoilers, so be cautious.
Episode 3: Tragic Past
Review: Otome Yokai Zakuro Episode 3: The Truth About Half-Spirits And Kei Sings Badly
In Otome Yokai Zakuro episode 3, “Tragic Past,” Zakuro was anxious to go on her next mission, especially since Susukihotaru and Riken Yoshinokazura were already on a mission. So were Bonbori, Houzuki, and Ganryuu Hanakiri. Kushimatsu, though, was reluctant to let her go because Zakuro just wasn’t getting along well with her partner, Kei Agemaki. When a new potential customer came to visit, Zakuro was excited, hoping she and Kei would get the assignment. But when she heard the man tell the story of young women disappearing from his village, she threw caution to the wind and begged Kushimatsu for the assignment. What got Zakuro so worked up? Will Kushimatsu let her go? And if she does, what will Zakuro and Kei find at the remote village?
Note: This post may include spoilers, so be cautious.
Episode 4: Timid Distance
Review: Otome Yokai Zakuro Episode 4: The Demon Sword And A Simple Touch
In Otome Yokai Zakuro episode 4, “Timid Distance,” Kushimatsu once again decided to sideline Zakuro and Kei Agemaki, while the rest of the team went into the field on a mission to examine a strange artifact. They traveled to a store, where the human proprietress, Orikata Aya, happily employed a spirit named Mugi. As Orikata brought out the artifact in question, a sword with a deep purple hilt, wrapped in what looks like felt, Susukihotaru almost passed out. Alarmed, Riken Yoshinokazura caught her before she could hurt herself. Just what kind of sword almost made Susukihotaru almost pass out without even touching it? What tragic secret was Mugi hiding, even if she doesn’t know it? And what effect will the sword have on our heroes, particularly Susukihotaru, if just getting close to it affected her so much?
Note: This post may include spoilers, so be cautious.
Episode 5: Sticky Trap
Review: Otome Yokai Zakuro Episode 5: They’re Just Ears And That’s A Big Spider
In Otome Yokai Zakuro episode 5, “Sticky Trap,” there’s a spirit who’s luring soldiers to their deaths, and the Ministry of Spirit Affairs is assigned to find it. Their plan is to monitor all of the guests at the evening’s big gala. All of the soldiers and local dignitaries will be there, and the consensus is that the malignant spirit won’t be able to resist the bait. After our heroes arrive, Bonbori, Houzuki, and Ganryuu Hanakiri begin their surveillance. Susukihotaru and Riken Yoshinokazura go off in another direction while Zakuro and Kei Agemaki begin to plan their approach. They’re interrupted by Lieutenant Hanadate, who wants to dance with Zakuro. Can Kei control his jealously enough to keep his eyes open? Are Bonbori and Houzuki really drunk? Who is it that attacks Riken and Susukihotaru — at the same time Zakuro faces her own battle?
Note: This post may include spoilers, so be cautious.
Episode 6: Onward Together
Review: Otome Yokai Zakuro Episode 6: A Crisis Of Cookies And The Emerald Pendant
In Otome Yokai Zakuro episode 6, “Onward Together,” Ganryuu Hanakiri still felt humiliated about his performance in their last battle. Bonbori and Houzuki tried their best to console him until they see that nothing less than their ultimate weapon will help. How will Ganryuu survive the impact of their origin story? Zakuro can’t get the words of Rangui out of her mind, so she confronted Kushimatsu. The fox spirit knows the truth, but she refused to tell Zakuro — because Zakuro’s not ready. Zakuro felt understandably distraught. Is there anything Kei Agemaki can do to help? Or will he only make matters worse? And what’s so special about the emerald pendant that Zakuro wears?
Note: This post may include spoilers, so be cautious.
Episode 7: A Feline Home
Review: Otome Yokai Zakuro Episode 7: A Shadow From The Past And The Insightful Little Sister
In Otome Yokai Zakuro episode 7, “A Feline Home,” Kei Agemaki is surprised when Tae, a servant from his household, showed up at the Ministry of Spirit Affairs and threw her arms around him — but not nearly as surprised as Zakuro! What reason could she possibly have for being so demonstrative? Why did she beg for Kei to come home? With a resigned air, Kei begged Zakuro to go home with him. Did he expect her to protect him from his father, who is famous for disliking spirits? Or is there something more sinister going on — something to do with a spirit?
Note: This post may include spoilers, so be cautious.
