The Nominators
In my second Sunshine Blogger award, it took me five months to make the time to respond. This time, it took six! That’s not going in the right direction! So, please accept a) my apologies for the delay and b) my gratitude for nominating this site. I appreciate the thoughts!
The nominators in order of nomination are:
- A Geeky Gal
- The Otaku Author
- Never Argue with a Fish
- Umai Yomu Anime Blog
- The Moyatorium
- Simplymk
- Anime as a Cup of Tea
- Foovay’s Cauldron
Again, thanks for the nomination! I’ll try to make the answers worth your while.
The Rules
Here are the Sunshine Blogger tag rules:
- Thank the person who nominated you and provide a link to their blog so that other people can visit them
- Answer the 11 questions put to you by the nominator
- Nominate 11 bloggers of your choosing and provide them with a new set of 11 questions to answer
- Notify the nominees by commenting on one of their blog posts
- List the rules and display The Sunshine Blogger Award logo within your post or on your blog site
Since I’m answering 8 nominations at once, I’ll pick three questions from each. I hope I pick the nominator’s favorites!
The Questions
Questions from A Geeky Gal
Where would you like to be in 10 years?
I guess it’s a sign of the times that my first answer is “alive.” I know that’s not a place — but like I said, that’s just another sign of the times!
My second thought was: I’d like to have between 5 and 10 moderately successful novels published by then. Also, I’d like to be just about ready to retire from my “real” job so I can write full time. I’ve started a web site about my novel writing. I’m trying to use it to share my progress and shame myself into writing. So far, well, the results are mixed…
What game are you currently playing?
I’ve been playing a lot of Dying Light. It’s by the same folks who make Dead Island. Both are zombie games. They share the same physics engine, so your weapons degrade. I can only bang zombies on the head with a pipe for so long before I either have to fix the pipe or discard it. My character also gets tired after swinging the weapon for too long.
Dying light has beautiful graphics and physics that at least feel realistic. That crow-bar, for example, degrades every time I use it. Oh, and if you ever get a chance to get a 3440×1440 monitor? Take it. They are awesome!
The game has great graphics, solid soundtrack, and good story. Really good story, now that I think about it. I like stories where as the main character, you stand up to illegal or immoral orders.
What is one thing you want to change about your blog?
I’d like to change the skill level of the guy writing it! After all these years of practice, I really expected a bit more polish and a much more consistent and accessible style. Really, I’m going to give myself a stern talking to!
Questions from The Otaku Author
If you could see one anime again for the first time, what would it be and why?
There are lot of possible answers to this one. Re:ZERO came to mind. So did Steins;Gate. Maybe it’s the punctuation in their titles?
There was just so much about this series that I enjoyed.
But in terms of pure enjoyment, I think I’d go with Gate. It’s everything I look for in an anime series. Solid plot, very interesting characters, deep, well-designed world, and lots of humor and action.
The show even inspired some great figurines, like this one of Rory Mercury.
And maybe I could do a better job if I reviewed it now for the first time! My first reviews certainly had room for improvement…
If you could pick up a new skill in an instant what would it be?
It’s a toss up between public speaking and writing. Given the state of the latter, I’ll go with the former. Maybe I could become a politician and fight some of the more blatant evils we’re seeing fight now.
The zombie apocalypse is coming, who are the three anime characters you want on your team?
If you’ve read my site for any time at all, I think you can probably guess this one. I’d go with Saeko Busujima from High School of the Dead. I’m tempted to stop there. I mean, really, who else would I need?
Saeko was initially ashamed at how much she enjoyed killing zombies. Turned out, though, that’s exactly the kind of mindset you need to thrive in an age dominated by zombies. Capture from the Hulu stream.
But in all honesty, she’d need some down time. She’s not a machine! So looking over the anime zombie-killing landscape, I think I’d choose Ikoma and Mumei, both from Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress. Left alone, he can get a little whiny, and she can get a little off task. But they’re good for each other, though, so I’ll take them as a pair.
Questions from Never Argue with a Fish
What’s one language you’d like to master more than any other?
English. I’d love to master English some day. After more than a half a century of trying, I’m still not there. But I refuse to give up! I will write and write and write until…
Well, I’d say until I can’t write anymore, but I think some could argue I’m already there!
This question is mostly filler, what score would you give it out of 10?
