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Tower of God Season Two Episode 26: Favorites

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Tower of God Season Two Episode 26 – Quick Summary

In Tower of God Season 2 episode 26, “The Dawn of the Departure,” Bam finally got to reunite with his friends, including Khun, Rak, and Endorsi. At least, that’s how things seemed. But even as they were about to board Lero-Ro’s shuttle, a Ranker showed up and demanded that everyone freeze – or he would start indiscriminately kill them all. Is Bam simply destined to not have friends? What kind of turtle will Rak say represents the Ranker? And how will Endori react to yet another interruption to her dating plans?

Note: This post may include spoilers, so be cautious.

Favorite Quote from Tower of God Season Two Episode 26

Tower of God Season Two Episode 26: Ha Jinsung seems to have his own agenda -- and the ability to move it forward

Ha Jinsung is an interesting character – who clearly has a mind of his own. Capture from the Crunchyroll stream.

Ha Jinsung seems to really like Bam – to the point of protecting him even against another of his own pupils, Karaka. Apparently, Ha Jinsung knew exactly what Karaka was trying to do, and that it would end in Bam’s death. So, Ha Jinsung visited Karaka.

Karaka apparently built a fortress in some version of hell, because a) it’s surrounded by fire and b) guarded by mammoth demons. Who stood absolutely no chance when they challenged Ha Jinsung. They exchanged some banter before Karaka flat out asked if he knew what had been going on. 

Of course, he had. In fact, he had a warning for Karaka, in case he still felt like going after Bam.

“I should warn you,” he said (11:40). “Viole has grown far more than you can imagine. In the not-so-distant future…”

“He might come for my head?”

“Don’t say that I didn’t warn you. Later!”

I don’t know if I’d watch a third season. But I know I enjoy scenes that evoke such a clear sense of foreboding. It suggests the story still has legs!

Favorite Moment from Tower of God Season Two Episode 26

Tower of God Season Two Episode 26: Endorsi has an appealing version of sweetness

Endori can be sweet when she wants to be – in a Tower of God sort of way! Capture from the Crunchyroll stream.

Setup: Who’s Po Bidau Gustang?

Do watch the after credits scene. It was kinda cute.

You know that scene near the beginning where Madoraco freaked out when that blonde haired guy with glasses and a cigarette showed up? I could not remember the guy’s name. In fact, I couldn’t remember anything about him. I had to run some really imprecise Google searches before I found who he was: Po Bidau Gustang.

Seems like an important guy. Given how he treated Madoraco like a freaking servant, he seems like he wields a lot of power. I think I would have liked to have seen more about him. It would have given that scene even more weight.

Tower of God Season Two Episode 26: I wish the series had shown me more about Po Bidau Gustang

Maybe I should remember who this guy is – but I didn’t. Capture from the Crunchyroll stream.

I hate to say this, since I try to celebrate anime here. But whatever market pressures and management decisions led to the animation we saw this season, they did Tower of God no favors. My heart goes out to the all of the artists working under those conditions.

Still. Despite all that, the series did have moments I could celebrate. You probably already guessed that I’d choose a moment from Endorsi’s date with Bam, and you’d be right.

Delivery: Endori’s Date

She waited forever for it. She even put up with not-so-subtle voyeurs. But in the end, I think she had fun. She certainly got a few moments of heart-to-heart talk with Bam. She had suggested they see a movie. Turns out, not only was this his first date, it was his first time seeing a movie. 

I guess I’d forgotten just how sheltered he’s been. Still, he enjoyed the plot. He even went so far as to comment on the character development arc for the protagonist. At this point, I figured Endori might be pleased he had paid attention to her suggested movie.

Instead, she seemed mildly irritated. To answer Bam’s confused look, she added (15:01), “You’re way better than that made-up story.”

I don’t think I’m wired like most people. I suspect that Endori giving Bam a kiss on the cheek would be considered the more romantic moment. But for me, that moment, when she expressed her admiration for his character, was the most romantic. 

Tower of God Season Two Episode 26: It was emotionally pleasant to see Endorsi give Bam a kiss on the cheek

No denying this was an emotionally satisfying moment. Capture from the Crunchyroll stream.

Honestly, I think they’d make a good couple – except for the whole “it’s illegal for a Princess of Jahad to date” thing.

What did you think of the haircut Khun gave to Bam? What were your favorite moments? Feel free to share in the comments!

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