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Tower of God Season Two Episode 25: Favorites

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Tower of God Season Two Episode 25 – Quick Summary

In Tower of God Season 2 episode 25, “Return of the King,” Reflejo has Bam, Khun, and Rak trapped, and trapped good. Our heroes can’t strike their enemy, because he’s using the unconscious Hwaryun as a human shield. But even if they could escape, their friends can’t find the other hostages. So even if they could defeat Reflejo, they couldn’t leave. How will they find a way out of this impasse – especially since Reflejo knocked Bam unconscious?

Note: This post may include spoilers, so be cautious.

Favorite Quote from Tower of God Season Two Episode 25

Tower of God Season Two Episode 25: Khun is serious about bringing Bam home alive

Someone’s serious about getting the job done! Capture from the Crunchyroll stream.

The friendship between Rak, Khun, and Bam is one of two reasons this season finally began to work for me. The political intrigue from the first season was still present in the second, but for some reason, it didn’t seem to hit as hard.

But things got better as soon as the cast from the first season showed up.

In this episode, we got to see Khun come up with another genius plan, which was to use an artifact he won earlier in the season to rescue Hwaryun. At the same time, he bought time for Bam to recover. Rak accidentally helped build the plan when he express his shock that the spear Yihwa Yeon had given him wasn’t a spear at all, but a projectile.

Khun explained what Rak had to do. Then he said (05:09), “Let’s finish this quickly… so the three of us can go home.”

It’s just nice to see that Khun isn’t bent on betraying Bam. Poor guy’s been through quite enough, I think!

Favorite Moment from Tower of God Season Two Episode 25

Tower of God Season Two Episode 25: Endorsi gave Bam a helping hand

Endorsi gave Bam a helping hand. Capture from the Crunchyroll stream.

Setup: A Wide Variety of Jahad Princesses

Remind me not to make Endorsi mad. She used Varagarv to excavate an enormous crater. In doing she, she became about the first one we saw defeat that monster. Not only that, but she remained haughty and stylish throughout. 

She also captured my favorite moment.

Khun was counting on her getting there in time to pull them out. You know – before the slowly filling molten lava consumed Bam, Khun, Rak, and the more-than-willing Reflejo. Or maybe I should say disturbingly willing? 

Though I should say with his backstory, I did feel a bit sorry for the guy. Apparently, he didn’t have Bam’s luck when it came to meeting Jahad princesses.

Tower of God Season Two Episode 25: They don't make Jahad princesses like they used to -- fortunately

Apparently, Jahad princesses have mellowed over the years. Or Bam just got lucky. Or both. Capture from the Crunchyroll stream.

But Bam had Bam’s luck. He was lucky enough to meet not only Ha Yuri Jahad and Anaak Jahad, but Endorsi as well. And not a single one of them demanded he give up his eyes to pay for the honor. Seems princesses have mellowed a bit since Reflejo’s time. 

Regardless, Reflejo was bound and determined to take Bam to a fiery grave. So, he used what remained of his power to pulverize the solid ground on which they stood. Instantly, they all went into freefall. 

The good news is that Khun summoned his lighthouses. The bad news is that Reflejo’s dedication to a cause made him grab Bam. He yanked our hero off the lighthouse. Now, he held on only by a couple of fingers.

Delivery: The Power of Friendship(™)

Remember Wangnan Ja? He remembered Bam. Despite his practically incapacitated state, he managed to get one of his little blue pokeball-like bombs between Bam and Reflejo. The blind antagonist fell faster, his grip on Bam broken.

Wangan Ja slowed Bam’s descent. It took Endorsi, who had apparently found her way into the cave, to get a good grip on his arm, arresting his descent.

“Let’s go home, Mister Useless,” she said to him (21:56).

That was a pleasant moment. Not only did Endorsi save Bam, but she gave Reflejo a contrary example of a Jahad Princess. Of course, that held no practical value for the villain. But maybe it eased his passing.

Tower of God Season Two Episode 25: Bam was happy to see Endorsi again

Bam appreciated the helping hands. Capture from the Crunchyroll stream.

If the season ended here, I’d be satisfied. We have the narrative contrast between Rachel and Endorsi. Even without the whole stabby/murdery streak the Rachel showed, Endorsi was a much better match for Bam. 

I hope Bam has something to wear for their date.What did you think Xia Xia deciding to help Bam’s friends? What were your favorite moments? Feel free to let me know in the comments!

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