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SPY x FAMILY Cour 2 Episode 15 Review – Best In Show

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SPY x FAMILY Cour 2 Episode 15 – Quick Summary

In SPY x FAMILY Cour 2 Episode 15, “A NEW FAMILY MEMBER,” Loid found himself cornered by a terrorist-trained, vicious dog – with a bomb pack on its back. The dog leapt at him, and Loid had milliseconds to react. How can he avoid being blown to smithereens? Meanwhile, Yor continued her frantic search for Anya and the enormous white dog who had carried her away. Can she find them before the terrorists do – again? And when will her husband ever come out of the bathroom?

Note: This post may include spoilers, so be cautious.

Favorite Quote from SPY x FAMILY Cour 2 Episode 15

SPY x FAMILY Cour 2 Episode 15: Loid wasn't sure how to interpret Anya's admission

Loid didn’t seem to know quite how to respond to Anya’s admission. Capture from the Crunchyroll stream.

Anya’s heart is in the right place, but let’s face it: sometimes her little mind struggles. It took her many false starts before she could successfully name Bond. Remember when Anya asked Becky how to name a dog? Becky suggested food or flowers, but rejected Anya’s suggestion of Peanut since they’re small and Bond decidedly isn’t. 

And though I laughed at Anya’s suggestion of “Old Man Hair,” and I could even understand her motivation, that didn’t work, either.

So it’s completely understandable how she answered Loid when he later asked her if she had come up with a name yet.

“My naming abilities are dismal,” Anya answered (16:13).

I had to admire her self-awareness!

Best in Show Moment for SPY x FAMILY Cour 2 Episode 15

SPY x FAMILY Cour 2 Episode 15: Loid didn't think Sylvia knew what he was going through

Loid didn’t think Sylvia knew what he’d been through. He’s not wrong often, but he was this time. Capture from the Crunchyroll stream.

Setup: Sylvia Comforts Anya

I feel strange about doing this, but I’m going to award my favorite moment this week to a secondary character – again. Just like I did last week. And it’s the same character, too!

Once again, SPY x FAMILY mixed humor, drama, and action in such a way that each reinforced the other. The moment started with Anya expressing concern for the other “Mister Dogs.” She was afraid that the police would mistreat them.

SPY x FAMILY Cour 2 Episode 15: Anya was afraid for the other Mister Dogs

Anya felt very concerned about the other “Mister Dogs.” Capture from the Crunchyroll stream.

The question surprised both Loid and Handler/Sylvia Sherwood. Sylvia recovered and knelt down in front of Anya. Patting the little girl on the head, Sylvia acknowledged that the dogs likely had endured tough lives, but that now, she would make sure they had “soft beds and warm meals.” Sylvia suggested Anya use that as an excuse to treat her new dog (soon to be named Bond) well. Anya thanked her in her own way, saying (08:24), “Fank you very much, important lady.”

Endearing scene, right? Warm, human, glowing with hope. Very nice!


As she walked past Loid, Sylvia praised Anya for being such a good girl. Loid, salty from all the harrowing experiences he had just endured, said that Sylvia had no idea what he’d been though.“No, I do,” she said (08:58). “I also had a daughter about her age.”

Delivery: Sylvia Has Risen above the Tragedy in Her Life

And just like that – bam! – her soliloquy from the previous episode came flooding back. That had been a speech made by someone who had endured things I don’t have a vocabulary for. And I think we just got another detail about what she’d been through.

Because I certainly don’t see a daughter in her life, do you?

That’s the power this show wields. I can be looking at Anya’s joyful acceptance of Bond into their lives – at the same time knowing what it had cost to make that moment possible. I love this show, and I look forward to every episode. But reflecting on this moment, I came to a realization: this show hits me harder than even Made in Abyss’s second season. I can easily compartmentalize the adventures of Riko and her friends. As terrifying as that show could be could be, as adroitly as it could evoke powerful emotions, I could always set it aside with the thought, “It’s in the Abyss. The Abyss is a metaphor, but a fictional metaphor. I live where it can’t reach me.”

SPY x FAMILY Cour 2 Episode 15: This world is like ours -- except for Yor's ability to kick

With the exception of Yor’s superhuman kicks, this world is very much like ours. Maybe too much. Capture from the Crunchyroll stream.

But back-stories like Sylvia’s? The stress and terror that Loid feels trying to protect his family? Yor’s near-panic as she searched for Anya? Those are real. I have a family that I try to protect. I know people whose lives have been harmed like Sylvia’s. Heck, they happen all the time in this world. I can’t set them aside. All I can do is feel grateful that so far, I don’t have to tell anyone that “I also had a daughter about her age.”

Eight words in a comedy/spy thriller kicked off that entire train of thought. That’s quality writing right there.

What did you think of Yor and Anya being so proud of their work for the day, when Loid could barely walk from exhaustion? What were your favorite moments? Feel free to let me know in the comments!

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2 thoughts on “SPY x FAMILY Cour 2 Episode 15 Review – Best In Show

  1. Such a fun episode! I loved how Yor and Anya still had plenty of pep in their step, but poor Loid was about ready to pass out by the end of the day! I also loved how to the very end of their little family ooting, Yor actually believed that Loid was in the bathroom the whole time. I just thought that was too funny!

    1. I felt so bad for Loid, partly because I’ve been there and staggered just like that. This week, in fact!

      The family “ootings” are just wonderful. And Yor, well, I hope at some point we see more of the Yor that looked so sad in the first couple of episodes, when she reflect that killing was the reason for her existence. I want to see that Yor comforted!

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