Quick Summary
In To the Abandoned Sacred Beasts Episode 06, “The King of Beasts,” Hank Henriette decided to accept the invitation from Cain Madhouse, in part because he wanted to rescue Nancy Schaal Bancroft and in part because of his mission. Meanwhile, Claude and his troops discover evidence that Cain is in the vicinity. They, too, converge on the dinner party. Will Hank be able to save Schaal? Why is Claude so vehement about confronting Cain? And just what is Cain planning to do?
Note: This post may include spoilers, so be cautious.
Best Moment in the Show
Never bring a knife to a gun fight. Instead, bring the equivalent of a grenade launcher! Capture from the Crunchyroll stream.
You know how sometimes the protagonists underestimate the villain? I hate when that happens. On the other hand, when the protagonist or protagonists are prepared? That’s fun to watch, and that’s just what happened in this episode.
Hank arrived at the party, which was well-attended by obviously rich men and women. One of them even tried to engage Hank in conversation, which went about as well as you would guess. Soon, Cain came out (on a balcony, of course, so he could look down on everybody) and gave a rambling speech about their path to power. He brought out his Incarnates, and I couldn’t be sure, but there might have been different ones than we met in the first episode. Then he turned his Incarnates loose on the crowd — I guess he figured he’d gotten all the money he needed!
There wasn’t much Hank could do. There were too many Incarnates. He was surprised when Northern soldiers began crashing through the windows, and Claude, their leader, came in with them. I’ll give Cain credit — his Incarnates were well-trained and tried to protect him.
Fortunately, Claude was prepared with what looked like a grenade launcher. He punched a hole clear through Cain’s chest.
You know, they got this far, so I can’t fault their tactics. They couldn’t know just how powerful Cain really was! Capture from the Crunchyroll stream.
Of course, Cain is a vampire, so that flesh wound wasn’t fatal. But Hank was ready leaping free of the two Incarnates who were trying to delay him, he hurled his spear into Cain’s face! Then he detonated it. The explosion disintegrated Cain’s torso, arms, and head.
Most of the time, I’d call that a victory. And I thought it was my Best in Show moment! It’s not Hank or Claude’s fault that Cain was more powerful than they could have expected and regenerated even from that catastrophic damage.
On an unrelated note, I wasn’t ready for how angry I felt when Cain pulled the trigger…
What did you think of Cain’s party? What was your Best in Show moment? Let me know in the comments!
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- Review: To The Abandoned Sacred Beasts Episode 06 – Best In Show
- Review: To The Abandoned Sacred Beasts Episode 07 – Best in Show
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- Review: To The Abandoned Sacred Beasts Episode 09 – Best in Show
- Review: To The Abandoned Sacred Beasts Episode 10 – Best in Show
- Review: To The Abandoned Sacred Beasts Episode 11 – Best in Show
- Review: To The Abandoned Sacred Beasts Episode 12 – Best in Show
It was a really great episode. Loved the action and all the gadgets that the soldiers brought to the fight. However, I’m having issues with Schaal again, there’s nothing wrong with her character, but I’m not happy with how the show is using her. Some episodes she’s great, others she’s overly naive and this one, she’s a hostage.I mean if she just got a moment to contribute in some way to the episode, other than being the damsel in danger, then I could be okay with it. So far that’s the only problem I have with this series.
“but I’m not happy with how the show is using her… I mean if she just got a moment to contribute in some way to the episode, other than being the damsel in danger, then I could be okay with it. So far that’s the only problem I have with this series.”
I get what you’re saying! I’d love to see her get a chance to show us what she can do with that rifle. She put a bullet just about square in the middle of Hank’s chest, so we know her aim’s pretty good!
And did you know that the rifle she’s using is actually realistic? I was thinking it looked cool but was impossible, but according to Wikipedia, the Colt Model 1855 Revolving Carbine was a real thing! I’m not sure that’s her exact model, but it looks close.
The things I learn in anime…
I loved this episode, but then again I think I already mentioned that so far this show for me has been the best of the entire season. But wow, was that fight cool. In ways it reminded me a bit of Attack on Titan. I have to admit though I felt that same anger when Cain pulled the trigger. It made me furious, because I have really grown to love the character of Schaal. That said….I guess we have to wait what is going to happen next. This show just seems to get better with each episode! Great post!
“It made me furious, because I have really grown to love the character of Schaal.”
She’s such a sympathetic character. That, and I’ve know people a lot of people just like her, so maybe that’s why I got so attached to her character.
“This show just seems to get better with each episode! ”
It really does. I like how it builds on previous plot points. I think Karandi brought up a great point, too, about the realism of the military’s response. That really helps build out the world for me.
“Great post!”
She certainly did at that. I honestly didn’t expect the military to come charging in like that, but that only goes to show the many surprises this show continues to throw at us.
As for Schaal, couldn’t agree with you more ?
I really enjoyed this episode and full points to the person who came up with the equipment and tactics used by the military here. For once they weren’t just useless fodder there to show off why the hero was needed but were actually pretty competent and unfortunately still outclassed. In honesty, that makes Cain a bit scarier because it is one thing when cannon fodder gets wiped out and another when a group of highly trained and clearly well organised soldiers do.
“In honesty, that makes Cain a bit scarier because it is one thing when cannon fodder gets wiped out and another when a group of highly trained and clearly well organised soldiers do.”
That’s one of the things I loved about the original Alien movie. The crew weren’t bumbling idiots. They were smart about what they did. And the alien still killed them. _That’s_ what makes a villain scary!