I’m going to give it a 10 because it reminded me of a delightful line from “Once More with Feeling,” the musical episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. For hilarious reasons, the cast had to sing their lines, but what was even more amusing is that not all of them could sing well. There’s a song called Walk through the Fire that contains, as far as I can remember, Willow Rosenberg’s only line:
I think this line’s mostly filler…
To be honest, I thought Willow’s voice sounded just fine. Capture from the Hulu stream.
It’s at 2:51 if you watch the YouTube video.
How much anime is too much anime?
I’d like to say it’s a nonsensical question! Is it possible to have too much anime?
But seriously, I’d say that if I ever start watching anime just to pad my resume, so to speak, then that’s too much anime.
Questions from Umai Yomu Anime Blog
Do you prefer cookies or doughnuts?
Cookies. They’re like kryptonite to me. Snickerdoodles, white chocolate macadamia nut, chocolate chip…
Come to think of it, I wonder if there’s a legitimate kind of cookie I don’t like?
What was your first job?
I grew up on a family farm, so my first job was farming. I still remember sitting on a John Deere Model L equipped with single row cultivators. It would take me weeks to remove the weeds between the rows of corn in the 40 acre field north of our house.
But you know what’s interesting? I got more short story and novel plotting done during those hours than at any other time in my life.
Maybe I just need to plant 40 acres of corn and have at it to make progress on my novels?
What’s the next anime on your watch list?
Fire Force Season 2 is next on my list. I need to watch the first episode because I can’t write my Best in Show review until I see it! I have high hopes for this season. I’m looking forward to seeing Maki again, for one thing. Arthur and Shinra have developed a great dynamic, for another.
And it’s always fun to watch Hibana wield her powerful, weaponized sexuality!
I’m really looking forward to seeing Shinra and friends back in action. Capture from the Crunchyroll stream.
Now, if we could just keep Tamaki’s clothes on… Or at least let her control when her clothes fly off! Then the show would be close to perfect.
Questions from The Moyatorium
Would you prefer to commute to work/school by flying carpet, pumpkin carriage, or ventilated glass coffin carried by coffin dancers?
The first question to spring to mind was, “What kind of dancers?” Then, because my wife and my daughter have, let’s say, shared their perspectives with me, my second question was, “How do we ensure a high qualify of life for those dancers? How will I provide health insurance, vacation time, and the other basics?”
So I’ll go with pumpkin carriage. Assuming I can pay the driver and maintain the vehicle. I’d prefer to have a roof over my head since I life in Ohio and we have nasty winters. Well, nasty by my standards, anyway.
If you must immigrate to another country, where would you go?
Canada. Southern Canada, to be precise. I could keep the same language, get to my new home country in just a few hours, and pick up universal health care in the process.
A big selling point: They seem considerably less “guano crazy” than so many Americans. I mean, come on: Politicizing wearing a mask? Really?
On a scale of cotton candy to razor blade dripping with your enemy’s blood, are you more wholesome or edgy?
I’d like to say that as the host of a site that celebrates anime and tries to focus on the positive, I’m close to the cotton candy side of things. But if you’ve read my discussion of the Listeners episode that featured Pink Floyd, you might have your doubts.
I’m probably in between. I’m a typical human male: capacity for infinite violence with an aspiration to do better.
Remember Kaede Fuyou from Shuffle? Sweet, always helpful Kaede? There are times I feel like I’m shooting for that and end up more like her back story, before she knew the truth about who killed her mom (and when she blamed Rin Tsuchimi).
I think we need a few more thousand years before we humans get this civilization thing down. Capture from the Hulu stream.
Questions from Simplymk
What is your favorite moment from a Kyoto Animation anime?
Wow! Talk about a hard choice! Each anime from Kyoto Animation is made up primarily of favorite moments. Like, tons of them per episode! So choosing one is a challenge.
The first scene to come to mind was from Bitter Orange, an episode of Beyond the Boundary. It’s the scene where Mirai Kuriyama learned that Akihito Kanbara, the goofy guy who adored her glasses, was actually half monster. A group of his friends were trying to restrain him as he turned, but they failed.
They failed because with his powers, he blew the top off a mountain.
Mirai saved herself using her own powers. Her reaction (17:25) to seeing what he’d done, coupled with the realization of wrong she’d been in her opinion of him, was a fantastic moment.
