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The Eminence in Shadow Episode 16: Favorites

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The Eminence in Shadow Episode 16 – Quick Summary

In The Eminence in Shadow Episode 16, “Unseen Intentions,” Beta and Alexia debate what they should do about Rose. After apparently attacking her financé, Perv Asshat, Rose had gone into hiding. What can Beta and Alexia do to help? Cid, in his role as Mundane Mann, continued to breeze through the tournament – to the astonishment of everyone, including Annerose. Will she be able to see through his guise before her match with him? Because if she doesn’t, that the match might not end the way she expects.

Note: This post may include spoilers, so be cautious.

Favorite Quote from The Eminence in Shadow Episode 16

The Eminence in Shadow Episode 16: Beta's silence spoke volumes

Beta conveyed more meaning with no words than I could in a novel. Capture from the HIDIVE stream.

In this week’s episode, my favorite quote is actually a moment of silence. I’ve featured inarticulate noises before, but never a moment of silence! So this is a first.

Beta and Alexi were arguing about what they should do to help Rose. Well, more like Beta was trying to convince Alexi not to do something rash, but this is Alexi we’re talking about. Doing something rash is kind of her thing.

Alexi proposed a course of action. Beta suggested they understand the situation better first. They went back and forth before, exasperated, Alexi asked if Beta was suggesting they abandon Rose. Of course that wasn’t her intent, Beta explained. Instead, Beta again suggested they carefully consider their next moves carefully.

“Are you saying that I’m a thoughtless idiot?” Alexi asked (03:21). 

For three seconds, Beta simply regarded Alexi.

I have rarely heard (or not heard!) such eloquence. Those three seconds are my favorite quote of the episode!

Favorite Moment from The Eminence in Shadow Episode 16

The Eminence in Shadow Episode 16: Goldy did not expect the sneeze attack

I don’t think Goldy expected the Seasonal Allergies Attack. Capture from the HIDIVE stream.

Perv Asshat is quite the character. Lives up to his name, I think. Hearing him object to Iris calling him Lord Asshat and hearing her say (17:03), “Very well, Lord Perv,” was simply sublime. Her expression – compressed fury held at bay only because of her refined civility – was the icing on the cake.

Though I did feel sorry for her. Having to remain silent in the face of that Asshat had to be galling.

The scene at the end, when Cid did his Rock Lee impression and dropped his arm weights, was almost my favorite moment. Talk about a moment custom-made for the drama-hungry Cid! But I chose another moment – one equally Cid-like, but more humorous.

Cid’s so overpowered that there’s no question if he will win. So, for the moment to work, it has to be surprising, or funny, or emotional. In short, it has to make a foregone conclusion entertaining.

And you know what? The fight with Goldy kept me entertained!

Cid dodged Goldy’s attack so quickly, Annerose could barely see it. Missing his target really made Goldy angry. But Cid (excuse me – Mundane Mann) not taking advantage of a temporary opening left when he missed? That made Goldy even more angry.

So he powered up. An enormous gold, fire-breathing dragon reared above him. He charged, hard.

Cid’s sneeze blew him clear across the arena (15:02).

The Eminence in Shadow Episode 16: Mundane Mann's sneeze surprised Annerose and Quinton

I can understand where Annerose is coming from in this shot. Capture from the HIDIVE stream.

Cid won the fight with a sneeze.

Quinton, who had been watching the fight with Annerose, asked (16:02), “The dragon clashed with a sneeze, and the sneeze won?!”

I can use the word “literally” correctly here by saying I literally laughed out loud. The humor in this show is right in my strike zone!

What did you think of meeting Beatrix? What were your favorite moments in this episode? Feel free to let me know in the comments!

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4 thoughts on “The Eminence in Shadow Episode 16: Favorites

    1. Annarose’s little smile when she cracked her neck, as Mundane Mann walked past her, was one of the most adorable things ever.

      I almost hope she doesn’t fight Cid. I don’t think I’ll like seeing her lose!

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