Episode 8: Fickle Rain
Review: Otome Yokai Zakuro Episode 8: A Tragic Shopping Trip And A Tearful Embrace
In Otome Yokai Zakuro episode 8, “Fickle Rain,” Kei Agemaki was out shopping when he came across Susukihotaru. She was going to return a sword to Aya Orikata’s store, so they decided to go together. Just as they arrived, two hooded and cloaked figures blew sparkling gold dust in their faces, and they passed out. Aya found the sword and their other belongings in the road, so she rushed to the Ministry of Spirit Affairs. Riken Yoshinokazura and Zakuro were ready to leave immediately, but Kushimatsu forbade Zakuro from going — to the point where she had to literally lock Zakuro up. What’s motivating Kushimatsu? What will happen to Kei and Susukihotaru? And will Riken and other do about Kushimatsu’s orders?
Note: This post may include spoilers, so be cautious.
Episode 9: Joy of Love
Review: Otome Yokai Zakuro Episode 9: An Innocent Game And A Tipped Hand
In Otome Yokai Zakuro episode 9, “Joy of Love,” Lieutenant Hanadate brings the Ministry of Spirit Affairs a new case. Young women pining for love have been playing a game called kokkuri, where they ask a spirit to answer romantic questions. They didn’t bargain for a spirit to really appear! The Ministry, lead by the enthusiastic Bonbori and Houzuki, come up with a plan to summon the spirit so they can deal with it. However, what arrives during the game is not a spirit. Can they adjust tactics and prevail — before civilians get hurt? What’s going on between Kei Agemaki, Zakuro, and Hanadate? And why is Susukihotaru, of all people, feeling jealous all of a sudden?
Note: This post may include spoilers, so be cautious.
Episode 10: Creeping Shadows
Review: Otome Yokai Zakuro Episode 10: Lost In A Maze And A Spirit Spurned
In Otome Yokai Zakuro episode 10, “Creeping Shadows,” the gang at the Ministry of Spirit Affairs is all excited to visit a local festival. Once they arrived, Riken noticed that everyone, even the vendors, were cordial with the half spirits. Susukihotaru said it was because the festival was in honor of two Lion-shaped gods, Lord A and Lord Um. The gods jokingly told Kei Agemaki that if makes Zakuro cry, they’ll bite his head off — much to Zakuro’s embarrassment. As our heroes were about to enter the main attraction, a maze in the center of the festival, none of them saw the strange talisman fluttering above them. Will Kei be able to work up the courage to tell Zakuro how he feels? Is that spell in any way dangerous to them? And what was Kushimatsu saying about the Village of Oracles?
Note: This post may include spoilers, so be cautious.
Episode 11: Hollow Touch
Review: Otome Yokai Zakuro Episode 11: A Tender Embrace And A Its Terrible Cost
In Otome Yokai Zakuro episode 11, “Hollow Touch,” Zakuro tried hard to get away from Byakuroku and her evil boss Omodaka (Hanadate). As she ran, the emerald pendant that her mother had given her flashed brightly, bestowing on her a memory that led her through a secret passage. What will she find waiting for her? How long can she elude Omodaka? Meanwhile, Kushimatsu bowed to pressure from everyone, especially Kei Agemaki, and told them about Zakuro’s origin. And talk about a tale of woe! Are events with Omodaka about to add to that tale? Is it even possible for Kei and the rest of the Ministry of Spirit Affairs to go to Zakuro’s aid? Or is she on her own?
Note: This post may include spoilers, so be cautious.
Episode 12: Looming Crisis
Review: Otome Yokai Zakuro Episode 12: Over The Rainbow And A Higher Cause
In Otome Yokai Zakuro episode 12, “Looming Crisis,” Kei Agemaki, with the help of his friends, convinces the Lords A and Um to send them to the Village of Oracles, but only after Kei said he was tired of not having done anything to be worthy of Zakuro. Once there, Kei found himself separated from the others, until he came face to face with Tsukuhane, Zakuro’s mother. She gave him a weighty message for her daughter. Meanwhile, Bonbori, Ganryuu, Houzuki, Riken, and Susukihotaru interrupted Omodaka’s ritual just as he was about to kiss Zakuro. As a gesture of thanks, he unleashed the supernatural power of the village against them. Can they survive the onslaught? If they do, what other misfortunes will he throw at them?
Note: This post may include spoilers, so be cautious.
Episode 13: Brilliant Finale
Review: Otome Yokai Zakuro Episode 13: The Rampaging Spirit And The Despicable Wuss
In Otome Yokai Zakuro episode 13, “Brilliant Finale,” after seeing the Village of Oracles aflame, Omodaka rushed back with an unconscious Zakuro in his arms. Byakuroku’s concern for both Omodaka and her sister Daidai pushed her to decide to help Kei Agemaki and the others. She led them by the fastest path back to the Village. There, they found Omodaka’s minions dead and encased in webs — Rangui’s webs. But they didn’t immediately see Rangui. Where was she — had she retreated after setting fire to the village? And where was Daidai?
Note: This post may include spoilers, so be cautious.