Do you have any other passions besides anime?
I love writing. The way I look at it, writing can take the form of blog posts, short stories, scripts, novels, or even computer programs. I get strange looks from other programmers when I talk about this, so I’ve kinda stopped. But to me, a large financial wire processing system is a novel. Classes make up its chapters (I’m primarily a Java programmer). The climax is when the wire gets processes by the federal reserve.
I have a strange perspective on the world, don’t I?
Do you like Japanese food?
I love Japanese food. I used to belong to Umai Crate. They increased the price and changed the mix of foods, but before they did, I got to try genuine Japanese yakisoba. It was completely unlike anything I’d tried from the US. It was amazing!
I may or may not be addicted to this brand of yakisoba. Okay, okay. I’m addicted.
I recently found out that I can buy Myojo Yakisoba instant noodle bowls from Amazon. They’re a little pricey, but good heavens they taste good!
Questions from Anime as a Cup of Tea
Umbrella, or no umbrella on a sunny day with pouring rain?
I picked this question because it got me wondering: Why is it pouring rain when it’s a sunny day? I mean, I’ve experienced sprinkles or brief showers while the sun was still out, but pouring rain?
Is it really rain? Am I being pranked? Is it some kind of prelude to an invasion by Cthulhu cycle deities?
Since there’s no way to know, I’ll go with umbrella. I’d prefer not to get soaked.
Horror-genre movies/anime/manga, what would be your top 3 picks?
Oh cool! A list within a list! For my three top horror anime picks, I’ll go with:
I used My Anime List’s genre listing to be sure those qualified as Horror. I don’t want to cheat anyone!
Naivety in characters, what are your thoughts on it?
It depends on what it’s used for. If it’s used to ridicule a character, I don’t think much of it. But if it’s used as a starting point for character development or audience perspective, then it can be seriously cool.
Combine that with a character who’s naive in unexpected ways, and it can a lot of fun! Take Ledo from Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet, for example. In many ways, he was anything but naive. He was an experienced combat pilot. He was a respected and seasoned officer. Yet, when it came to the world as seen by Amy, including the realm of romance, he was completely naive.
At first glance, Ledo was anything but naive. Change his environment, though, and his perspective changed. Considerably! Capture from the Crunchyroll stream.
Questions from Foovay’s Cauldron
What is your number one feel good piece of media, be it a book or anime or TV series or movie, the one that will always make you feel better on a bad day.
Of all the series I’ve enjoyed, there’s one I can always go to if I need to chill out. It’s The Asterisk War. The characters are why. Individually, they’re interesting. Ayato’s wildly powerful, and he’s trying to solve the mystery of what happened to his sister. Julis is a princess who’s driven to help a group of people who are precious to her, but who her society looks down on. Saya’s a geek who loves the guns her dad makes for her.
I could go on about the other characters individually, but what I found so healing about the show is how much they all support each other. No matter the academic or societal forces array against them, they watch out for each other. Just knowing something like that exists, even if it’s in fiction, is reassuring to me.
What is the best book you’ve read this year?
This year, at least so far, the best book I’ve read was Stars Beyond, book two in the Stars Uncharted series, by S. K. Dunstall. It’s a combination of hard science fiction and character-driven drama, and I can’t get enough of that. The author has written several other series, and I unreservedly recommend all of them — particularly the Linesman series.
What game currently has you completely in it’s grip? Why?
I’m going to go with Dying Light again. It’s challenging, the characters are interesting, it rewards exploration, and it’s beautiful to look at.
Dying Light looks amazing. The smoke effects are convincing.
Skipping Nominations and Questions
Since is my third go-round, I’m going to skip the formal nominations. Instead, if you haven’t been nominated, please consider this your chance!
And if you’d like me to make it official and add your nomination to this section, just say so. I’ll be happy to edit the post!
Thanks Everyone: Nominators and Readers!
If you’ve read this far, thanks! I hope the answers were entertaining. I also hope they don’t make you feel generally uneasy about my state of mind! And if you are one of the nominators, I really hope I picked some of your favorite questions.
Did any of my answers touch on a topic that’s near and dear to you? Who would you pick to combat the zombie horde? Let me know in the comments!
