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SPY x FAMILY Season 2 Episode 9: Favorites

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SPY x FAMILY Season 2 Episode 9 – Quick Summary

In SPY x FAMILY Season 2 episode 9, “The Hand That Connects to the Future,” Yor faced off against the samurai assassin. Despite her having awakened to her true motivations, she soon realized something: the sword gave the man a reach should could not get past. With her strength waning, with her ally Matthew McMahon down for the count, what other cards can she play? What else can she do? And what’s that about a bomb on the ship?

Note: This post may include spoilers, so be cautious.

Favorite Quote from SPY x FAMILY Season 2 Episode 9

SPY x FAMILY Season 2 Episode 9: Anya's commentary gave insights into her child's mind

Very nice of Anya to explain what was going on in her mind! Capture from the Crunchyroll stream.

Have you ever raised a small child? Then you can probably relate to my favorite quote. Because one of the things about raising kids is that they won’t tell you what they’re thinking. Early on, they don’t have the words. Later on, they might not have the conceptual framework. But for whatever reason, it’s often hard for a parent to know what’s going on.

Anya gave the daycare operator a gift in this episode. When Loid left her in the daycare, the operator tried to find something Anya would like to do. Seemed like a good approach. The woman seemed like a conscientious sort. 

Anya immediately took charge. With a look of fierce determination, she said she was going to play with this ball. She dribbled it well, too! Then Anya delivered the first of her gifts. She told the operator what was coming.

“Gonna be bored with it soon, though,” She said (04:57).

Just knowing it was coming had to be a boon for the woman in charge! Then Anya said (05:01), “I’m bored.”

I would have loved it if my kids had been that communicative! Though I wonder if the operator thought that at the time!

Favorite Moment from SPY x FAMILY Season 2 Episode 9

SPY x FAMILY Season 2 Episode 9: Yor had earned Olka's gratitude

Yor’s efforts meant a lot to Olka. Capture from the Crunchyroll stream.

Setup: Yor’s Cheerful Demeanor

You know, right after I watched this episode, I felt certain that Yor hugging the baby would be my favorite moment. Or maybe Yor hugging Olka Gretcher. Both were touching moments for Yor, and heaven knows, she earned them. The last couple of episodes were tough on her.

They were tougher on the assassinations she put down. But still tough on her.

But as I reflected on the episode, it occurred to me that there was another moment that captured my imagination. It, too, was well-earned. It took me by surprise. Just so happens it’s the title moment. Seems like the writer knew what they were doing!

SPY x FAMILY Season 2 Episode 9: Yor earned hugs from Olka and her baby

I expected this to be my favorite moment. It was close! Capture from the Crunchyroll stream.

It was time to say goodbye to Olka, her baby, and Zeb. Yor cheerfully wished Olka good luck. Olka hesitated. I had to wonder what was going through her mind. Was she upset at how things played out? Did she feel put-upon having to wait while Yor fought to protect them?

Something else was going on. Remember how Olka seemed to be so cynical? How she just wanted a new life for her baby, and how she didn’t seem to have much hope for herself? This mob boss’ wife clearly had a rough way to go.

Delivery: Olka’s Appreciation

But Yor putting her own life on the line to protect Olka meant something. Coming to a decision, Olka strode forward, embraced Yor with one arm (the other held the baby), and said with as much emotion as we’ve ever heard her use (18:12), “Thank you… so much.”

Yor could not be more astonished. In fact, she practically freaked out, saying, “U-um, your clothes will get dirty! There’s blood – ”

Olka didn’t care. In fact, she stepped back and saw the baby wanted a hug, too. Olka offered a smiling baby boy to Yor, who protested that her hands were sticky.

SPY x FAMILY Season 2 Episode 9: Yor didn't want her sticky hands to touch the baby

Yor didn’t want her sticky hands to touch the baby. Capture from the Crunchyroll stream.

“Your hands… Are what connected him to his future,” Olka said (18:33).

Yor’s an assassin. No, she’s a superhuman killing machine. That should make her quite put-offish. But more than all of that, Yor is a caring human being. Yes, she’s a superhuman killing machine – who just protected Olka and her baby boy. That meant a lot to Olka. And you know what? As cynical as she had become, maybe it took something on the scale of Yor’s performance to get through to her. Or maybe it was simply that Yor put herself in harm’s way to keep assassins away from her baby. Whatever it was, the moment felt right. More even than Yor hugging the little guy – which was, admittedly, an exceedingly cool moment.

What did you think of Anya’s improved throwing arm? What were your favorite moments? Feel free to let me know in the comments!

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2 thoughts on “SPY x FAMILY Season 2 Episode 9: Favorites

  1. I can confirm Anya’s “ball talk” at the Daycare is extremely genuine little kid talk. One of my nieces actually says very direct things like “I will be full soon,” during a meal, then follows it up with “I am now full.” She leaves no room for doubt!

    1. I think it’s awesome when kids do that! It’s so much fun to watch them acquire language, then start learning to apply it to themselves!

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