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The Ancient Magus’ Bride Season 2 Episode 9: Favorites

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The Ancient Magus’ Bride Season 2 Episode 9 – Quick Summary

In The Ancient Magus’ Bride Season 2 Episode 9, “Conscience does make cowards of us all.,” Chise was worried. The incident in the woods had been ten days ago, and Lucy remained consciousness. The doctor, Alexandra Heath, did not appear overly concerned. But Chise still worried. The man who visited hardly put Chise’s mind at ease. Who was this man? Why did Chise recognize him instantly? And just what disaster had befallen Lucy’s family?

Note: This post may include spoilers, so be cautious.

Favorite Quote from The Ancient Magus’ Bride Season 2 Episode 9

The Ancient Magus' Bride Season 2 Episode 9: Elias welcoming Elias home is the kind of thing you only see in this show

In a show with strange scenes, this one stood out. Capture from the Crunchyroll stream.

Chise remembered when she had arrived home after the trip to the woods. Elias welcomed her home, then immediately asked what had happened to her hair. In case you forget, she had to cut some of it off to feed the each-uisge in the previous episode

But she didn’t want to explain. I’m not sure if she felt embarrassed, if she feared a tongue-lashing from Elias, if she was just tired, or felt some combination of all three. Instead of answering, she offered up mini-Elias for re-unification and said he could explain it to himself.

“I’m home, me,” mini-Elias said (04:06).

“Welcome home, me.”

Out of all the strange things I’ve seen in this show, somehow, this one’s right up there.

Favorite Moment from The Ancient Magus’ Bride Season 2 Episode 9

The Ancient Magus' Bride Season 2 Episode 9: Lucy has been fighting alone for a long time

Lucy has been fighting a lonely battle. Capture from the Crunchyroll stream.

Setup: Lucy Acts Tough

“I don’t want a loser like you to worry for me! Get lost”

Lucy made quite a declaration, didn’t she (09:47)? She said it almost as soon as she had seen Seth Noel. Did you remember that he was the auctioneer from back in season 1? I didn’t until I looked up the character reference in The Ancient Magus’ Bride Wiki. I had to wonder at their relationship – they’re brother and sister, yet they don’t share a last name? Isn’t Lucy’s last name, Webster, the family name?

Whatever the background, it’s clear they’re not on friendly terms. So I had to wonder at his offer to stay by her side. Her outburst had apparently drained her, because she collapsed, and he had to catch her. At least at first glance, she seemed to really dislike the guy. Wouldn’t he return that sentiment?

The Ancient Magus' Bride Season 2 Episode 9: Seth caught Lucy before she fell

Whatever his feeling for Lucy, Seth caught her before she could hit the floor. Capture from the Crunchyroll stream.

My favorite moment came later, when she reawakened. She still had bags under her eyes. The shot made that obvious. I found out why in a moment. She needed a moment to realize where she was. That finished, she looked over to see her brother sitting beside her bed. He had fallen asleep.

Delivery: Lucy’s Not Immune to Misunderstandings

I expected her to resume her tirade. But she didn’t. Instead, she leaned over. His long hair obscured his face, so she gently pushed some of the strands aside

“He has bags under his eyes,” she thought (21:09). Their exhaustion unites them, doesn’t it? What a thing to bond over.

The Ancient Magus' Bride Season 2 Episode 9: Lucy saw Set had bad under his eyes

Lucy and Seth have a family resemblance – they’re both exhausted. Capture from the Crunchyroll stream.

Then she noticed the sack holding a wrapped present. Clutching her fist to her chest, she thought, “What a dumbass. I know you hate me.”

We didn’t get any exposition. No flashbacks or memories. Instead, we got two characters interacting with each other in ways that made me want to know more about them. I liked Lucy before this episode; I like her even more now, and it’s because of little glimpses into the burden she’s been carrying – and the misunderstandings that haunt her. 

I enjoy the show’s mythology. But for me, the characters are the main draw.

What do you think about the mystery surrounding The Testament of Carnamagos? What were your favorite moments? Feel free to let me know in the comments!

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3 thoughts on “The Ancient Magus’ Bride Season 2 Episode 9: Favorites

  1. I love the characters too. Lucy and her brother obviously love each other deeply but she’s trying to put distance between them. Maybe she is doing it to protect him. His driver certainly met an unfortunate fate.

    1. That poor driver…

      What’s so cool about Lucy and Seth is that I don’t know why they’re acting that way — and I want to! I suspect your guess is right, and maybe that’s the right call! Seems like the world these folks inhabit is brutal.

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