Anime Best in Show

Review: Fruits Basket Season 2 Episode 1 Best in Show

Quick Summary

In Fruits Basket Season 2 episode 1, “Hello Again,” Motoko Minagawa lost no time in renewing her war against Tohru Honda. But in addition to Tohru, Motoko had another equally pressing problem. The object of her stalker-like affection, Yuki Souma, was to become the student council president this year. What if the council included young women — young women who might take advantage of the situation and steal Yuki’s affections? The outgoing student council president refused to answer her questions. Desparate to find out, she turned to her friend and fellow Yuki fan club member Rika Aida to break into the student council room. But she was completely unprepared for what she found there.

Note: This post may include spoilers, so be cautious.

Best Moment in the Show

All Saki had to do was mention how lively it seemed — and three women ran for their lives. Capture from the Crunchyroll stream.

Wow, it was so comforting to see these characters again. I do have one huge problem with this season, though. In my reviews of the first season, I could play Tohru off against my collaboration review of Demon Slayer (with Irina from I Drink and Watch Anime). It honestly seemed to me that Tanjirou was simply the combat form of Tohru. Now who will I compare her to? Pure-hearted heroes like these are really hard to come by…

Anyway, I almost feel like I’m cheating by picking this moment as my Best in Show. It involves my absolute favorite character, and she’s not Tohru. Shocking, right? It’s not that I don’t like Tohru. I think to know Tohru is to love Tohru, complete with establishing a defensive perimeter around her (because heaven knows the girl won’t protect herself) and trying to wrap her in bubble wrap. My favorite character is very different, though her power is preserved in part because of Tohru.

Enough stringing you along! Motoko, wanna-be villainess that she is, had just come away from trying to convince the outgoing student council president to tell her if any women were going to serve on the next council — with Yuki. Again, he refused to tell her. Motoko, flanked by her always present friends Minami Kinoshita and Mio Yamagishi, stormed out of the room.

No matter how much Motoko badgered him, the outgoing student council president wouldn’t tell her if any women were on the incoming council. Capture from the Crunchyroll stream.

They were trying to come up with ways to get the information when three middle school girls ran by so fast they almost knocked Motoko down. They were heading for Arisa Uotani, who they had idolized since the last season. Motoko scoffed at them, all the more so because Tohru was with Arisa. In fact, Motoko was so angry she went off, saying (07:54), “It’s like the witch, the Demon Queen, and the delinquent rule the roost!”

The camera angle changed. The first time I watched the episode, I didn’t see who was now obviously standing right beside them. Someone who wasn’t standing there just a second ago. Motoko continued her tirade, saying that there was no way Yuki could have a “wholesome” school life with those people around. Saki Hanajima choose that instant to drily observe (08:02), “It’s so lively out here.”

I don’t think Motoko and her friends ever ran so fast in their lives. And all Saki had to do was quietly make one little observation! Even more since we know her backstory, she’s a stand out character in a cast full of stand out characters. Yeah, I’m really glad the show’s back!

What did you think of Saki’s entrance? What was your Best in Show moment? Let me know in the comments!

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5 thoughts on “Review: Fruits Basket Season 2 Episode 1 Best in Show

  1. Honestly, I felt this episode was a bit of a waste. I don’t much need re-acquantance episodes, and that’s pretty much exactly what it was. Your moment was great, but what drew my attention the most were the scenes with Yuki and Motoko. You can see so plainly how Tohru is rubbing off on him; in fact it’s so obvious that even Motoko notices and admits it to herself, but can’t do so without being self-deprecating. Yuki was really such a calming presence in the scene that followed, and that wouldn’t have been possible a year ago.

    I’m looking forward to the next episode. I’ll now meet the characters I haven’t yet seen. The horse looks pretty cool in the opening.

    1. “Your moment was great, but what drew my attention the most were the scenes with Yuki and Motoko.”

      If I liked Saki any less, honestly that would have been my voice, too. Especially that last scene between Yuki and Motoko

      “The horse looks pretty cool in the opening.”

      She’s almost imposing, and not like Akito. She looks really interesting.

    1. I was really glad to see you’re reviewing it! I try to link to link to other reviews I think my readers will enjoy, and I’ve always liked your approach to writing reviews.

      “I enjoyed seeing Tohru and her friends again honestly!”

      Me, too! It was perfect counter point to the pandemic, I think.

      1. That really means a lot! I really enjoy your writing style as well!
        I couldn’t agree more. I’m really glad so much good anime is releasing right now during all this! On the plus side, I definitely have more time to write reviews during all this! I already am hoping to write a review on Balance Unlimited soon to post! I have many ideas for writings rn! I look forward to seeing more of your reviews too 🙂

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