Quick Summary
In Fruits Basket Season 2 episode 2, “Eat Somen with Your Friends,” it was time for Tohru Honda, Yuki Souma, and Kyou Souma to pick their future careers. Yet, all three were very, very reluctant — for different reasons. In a maybe related move, Kazuma Souma, for all intents and purposes Kyou’s adopted father, invited Kyou and Tohru to visit. But just as they were starting to fix lunch, Kazuma received an urgent call — from Kyou’s biological father. He seemed very angry. Why does he want to talk to Kazuma now? Why is he so angry? And what are his hopes and plans for Kyou?
Note: This post may include spoilers, so be cautious.
Best Moment in the Show
A moment of kindness or empathy can be way more damaging to self-control than an act of cruelty. Capture from the Crunchyroll stream.
I can’t think of another show that has so deftly crafted genuine moments of pure human emotion than Fruits Basket. Now that we’re, what, 27 episodes in, I’ve grown really attached to these characters. They’ve all shown various kinds of growth and depth! That means the potential for those genuine moments only increases. And I’ll tell you this for free: The writers know how to take advantage of that depth!
Tohru had just listened to Kyou’s reason for dreading the future, and her stricken expression was every bit as heart-breaking as his story. In most shows, that’d be a worthy moment all by itself. It was so authentic and blossomed so naturally! But for Fruits Basket, it was just the intro.
Seeing her expression, Kyou tried to make light of it, saying that he knew she was facing similar anxieties. He went on to enumerate them with pin-point accuracy. Pin-point accuracy that was too much for Tohru. His empathy shattered her control. She couldn’t control the tears streaming down her cheeks. All of the fears she’d born silently came flooding into her mind.
Kyou’s casual empathy unlocked a torrent of emotions in Tohru. Capture from the Crunchyroll stream.
Her voice quivering, she said to him (18:31), “Don’t… Don’t, Kyo-kun.” Her voice sounded so broken! To his credit, Kyou didn’t panic. He just asked what she meant.
“When I’m deliberately ignoring things, I need you to pretend not to notice, or I’ll go all weak. I c-can’t have this sobbing!”
The moment was such an exquisite mixture of vulnerability and strength that I had to name it the Best in Show moment. I don’t think I’ve ever heard her so clearly articulate her own feelings; I don’t think I’ve ever heard her so strongly advocate for herself!
Kyou showed a lot of growth in this scene. He emotionally stayed right there with her. He even consoled her in how own special way. For me, though, Tohru stole the moment.
What did you think of Kyou’s biological “father” in this episode? What was your Best in Show moment? Let me know in the comments!
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- Reddit: Fruits Basket Season 2 – Episode 2 discussion
- Lost in Anime: Fruits Basket 2nd Season – 02
- AnimeHunch: Fruits Basket Season2 Episode 2 Review & Spoilers! Eat Somen With Friends!
This Site (Crow’s World of Anime!)
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What got me in this episode is the sheer reality of the situation the cat spirit is in. I could’ve put the pieces together already after season one, but this episode made it clear that basically Kyo could easily be facing a future of being locked in a cage? And that caused all sorts of emotions, mostly that it all now makes sense why Kyo is so cold towards most other people. It’s not exactly a happy life for the cat zodiac. I’m so happy to see Kyo’s growth and how he escaped the dark place he was in before meeting Tohru.
And yes that Tohru moment, she’s a much more complex character than it may seem. She is holding in a lot of things I feel. She puts pressure on herself, moments like this illustrate how she is holding things in but you can’t always be that way. It’s better to let it out sometimes, it’s ok to let things out.
“It’s not exactly a happy life for the cat zodiac. I’m so happy to see Kyo’s growth and how he escaped the dark place he was in before meeting Tohru.”
It’s easy for me to set Kyou’s situation aside because, well, it’s almost too dark. But he knows what happened to his predecessors, and he knows what coming for him. I’m amazed he’s approachable at all. You’re right — he’s come a long way.
“She puts pressure on herself, ”
I think she’s consciously or unconsciously taken on saving the Shoumas from their curse. I don’t know if she’d put it that way. I don’t think she knows she’s Akito’s enemy. But she’s got to feel the tension there. She knows that Akito did something terrible to Yuki.
“It’s better to let it out sometimes, it’s ok to let things out.”
Ohh I think I’ve seen some theories like that, that it isn’t a coincidence she came to their life, that she is “taken to” saving them or something along those lines. I think I’d actually prefer it if she wasnt controlled by anyone or brought in on purpose by anyone but we’ll see.
“I think I’d actually prefer it if she wasnt controlled by anyone or brought in on purpose by anyone but we’ll see.”
Me, too! I was thinking more of a “Destiny She Selected” sort of thing rather than being manipulated.But now that you mention it, that could be a chilling backdrop to the whole series!