That’s cool that you use Java for software development. I haven’t used it in a while, having moved on to mainly Javascript these days but I hold a soft spot for the language (having written with it all throughout high school, university, and even a 16-month internship from 2017-18). I can agree that writing programs are a bit of an art in and of itself, one I’m still working on myself 😁
If you’re ever looking to move to southern Canada, definitely look into Ontario (just be ready for our craaaaazy weather hehe)
Thanks for the great read -that reminds me, I need to post my own Sunshine Blog Award response, it’s been on my writing waitlist for months on end now.
“That’s cool that you use Java for software development. I haven’t used it in a while, ”
Wow. I remember when Sun put the first Java beta out. I was developing in dBXL, and a developer I knew using Delphi raved about how amazing Java would be.
I’d switched to dBXL from dBASE III+. Never did like FoxPro…
I learned to program on a Radio Shack TRS-80/BASIC in the late 1970s.
i feel like I should tell kids to get off my lawn…
Thanks for playing! Dying Light does look outstanding in the graphics department. Yeah, I’m a pretty graphics freak. Not so much for zombies though. What I’ll do here is get my HUBBY interested in playing it- and then watch. 😀
I liked that episode of Buffy, too! But the soap opera did turn me off.
And I think you know already we share a love of Gate and Rory. Rory rocks.
And thanks for the nomination!
I was trying to think of another game I’m playing without zombies. Almost suggested Fallout 4, but, well, feral ghouls are pretty close to zombies…
But its graphics are pretty great!
Zander and Cordelia always felt very soap-opera-ry to me. Probably my least favorite part of the show.
On the other hand, I still can’t think of the words, “Willow! Your shirt…” without feeling a bit sad!
You obviously have exceptional taste in demi-gods!
If you haven’t know already as mentioned on my blog, I do write programs for macOS and iOS. Even during my childhood and teenage years, I spend most of my time on the computer and played around with Visual Basic. Eventually, I learned Java, Objective-C, SQL, Python and other languages. While I like developing my own software, I do not really want to do it for a living since I see it as a hobby. I find tinkering with computer whether it’s hardware and software and making stuff work a bit more enjoyable. That is why my first job didn’t quite work out since it’s more of a data warehouse developer job than simply administering databases. My current job focuses on system administration. Both jobs I had/have are federal government jobs and I really have no desire to work for a big tech company since I want to contribute my work for the greater good than a faceless corporation. Also, the benefits are good too, even though the pay is slightly less than what you can get in private industry.
Getting asian food, let alone Japanese food was a challenge for me in the past. While I have to problem in New Jersey since there is a lot of asian supermarkets, including Mitsuwa Marketplace, which sells primarily Japanese groceries. When I lived in Central Pennsylvania, there was hardly any asian supermarkets and asian restaurants are far between. But where I live currently in Montgomery County, Maryland in the so called Washington DC Metro Area, I can imagine that it’s a lot easier to get Japanese food including Chinese and Korean since there are a good number of asian supermarkets. You can imagine that I eat a lot of rice since I am Asian myself.
And yes, I am still trying to master the Japanese language since 2011, although I can read most things with a dictionary. The kanji is kicking my butt, which is usually the hardest part of the language.
“If you haven’t know already as mentioned on my blog, I do write programs for macOS and iOS. ”
I remember reading that. Very cool! I wish I had made time to investigate coding for iOS. MacOS, too, come to think of it!
“since I want to contribute my work for the greater good than a faceless corporation. ”
That’s why I’ve worked for non-profits for the last 24 or 25 years. I can make a bigger contribution.
“The kanji is kicking my butt, which is usually the hardest part of the language.”
I can barely recognize 26 letters in the English alphabet!
Java, eh? Other bloggers learnt this about me when the #AniTwitWatches gang for The Perfect Insider demanded I pull out my knowledge, but I used to want to work in cybersecurity…but I’m rubbish at maths and just as bad, if not worse, at coding. Java was the main language I used, so I completely get what you mean with your analogy…
There are sunny days with rain. That’s how you get rainbows! (Then again, where I am, the weather has been described as “tsundere” by anime fans, so…uh…)
I’m gonna keep bonking my head against an imaginary wall regarding Yomu’s questions, because one question you skipped was “what’s your favourite anime length?” and I answered something completely wrong (because I was wondering “length of episodes? length of the anime itself?” etc. and I eventually went with “length of characters’ hair”, because my thought process sort of derailed from there and never recovered).
