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TRINITY SEVEN Episode 5 Review – Quick Summary
In TRINITY SEVEN Episode 5, “Dream World and Sub-Administer,” Arata Kasuga began to settle into life at school. One perk he had not anticipated was waking up next to Yui Kurata, who had decided to express her thanks for Arata saving her by keeping him warm at night. Not to be outdone, Arin Kannazuki decided to sleep on his other side. You can guess how Lilith Asami reacted when she found out. She didn’t even seem to appreciate Arata making room for her to join them! But the real problem came up later. Who’s the missing Trinity Seven? Why is she missing? And what does she have to do with Selina Sherlock, who seems to know more than she’s told Arata?
Note: This post may include spoilers, so be cautious.
Favorite Quote from TRINITY SEVEN Episode 5
At least Lilith had the good sense to be embarrassed that her breasts almost set of World War III. Capture from the Crunchyroll stream.
I really enjoy strong female characters. That explains probably eighty percent of why I like TRINITY SEVEN. None of the lead women are inconsequential. Every one of them is powerful — powerful enough to sit at the very top of their school.
I also enjoy this series’ humor. In this episode, both were on strong display when Mira Yamana tried to put an end to Arata, Arin, and Yui sharing a frolicsome moment of young flirtatious love on the school grounds. Maybe it was Yui saying something that Mira found impure, like (02:41) “Arin-chan, don’t worry. I’m fine with being a mistress!” Or maybe it was Arin’s ready response, which was, “That’s okay, then.”
When Mira threatened to destroy Arata, Akio Fudou got involved to support her boss. Then Levi-Kazama got involved, because she had unfinished business with Akio. The situation was about to explode into a school-altering battle when Lilith tried to calm everyone down.
Arin wanted to make it clear that this was Lilith’s fault. To provide it, Arin said (05:27), “This is all because your bouncing boobs caused my husband to get turned on.”
Lilith would have disagreed, but she was overcome by embarrassment at the time. That, and Arin was right!
Best in Show Moment for TRINITY SEVEN Episode 5
Akio honestly wanted to communicate her full support to Mira. I think Mira appreciated that. Capture from the Crunchyroll stream.
Setup: An Atypical Harem Ecchi Comedy
Not only do I like strong female characters and comedy that makes me laugh. I also enjoy an occasional emotionally honest moment. This episode actually had a couple of them, and to be truthful, I had a hard time choosing between them! The intimate scene between Arata and Yui, when he suggests they should be friends, struck me as heart-warming. Yui seems like she has been putting a happy face on her loneliness, and seeing how she reacted to Arata reaching out to her was great. It also helped that he wanted to get to know her first, before accepting a kiss from her. You don’t see that kind of thoughtfulness from a harem MC very often!
I chose this other moment, though, because it highlighted a couple of characters that I haven’t had much time to talk about.
Mira was having a hard day. Maybe a hard month or week, too! Capture from the Crunchyroll stream.
We’ve seen Mira be the badass/hardass security lead. She’s tried to destroy Arata a couple of times. She was even ready to put Yui in the grave in episode 4. So it was really interesting in this episode to see her momentarily at a loss.
Delivery: Camaraderie is Vastly Underrated
She was in the bath. I’d like to point out that being naked isn’t necessarily fan service. It might actually perform a narrative function, like showing a moment of emotional vulnerability. Which is exactly what it did this time. Mira looked troubled.
Akio, who is actually older than Mira, picked up on it instantly. Mira denied anything was bothering her, but Akio could see that wasn’t the case at all. Trying to show trust and concern, Akio sat down beside Mira and asked again. When Mira still tried to deny anything was wrong, Akio gently stroked her hair in a very supportive gesture.
Akio wanted to help Mira regain her confidence. Expressing her support was a great way to do that! Capture from the Crunchyroll stream.
“You don’t have to be the head of Grimoire Security all the time,” Akio said (11:14). “You can be the real Mira Yamana sometimes, too.”
Only then did Mira relent and open up to her friend.
I just adore moments like that. Nothing overtly sexual. No lurid groping. Just Akio trying to support Mira by putting her mind at ease. It’s nice to see characters in a harem anime enjoying life and relationships apart from the main character. Especially relationships like this!
What did you think of our introduction to Lieselotte Sherlock? What were your favorite moments of the episode? Feel free to let me know in the comments!
TRINITY SEVEN Episode 5: Other Posts
Other Anime Sites
- Red[Spoilers] Trinity Seven – Episode 5 [Discussion]
- Random Curiosity: Trinity Seven – 05
- Anime Corps: Review: Trinity Seven Ep 5:-That First Scene and Evil Chitoge Kirisaki/Yukiho Kousaka!
This Site (Crow’s World of Anime!)
- TRINITY SEVEN Episode 1: Administer and Third Selection
- TRINITY SEVEN Episode 2: Prison Lock and Grimoire Security
- TRINITY SEVEN Episode 3: Magus and Alchemist
- TRINITY SEVEN Episode 4: Labyrinth and Magic Gunner
- TRINITY SEVEN Episode 5: Dream World and Sub-Administer
- TRINITY SEVEN Episode 6: Dark Mage and Big Event
- TRINITY SEVEN Episode 7: Lost Technica and Problem Solving
- TRINITY SEVEN Episode 8: Study and Holiday
- TRINITY SEVEN Episode 9: Bible Battle and Sweet Memory
- TRINITY SEVEN Episode 10: Game Master and Satan Slave
- TRINITY SEVEN Episode 11: Fianna Knights and Sisters
- TRINITY SEVEN Episode 12: Criminal Girl and His World