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Tower of God Season Two Episode 14: Favorites

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Tower of God Season Two Episode 14 – Quick Summary

In Tower of God Season 2 episode 14, “Meeting the Traveler,” the Workshop Battle is about to begin. Journalists are asking Regulars everywhere who the main target will be. Endorsi and the other Regulars have one common answer: they’re all gunning for Jue Viole Grace. What does Viole think of all this? Hard to say, because he got sidetracked trying to save the Traveler from killer robots. Can Viole make it back in time for the competition? Who is this Traveler? And just how enthusiastic is Wangnan Ja about Endorsi?

Note: This post may include spoilers, so be cautious.

Favorite Quote from Tower of God Season Two Episode 14

Tower of God Season Two Episode 14: It's like the Traveler could see the future!

Well, Traveler, I might have some good news for you. Capture from the Crunchyroll stream.

I like a quote that is obviously foreshadowing, yet maintains mystery about the specifics. My favorite quote from this episode is a good example of that.

Bam, the kind-hearted soul that he is, randomly saved the Traveler from attack robots. Did Bam know who dispatched the robots? Did he know what the Traveler had done? No. Bam saw a human running from multiple killer robots and attacked.

The Traveler thanked him but immediately said he was crazy. Turns out the robots were Workshop protectors, and killing those two would only dispatch more of them. Each dispatch meant more powerful robots.

Bam’s all like so what? I’ll just kill those, too! 

The Traveler responded (05:05), “You’d need to be at least as strong as a Princess of Jahad or a Slayer Candidate to fight one.”

The Traveler had no idea that he had a Slayer Candidate right in front of him. And I had to wonder: did this mean we were about to see a Princess of Jahad in action again?

Favorite Moment from Tower of God Season Two Episode 14

Tower of God Season Two Episode 14: I think Khun almost gave Wangnan Ja a heart attack.

Wangnan Ja had a stressful episode. Capture from the Crunchyroll stream.

It’s not quite my favorite moment, but Endorsi exploding through the ceiling above the killer robot as it menaced Bam was very cool. Is she there to help Bam? Take him out? Ask him on a date? Not sure – but it’s good seeing her back in action!

My favorite moment is a demonstration of why Aguero Agnes Khun is such an effective combatant. He’s ruthless when he needs to be, because in the Tower, you have to make tough decisions. He backs his team when he can, because without a solid team, you can’t progress. And he’s bright. Very bright.

In this episode, after they got their guns, Khun knew they’d need more bullets. The sooner they started their collection, the better. So, he waited for the clock to count down, and when he got close to zero, he pointed his gun at Wangnan Ja’s head.

“What’s more valuable?” Khun asked (11:40). “You or a Blood Tamara?”

Sorry to say, but I don’t know what a Blood Tamara is, other than it’s a valued prize in this game. Wangnan Ja, in a sweaty panic, did the math in his head and apparently came to a conclusion. The clock his zero, and he screamed his lungs out.

Tower of God Season Two Episode 14: It's great to see Endorsi back in action.

This Princess of Jahad knows how to make an entrance. Capture from the Crunchyroll stream.

Which attracted two Regulars nearby. They came in to investigate, only to be captured by Khun and Dan Edin.

“Your real scream got us two bullets,” Khun said cheerfully (12:22).

Dan said, “Screams make people panic. It clouds their judgment.”

Wangnan Ja, still unable to breath normally, said (12:28), “You really scared me!”

Moments like this keep me interested in Tower of God. That, and moments like Endorsi crashing through the ceiling. I doubt that’ll ever not be cool.

What did you think of the latest game? What were your favorite moments? Feel free to share in the comments!

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11 thoughts on “Tower of God Season Two Episode 14: Favorites

    1. I think you’re right. I got the impression Endorsi knew more than she let on, and I’m really looking forward to seeing what she brings to the story!

      1. I don’t think Endorsi knew more than she let on. She just had Emily tell her where Bam was. If the two of them don’t fight, it’ll likely be ’cause Endorsi finds Viole attractive in my opinion or ’cause Bam agrees that he is weaker than she is even if he is actually stronger.

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