The Irregular at Magic High School: Visitor Arc Episode 2: Tatsuya's lack of imagination did not please Erika
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The Irregular at Magic High School: Visitor Arc Episode 2 Review – Best In Show

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The Irregular at Magic High School: Visitor Arc Episode 2 Review – Quick Summary

In The Irregular at Magic High School: Visitor Arc episode 2, “Visitor Arc II,” news about serial murders in Tokyo spread through Magic High School. The murderer had drained 10% of the victim’s blood, yet no mark remained on the bodies. The students were about to learn a lot more about those murders when one of their own. Leonhart Saijou, out on a late night walk, accidentally encountered one of the murderers. Will Tatsuya Shiba be able to protect himself and his friends? What does Mikihiko Yoshida, Tatsuya’s friend who specializes in occult magic, know about the situation? And where has Angelina Kudou Shields been while Saijou was being attacked?

Note: This post may include spoilers, so be cautious.

Favorite Quote from The Irregular at Magic High School: Visitor Arc Episode 2

The Irregular at Magic High School: Visitor Arc Episode 2: Mayumi wasn't really scared, but she got her point across.

Mayumi really feel scared? No. But she got her point across and had fun playing with Juumonji at the same time. Capture from the Hulu stream.

Mayumi Saegusa belonged to a very well-respected family. Because of that, she knows things that others don’t. Saegusa herself is an accomplished Magician. She was sitting in the student council room, talking to Katsuto Juumonji about the recent murders. She disclosed something the police had not: the murderers had targeted Magicians.

Furious, he slapped his huge hands on the table and asked her to confirm that the “hunters” were killing magicians.

Keep in mind that Juumonji is not just big. He’s enormous. His magical capabilities are formidable, too.

As he towered over her, she said in a half-kidding voice (21:04), “Juumonji, you’re scaring me.”

He apologized and sat back down. It’s not that I find it funny if a huge man made a young woman feel threatened. It’s funny because she’s one of the Triumvirate, along with Juumonji and another student, which means she is one of the three most powerful Magicians in her year. I thought it was funny she played the shrinking damsel role just to get him to focus. And he fell for it. He immediately centered himself.

Best in Show Moment for The Irregular at Magic High School: Visitor Arc Episode 2

The Irregular at Magic High School: Visitor Arc Episode 2: If Erika's being kind, the situation must be dire

If Erika is giving out compliments, you know the situation is serious. Capture from the Hulu stream.

Setup: You Gotta Look Good for Your Friends

I’ve always been an advocate of “show, don’t tell.” This season takes that saying seriously! There’s so little telling that there are times I don’t remember the characters from the previous series, so I have to look them up. That was the case for Saijou.

He had been attacked by one of the murderers, and in the process, the murderer drained his strength. In the hospital, in front of his friends, he projected a sense of well-being in spite of the enormous drain on his spirit. He even sat up and talked to them as if nothing had happened.

We only got an idea he wasn’t all that well when Yoshida used his occult magic to get a read on Saijou’s spirit. In a state of shock, Yoshida asked (14:15), “Leo, are you really human?”

The Irregular at Magic High School: Visitor Arc Episode 2: Yoshida was shocked at the amount of energy Saijou had lost

Yoshida couldn’t believe how much spirit energy had been stolen from Saijou. Capture from the Hulu stream.

Saijou pretended to be insulted, and Yoshida made his point: Most Magicians losing that much of their energy would be comatose. Saijou laughed it off and said he just had a lot of endurance.

Nah. He just didn’t want to worry his friends.

Delivery: The Best Compliment is an Earned Compliment

As soon as they left, Saijou collapsed, and Erika, who had remained behind, said, “You’re a real trouper” (16:05).

Do you remember much about Erika in the first season? She’s no-nonsense. She’s also powerful. As far as we know, she’s shown no frivolous sentiment. So, her saying something like that is remarkable.

Saijou thought so, too. So weak that he was barely able to speak, he nevertheless managed to say, “Genuine compliment from you… I’ll take it.”

The Irregular at Magic High School: Visitor Arc Episode 2: Saijou wasn't doing as well as he'd pretended for his friends

Despite the brave face he tried to put on for his friends, Saijou was in a bad way. He felt comfortable enough with Erika to be honest about his condition with her. Capture from the Hulu stream.

She seemed to feel like she had to confirm such a momentous event. “I gave you a genuine compliment,” she said with a small smile (16:16).

Little character moments like this are one of the show’s main attractions for me. That it came from Erika and Saijou, two secondary characters, made it ever more cool. Nothing against Tatsuya or Miyuki, but they’re both dreadnoughts. Seeing the “regular” folk in action is sometimes more interesting.

What did you think of seeing Angelina in action? What was your Best in Show moment? Let me know in the comments!

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2 thoughts on “The Irregular at Magic High School: Visitor Arc Episode 2 Review – Best In Show

    1. In the fifth episode, they took some time to describe what made the parasites so powerful. I thought that helped me understand and accept their powers.

      Did you see episode 5? Did it make the parasite/vampires make sense to you?

Please let me know what you think!

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