“but I used to want to work in cybersecurity”
Cool! That’s where I’m working now. I’m terrible at math, too.
“There are sunny days with rain. That’s how you get rainbows!”
What threw me was the “pouring” bit. I’ve only seen light rain or sprinkles when the sun’s out. I may have overthought the question. My wife tells me I overthink stuff, and she frowns when I ask what evidence she has…
“and I eventually went with “length of characters’ hair”, because my thought process sort of derailed from there and never recovered”
Actually, I like the direction you took the question!
Yes, cookies are the correct answer, thanks for playing.
Also just be aware that you’d have to pay more for pretty much everything if you were to move to Canada, not just because of tax, but just because everything is more expensive. Groceries, gas, houses, almost anything you can find in stores… there’s a reason so many Canadians cross the border everyday to go shopping!
“Groceries, gas, houses, almost anything you can find in stores… there’s a reason so many Canadians cross the border everyday to go shopping!”
Yeah, I figured there’d be a catch.
But the idea of not risk bankruptcy every time I go to a doctor has a certain appeal!
Instead you just have to wait 6+ months if it’s a “non life-threatening injury”. I don’t know how much health insurance is in the US, but things aren’t all sunshine and rainbows in Canada. Like you said, there’s a catch. Usually is.
Health insurance in the US varies. I’m lucky in that my employer covers somewhere around 75% of the cost. I could still buy a pretty fancy car for the portion left to me! I have a friend who works for a medical insurance company, and her insurance doesn’t even kick in a dime until she’s $10,000 out of pocket. Even still, waiting six months for a non life-threatening injury would be a pain.
For others, like folks who have to work part time or work for gig economy jobs like Uber, they have no insurance. Our government has vehemently attacked the Affordable Care Act. So for them, they wait their entire lives for life-threatening treatments.
Which unfortunately isn’t that long, in some cases.
But prices at Wal Mart are great!
I loved Rory too. My favorite ancient Goth loli!
And Buffy… “Once More with Feeling” was one of the best. I wish Whedon had taken more risks than he did. I hated it when the show was all soap opera.
“I loved Rory too. My favorite ancient Goth loli!”
I that it was awesome how she was planning to seduce Itami — right up to the point where Yao Haa Dushi interrupted.
Do you remember a background character saying “It’s going to rain blood?”
Good times.
” I wish Whedon had taken more risks than he did. I hated it when the show was all soap opera.”
He achieved so much as it was. What could he have done if he could have taken those risks?
And why hasn’t he followed up with anything else amazing?
I wonder if Firefly broke his heart.
Anything but the Initiative! There were so many side characters who could have used their own side stories.
Great answers, though I feel you’re being too hard on your writing.
Once More with Feeling was exactly what I was thinking of when I came up with that question so I guess we’re on the same wavelength!
“Once More with Feeling was exactly what I was thinking of when I came up with that question so I guess we’re on the same wavelength!”
Really? That’s awesome!
That made my day!
That was so enjoyable to read, except the parts where you’re underestimating your skill level :p
The site where you share your progress and “shame yourself into writing” kinda made me think of making posts to track my own progress in video editing/motion design? 🤔
Programming as “writing”, interesting. Guess I’m quite a writer then, my genre these days being more focused on c#. Im looking into going more deeply now to a certain subgenre in the javascript genre called after effects expressions.
“That was so enjoyable to read”
“except the parts where you’re underestimating your skill level :p”
You know, I’ve always hated my writing. It’s something I’ve tried to do something about for 40 years, and I just can’t expend any more energy on it. I can’t stop writing. I hate everything I ever wrote. So I’ve made a truce with myself. I’ll keep writing, and I’ll keep hating what I wrote.
It’s not the most productive agreement I’ve ever seen, but at least I get to keep writing.
“kinda made me think of making posts to track my own progress in video editing/motion design?”
I’d read that site!
“Guess I’m quite a writer then, my genre these days being more focused on c#.”
I like C#. It’s a lot like Java. It’s a great language to write masterpieces in!
