Anime Caw Out Awards

Sei’s Isekai Reaction – Caw Out Award for Most Reasonable Reaction of the Week

Sei’s Isekai Reaction – Very Topical!

I loved Sei’s isekai reaction.

I recently read the post “Would I Like to Live in Another World?” written by Tony Ueberfluss on the site RAILGUNFAN75’S GEEK BLOG. As you can tell from the title, it asks a damned good question. If you could live in another world, would you?

Now, I could see if someone was in a situation so desperate that only a change of world would help. I’m not talking about that case. I’m talking about the only case with which I can speak with any authority: Mine. If I got whisked to another world (like Diablo from How NOT to Summon a Demon Lord), I’d be seriously pissed. I have family obligations! Plus, whatever problems might make my life suck are certainly coming with me to another world.

Who wants that?

That’s why The Saint’s Magic Power is Omnipotent was such a breath of fresh air!

Most Reasonable Reaction to Isekai-facation of the Week

Talk about refreshing! Finally a relatable and realistic reaction to being pulled into another world! Capture from the Funimation stream.

This series follow Sei Takanashi. She was a typical hard-worker in Japanese culture. We first meet her laboring late into the night. In the office, of course. She finally made it back to her empty apartment when a summoning circle brought her to a fantasy world. This is where the protagonist gets all happy at a chance for a new life, right?

Nah. Sei’s way too realistic for that.

Some old sage type tried to explain their kingdom’s desperate situation. Of course, only she can save them. Or the second woman also summoned from Earth, who the prince preferred. As the old dude explains how her powers are necessary to hold back the Force of Darkness(tm), you can just see her blood pressure rising. Finally, her patience snaps, and right in the middle of one of his sentences, she stormed off. One of the court officials stoped her at the door and very politely asked where she was going.

“I’m leaving,” she snaps.

I like Sei. There should be more protagonists like her.

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Copyright 2022 Terrance A. Crow. All rights reserved.

10 thoughts on “Sei’s Isekai Reaction – Caw Out Award for Most Reasonable Reaction of the Week

  1. I liked her immediately, but when she said she’s leaving what I thought was “Have you thought this through? Do you know where you’re going?” Glad she listened to reason.

    They pretty much made sure we know she’s not leaving much behind, with the summoning scene. “Tadaima! Not that anyone’s here anyway…” The scene made wonder what if she were a single mother, for example. One wonders how magic chooses its victims. Does the magic take into account what they’d worry about when they cross over for effectivity?

    Also, the prince from what little we’ve seen of him reminded me a lot of Zelos from Tales of Symphonia.

    1. That’s part of what I liked about her reaction. It was completely believable — and just as completely irrational.

      “Does the magic take into account what they’d worry about when they cross over for effectivity?”

      Given Fred’s insight that the person summoned might just become wrathful, I think it would be prudent for the spell to take connections into account. You’d hate to burn magic to bring reinforcements for the enemy!

      “Also, the prince from what little we’ve seen of him reminded me a lot of Zelos from Tales of Symphonia.”

      I had to look it up, but now that I did, I can see that! How’s the game? Enjoyable?

      1. @Symphonia: I liked the game enough to finish it twice, and it’s long. But then, I just like Tales games, especially for the skit system (where your party members had conversations pretty much everywhere on the map that you could trigger either by story or by doing certain stuff). That said, I don’t like the combat system in this one much, and some of the dungeons have annoying puzzles.

  2. I love the three light novels that have been released in English. I especially love the main character who is girly in a more earthy way, loving potions, and getting really embarrassed about all the extremely attractive men around her, especially her love interest that spoiler: she healed at the end of the first episode. She will bond with a girl about her hand made skin care next episode.

    1. Sei really felt like a great of fresh air. Nice to know there more goodness in her future.

      “She will bond with a girl about her hand made skin care next episode.”

      You know, I’ve read fantasy for as long as I can remember, and I even played D&D back when:–Dragons-Original-Edition-0e

      So the idea of healing potions is old hat. In all that time, I never thought about magical potions for something like healthy skin.

      And it makes perfect sense!

  3. It is one thing to die and be reincarnated. I’d have one reaction to that. Quite another to be intentionally ripped away from loved ones and life. I’d be demanding to be sent back or all hell would break loose. Might just join the bad guy out of spite.

    It wouldn’t be so bad if I could simply go back and start where I left off. I think that’s an option Overpowered Hero had.

    1. Joining the bad guy… I hadn’t thought of that! I mean, the bad guy didn’t rip me away from my family, did he?

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