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The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady Episode 7: Favorites

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The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady Episode 7 – Quick Summary

In The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady Episode 7, “The Magic Lecture of the Founder and the Assistant,” Anis had to face the moment her mother had warned her about. She had to introduce Euphie to their new house guest: Lainie Cyan. Yes, that Lainie. How will Euphie react? Will Anis have to get a new assistant? What will Ilia Coral have to say about the matter? And Tilty Claret wants to do what to Lainie?

Note: This post may include spoilers, so be cautious.

Favorite Quote from The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady Episode 7

The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady Episode 7: Tilty didn't think Anis had any idea what "normal" meant

Tilty asked a reasonable question! Capture from the Crunchyroll stream.

Ilia had a great quote this week, but I had to pick something from Anis and Tilty. It just fit the episode so well. Though Ilia came close when she said, to get away from the awkwardness of Lainie joining the household, (00:23) “Oh, do forgive me. This calls for tea. Please wait a moment.”

Tilty’s attitude cracks me up. She just does her own thing without any regard for what anyone thinks. Near the end of the episode, she stood with Anis, listening to to Euphie begin her part of the presentation to the Association of Folks Who Want to Preserve Their Power For Themselves But Want To Make It Sound Like They’re Conservative to Garner Popular Support (AoFWWPTPFTBWMISLTCtoGPS, for short). Euphie gestured to the flying broom and talked about how it was such a bizarre construction for people to fly around on.

Anis seemed indignant. 

“What?” she said in a whisper to Tilty (18:44). “But brooms are what witches are supposed to fly on.”

Anis actually looked kind of miffed.

Tilty looked at her and said, “Where is that ‘normal’?”

Without the benefit of knowing the particulars of Anis’s home world (i.e., ours), I think Tilty asked a completely reasonable question.

Favorite Moment from The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady Episode 7

The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady Episode 7: Euphie's words hit Anis right in the heart

Euphie knew exactly what she was doing – and for whom. Capture from the Crunchyroll stream.

Setup: Euphie Didn’t Know Where She Fit In

My favorite moment brought back a lot of memories. It helped me remember a time when I was a little more hopeful about the world. It reminded me of a time when I thought the power of reason and rhetoric could make the world better.

Now, I’m not saying those things can’t help nowadays. I’m just saying that I have more realistic expectations of what reason and rhetoric can do independent of large sums of cash and the political power.

But I digress.

The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady Episode 7: Chartreuse was not a fan of Euphie's intelligence

It might have been gratifying to see this expression on Chartreuse. But he wasn’t why Euphie said what she said. Capture from the Crunchyroll stream.

Anis had started the presentation, but it was not going well. People like Count Chartreuse had picked apart Anis’s personality, packaged a set of slogans to ridicule her weaknesses, and spread them among his allies. The net effect? The crowd rejected anything and everything Anis said. In effect, Chartreuse had prejudiced his allies against her by reducing her to a set of slogans that he could manipulate. Hmmm. Sounds kind of familiar, doesn’t it?

Euphie spent the first ⅔ of the episode trying to figure out her place in the new order of things. She had to get through the shock of Lainie joining the household. She had to get over the feelings of jealousy she felt when Tilty and Anis conversed so easily about insanely complex concepts. And she had to wrestle with an even more basic question: who was she?

I think she found her answer in my favorite moment.

Do you remember how conscientious and politically aware she was in the first episode? She had obviously studied and mastered the political skills she would need as the future queen. That didn’t pan out. But her skills remained. And she just figured out how to use them. More importantly, she figured out why she wanted to use them.

Delivery: Euphie Figured It Out

She wanted to help Anis.

Euphie got up in front of the dubious crowd, which was the same crowd who had dismissed Anis out of hand. But now Euphie stood before them. They knew who she was. They knew she was one of the strongest magicians among them. So, they listened.

She confronted Chartreuse’s propaganda head on. She attacked where he was strongest, because she felt confident in her skills. I want to reproduce what she said in full, because I thought it was really cool – and because it reminded me of some of my more successful attempts at the same kind of thing, back in the day.

She said (20:36), “Knowledge of the world, of reason, and of magic — from a combination of these, magicology is born. It is a field of study, not a practice intended to show disrespect to faith or tradition. It is true that her Highness’s magicology is a bold concept unlike any presently known to us, and may appear incomprehensible. But that is simply an expression of respect toward the spirits. No, in fact, it came to be only because of that faith and tradition.”

The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady Episode 7: Euphie used all of her skills to get her point across

Euphie brought together all of the skills she had learned – and achieved her goals. Capture from the Crunchyroll stream.

It reminded me of trying to demonstrate that there is no conflict between faith and reason. Unlike me, Euphie argued in a fictional world, and from a position of privilege. But in my past, I didn’t know the real argument wasn’t between reason and faith. I only more recently learned it was between and powers — as in political powers. 

But that’s a nit. Euphie’s victory not only won over the crowd. It brought the most fantastic smile to Anis’s face. And you know what? That’s what all these kinds of efforts are about: bringing joy to someone important to you. Because otherwise, what’s the point?

What did you think of Lainie’s tiny fangs? What were your favorite moments in the episode? Feel free to let me know in the comments!

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3 thoughts on “The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady Episode 7: Favorites

  1. Ooh, Euphie using her skills (and she’s been thinking of this ever since she met Anis, so she’s not unprepared) was a thing of beauty. And the show also used the crowd to demonstrate that you talk to the undecided/hesitant. Having a big name behind a project definitely helps the smaller names to come out in favour.

    As for witches and brooms, not sure if it’s true, but what I’d heard is that staves were often a druidic (or other pagan?) source of power and to escape persecution you’d disguise them as mundane objects. An example would be a broom. Not sure if it’s true, but it sounds at least plausible and makes for a nice story. (A question I do have is this: why doesn’t Anis wear a pointy hat? Shouldn’t witches wear pointy hats?)

    1. Druidic staves hidden in plain sight, huh? That’s really cool. I’ll have to look into that. I have a side interest in how the stores of witches evolved, and that’s another good topic!

      The thought of Anis in a pointy hat is really appealing to me! Now I want to rewatch Wandering Witch: The Journey of Elaina again. It’s been awhile!

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