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The Rising of the Shield Hero Season 2 Episode 9 Review – Best In Show

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The Rising of the Shield Hero Season 2 Episode 9 Review – Quick Summary

In The Rising of the Shield Hero Season 2 episode 9, “Humming Fairy,” Naofumi demanded that Kizuna take them back immediately to save Raphtalia from Kyo. To her credit, Kizuna tried. But their enemy had closed down the Dragon Hourglass on their side. Kizuna said that someone she knew, Ethnobalt, might be able to help them. But without serious firepower, was there any point to going back? And speaking of firepower, where is Filo?

Note: This post may include spoilers, so be cautious.

Favorite Quote from The Rising of the Shield Hero Season 2 Episode 9

The Rising of the Shield Hero Season 2 Episode 9: Kizuna is apparently surrounded by paper-pushing warriors

Behold the stirrings of bureaucratic fury! Let the paper fly! Capture from the Crunchyroll stream.

I’m beginning to think that Kizuna’s people are not the most, let’s say, aggressive folks. They greeted her warmly enough. It was obvious they were happy to see her, and it was pleasant seeing how she reacted to their reception. She’d been through a lot, so it must have been nice to come home.

And I’ll say this for Kizuna: As much as she wanted to be home, she still tried to go back and save Raphtalia.

But my favorite quote cast doubt on the bravery and combat capabilities of at least a segment of Kizuna’s people. When they heard who had placed her in the Infinite Labyrinth, two of them started to get angry. I expected some kind of strong declaration on Kizuna’s behalf. And I got one. Sort of.

“This is a serious act of hostility!” one of them blustered (03:21). Another followed it with, “We will lodge an official complaint with Mikakage immediately!”

“Yeah, go do that,” Kizuna answered in a tone of voice that matched my reaction exactly. Well, it was nice to know Kizuna and I were on the same wavelength, at least!

Best in Show Moment for The Rising of the Shield Hero Season 2 Episode 9

The Rising of the Shield Hero Season 2 Episode 9: Rishia was glad to see Filo again

Rishia was happy to find and free Filo. But that was nothing compared to what Naofumi felt! Capture from the Crunchyroll stream.

Setup: Naofumi Has Been Through a Lot

Naofumi has had a rough way to go since the beginning of season one. He endured being wrongly accused, he endured being the focus of an anti-Shield cult of zealots, and he had to deal with the scorn of three puffed-up, barely capable Cardinal Heroes. So it’s no wonder he has a bit of an attitude when it comes to other people.

This episode gave that attitude an unfortunate boost. As soon as Kizuna’s people learned he was a Cardinal Hero from another world, they all glared daggers at him and demanded Kizuna step away. One of them even called the palace guard.

I thought Naofumi’s reaction was perfect, given who he is. He got a disgusted look on his face, then just turned and walked away (04:35). 

The Rising of the Shield Hero Season 2 Episode 9: Naofumi was pretty much done with false accusations

Another kingdom, another set of false accusations. Capture from the Crunchyroll stream.

What all this means is that Naofumi has a strong, justified distrust of people. His experience made him brooding and distant. Even with Raphtalia and Filo, he rarely showed much real warmth, at least not directly. That’s what gave my favorite moment in this episode so much impact.

Naofumi, Rishia, and Kizuna were on their way to find Raphtalia when Naofumi thought he heard something. Surprising both of his companions, he sprinted in the other direction. They caught up to him to find he had located Filo – and she was being treated cruelly by her slave-dealing captors. Did you see the look on Naofumi’s face (14:33)? That was the look of a man about to unleash profound violence. Rishia and Kizuna tried to talk him down, but it was finally Rishia who got through to him. I really admired her strength of will in that scene. She’s come a long way!

Delivery: The Humming Fairy Chick

But as much as I liked that moment, it wasn’t my favorite. My favorite moment was when they actually found Filo, but she was in the form of a “humming fairy chick.” Rishia even said it wasn’t a filolial and was about to leave. But not Naofumi. He knew Filo, even in a different form. And he wasn’t going to leave without her.

They finally freed her from the cage with a lot of help from Kizuna. All the while, you could see Naofumi getting more and more emotional. When she changed back into her human form, there was much hugging and crying, which was tastefully done.

The Rising of the Shield Hero Season 2 Episode 9: Filo and Naofumi were happy to see each other again.

Filo’s not afraid of anything. That’s another aspect of this scene that helped it work so well. Capture from the Crunchyroll stream.

Finally, Rishia asked how Naofumi knew that was Filo despite the difference in species. His voice cracking and husky with emotion, he answered (17:27), “She’s my dear companion… How could I mistake her for anything else?”

I don’t think I’ve ever heard that much feeling in his voice before. That alone was cool, but what I really liked was how well-earned it felt. Naofumi has come to care a lot about Filo, and Raphtalia, and probably even Rishia. I like hearing him be able to express that kind of warmth for someone else, especially after all he’s been through.

Now, if they can just find Raphtalia…

What did you think of Ethnobalt? What were your favorite moments in the episode? Feel free to let me know in the comments!

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