What kind of systems do you create?
i dont like my writing either cause i usually suck at articulating my thoughts on things but i dont understand why would someone like you feel bad about their writing. but i guess its kind of like when someone who draws art hates on their art, while people praise it and they reply with “that’s what everyone who doesn’t draw would say.” for the “outsiders” it looks great while for someone who is more deep in it can find tons of flaws in what they are doing.
the way you want to keep going even if you cant help but dislike what you are doing… shows how dedicated you are to this thing, i admire it to be honest.
im not sure if i’d made an entire new site but perhaps a monthly series or something on this blog? sounds like a fine way to track what you have improved on and motivate yourself to do better.
oh you know, im programming at university so im doing the stuff they ask us to do. just on friday there was the final analysis of a group project application we had to make. and i was made to be the group leader. in the end i had to do the biggest amount of work because the skill of my assigned team mates wasnt the greatest but it turned out fine, received a high amount of points and gave myself the maximum grade. because as a leader you decide who gets how many of your assigned points. in fact there were so many points i had no choice but to give very good grades even to the people who havent worked enough to deserve it. but im rambling here, the app i decided to do was a simple q&a app, you can add questions, reply, choose a favorite answer, add categories, register, etc.
and i sneaked in some anime references into the thing, because in the database i added a category called “anime” with a few anime related questions, and i added users with anime characters names. the names included honda, yuki, homura, crusch, emilia, puck0, subaru… and during the final analysis, i ended up logging into an administrator account called “crusch”, in front of the two professors. most likely people just thought the names came from a random name generator, cause i used such a tool for a few names. but not all of them.
“shows how dedicated you are to this thing, i admire it to be honest.”
Thanks! Sometimes I wonder if it’s dedication or compulsion, because I honestly can’t not write. But then I ask myself if there’s really a difference!
“sounds like a fine way to track what you have improved on and motivate yourself to do better.”
That sounds like a great idea! To be honest, at least right now, I update my other site so rarely that it’s heavy on the shame part. So integrating into an existing site makes sense.
“and i sneaked in some anime references into the thing, because in the database i added a category called “anime” with a few anime related questions, and i added users with anime characters names. the names included honda, yuki, homura, crusch, emilia, puck0, subaru”
Awesome! Leadership has its prerogatives!
What language did you use? Was it a web app?
Either way sticking with something for so long despite everything shows your love for the thing
Maybe i could do a monthly “mission video editing” progress post where i’d explain what i learned and show it with examples. I dont know just thinking out loud.
Specifically it was asp net framework mvc, c# yes it was a web app, mysql database too and all that
Ooh! Found another anime fan who is also a developer 😮
I’d highly recommend you look into using Node.js for building web applications in the future. It’s quitesimple to use, robust and very well-supported!
“I’d highly recommend you look into using Node.js for building web applications in the future. It’s quitesimple to use, robust and very well-supported!”
I know a lot of people who love Node.js. They seem to be very productive with it, too!
I think my next language will be Python, though. I’m curious how well it would scale, though I supposed combining it with containers and the back-end database would allow most designs to scale…
Python’s great as well! I’m not too sure about scaling but I think what you’re describing should work fine as long as if the design is good.
Next semester we are probably gonna have python and im curious about it. The one issue is that the professor that would have it isnt lets say the best at explaining things but oh well
Well i didnt have much choice this time since we had to do it with mvc. But i know there’s loads of unexplored and probably better ways to do it.
It’s fine, it’s a learning experience at least! MVC is still quite popular these days so at least you know how the stuff goes down this time around, speaking from experience
“Maybe i could do a monthly “mission video editing” progress post where i’d explain what i learned and show it with examples. ”
That sounds really interesting! I’d love to read something like that.
“Specifically it was asp net framework mvc, c# yes it was a web app, mysql database too and all that”
I turned my back on Microsoft when they switched from VB/Visual Interdev and switched to .Net. I had been one of the lead software developers where I worked, and we had a huge investment in those older MS technologies. When they abandoned us, I led the switch to Java.
In that case, it was better to have a multi-company ecosystem as opposed to a single supplier.
That said, I don’t have C#. I’m fond of MySQL, too, though nowadays I tend to go with MariaDB instead.
Thanks for the extra motivation!
Oh java is also something i’ll probably do next semester. Technically i have experience in it from high school but lets say that was very limited…
I wouldnt say im “fond of” mysql. Its obviously a vital thing and i can do it when needed but its not one of my fav coding languages