Episode 1: The Remedial Student and the Witch of the Staff
The Dawn Of The Witch Episode 1 Review – Best In Show
In The Dawn of the Witch episode 1, “The Remedial Student and the Witch of the Staff,” Cervil/Saybil sat, drenched in the cold rain, his eyes glowing a soft blue in the night. He had no memory of who he was or why he was there, alone. A woman with similar glowing blue eyes came out of the shadows. Shielding him from the rain with her cloak, she said she would take him to someone more befitting. Who was she? Why did she want to help him? And why were their eyes glowing blue?
Episode 2: Don’t Call Me a Traitor
The Dawn Of The Witch Episode 2 Review – Best In Show
In The Dawn of the Witch episode 2, “Don’t Call Me a Traitor,” Holt and Cervil, after finding Coudeau’s tail (and not the rest of him), seriously considered returning to the city. Holt, in fact, is terrified at the thought that Dia Ignis might be after Coudeau – and potentially them, too. She had barely escaped with her life the last time she encountered one of them. Cervil, though, is reluctant to abandon Coudeau, even knowing that Roux Cristasse is also trying to help him. Will the two return to the city? Will they find their friend before Dia Ignis finds him? Or will Dia Ignis find them all?
Episode 3: Beyond the Stream
The Dawn Of The Witch Episode 3 Review – Best In Show
In The Dawn of the Witch episode 3, “Beyond the Stream,” Roux Cristasse got her students Cervil, Holt, and Coudeau back to a village. But Coudeau didn’t have enough magic to grow back his hands. His condition does not bode well for their journey. Will they have to turn back? Or is there something Roux could do if she just had access to more magic – say, someone with infinite levels of magic?
Episode 4: I’m Not Afraid to Die
The Dawn Of The Witch Episode 4 Review – Best In Show
In The Dawn of the Witch episode 4, “I’m Not Afraid to Die,” Cervil, Holt, and Coudeau came to the village, where the blind priest Shinpu met them. At first, he spoke rudely to them, then apologized. The excuse he gave? He used to hate witches, and old habits died hard. Or were they old habits? Just who is Shinpu? Why is the village so quiet? Why do villagers avoid even looking at the three from the magic academy? And what’s with all the stories of a cruel, iron-fisted witch ruling them?
Episode 5: I Decide Who’s Worthy
The Dawn Of The Witch Episode 5 Review – Best In Show
In The Dawn of the Witch episode 5, “I Decide Who’s Worthy,” Cervil and Roux learned that they faced the formidable Zero. That legendary witch had a simple proposition for Cervil: Join her as her source of infinite magic or face the consequences. To sweeten the deal, Zero promised to spare Roux, since Zero’s Mercenary had already eaten Holt. Facing such a powerful foe, unable to control his magic properly, what choice did Cervil have? Especially since Zero brushed aside Roux’s attacks with ridiculous ease.
Episode 6: Knowledge of Ignorance
The Dawn Of The Witch Episode 6 Review – Best In Show
In The Dawn of the Witch episode 6, “Knowledge of Ignorance,” our heroes settled into their lives in their field studies village. Holt became a handyman, Coudeau assisted at the village clinic, and Cervil, with his ridiculously high amounts of magic, became a village recharge station. He also decided to stay in their cabin and take care of the domestic chores. Roux felt worried: would Cervil fall behind in his studies? If so, how could she get him to get out and about? Because if she can’t, he might flunk out of the academy after all!
Episode 7: I Can’t Save Anything
The Dawn Of The Witch Episode 7 Review – Best In Show
In The Dawn of the Witch episode 7, “I Can’t Save Anything,” Zero fainted during a training exercise intended to make sure that Holt, and by extension Cervil and Coudeau, learned the lessons from their recent failures. To his astonishment, Cervil could not use his magic to restore Zero’s depleted resources! What has changed? Meanwhile, Holdem arrived in the village for a surprise inspection. But we know he’s up to something more – but we don’t know exactly what! Does it have anything to do with the Remnants from the Disaster that Cervil encountered in the forest – and that almost cost him his life?
Episode 8: Respective Costs
The Dawn Of The Witch Episode 8 Review – Best In Show
In The Dawn of the Witch episode 8, “Respective Costs,” Holdem unleashed his plan. As part of that plan, the Tyrant wasted no time abducting Cervil. To their credit, Holt and Coudeau went after them. But their inexperience betrayed them – they were no match for the Tyrant. With all of the adults like Roux out on their own errands, what chance do our heroes have of survival? And who is Holdem working for, anyway?
Episode 9: A Stone Cast into the Pond
The Dawn Of The Witch Episode 9 Review – Best In Show
In The Dawn of the Witch episode 9, “A Stone Cast Into the Pond”, Cervil felt shocked at the return of his memories. That is, he would liked to have felt shocked. But he felt nothing. His utter lack of emotional response bothered him. He turned to Holt for help. But will her feelings for him compromise any help she could offer? Meanwhile, an assassin goes after Coudeau. Has the Tyrant gone rogue already? Or is there another force at work in the village?
Episode 10: Snack Time
The Dawn Of The Witch Episode 10 Review – Best In Show
In The Dawn of the Witch episode 10, “Snack Time”, Kady, the young assassin the church sent into the village to kill the witches, failed in his task. Even worse, from the church’s perspective, Kady realized he had been lied to. Unfortunately for Coudeau and Holt, the church anticipated that. They had taken precautions. How will Kady react to the church’s failsafe? How will the Tyrant react? And can any of them respond in time?
Episode 11: Determination to Kill
The Dawn Of The Witch Episode 11 Review – Best In Show
In The Dawn of the Witch episode 11, “Determination to Kill,” Zero and Mercenary prepared the village for war. That included sending Cervil, Holt, and Coudeau back to the Academy, where they would be safe. Cervil, though, said that he would rather quit the Academy than return so he could stay and fight. How will Roux and Zero react to Cervil’s determination? What tactics will they use to hold back the expected 10,000 troops? And who’s behind the assault in the first place?
Episode 12: The Beginning of the Adventure
The Dawn Of The Witch Episode 12 Review – Best In Show
In The Dawn of the Witch episode 12, “The Beginning of the Adventure,” Zero oversaw the final preparations for the battle. Cervil, Holt, and Coudeau contributed their skills to defending the village, while Tyrant prepared to follow Holt’s orders — we hope. Roux had plans of her own. Everything seemed to be ready. It was only after the enemy troops neared the village that they realized: Lily was missing! Had she been kidnaped? Had she left on her own? And if the latter, what was she up to?