Anime List Review Archive

Zombieland Saga Episode Guide

Episode 1: Good Morning SAGA!

I Drink and Watch Anime: Irina and Crow in Zombieland (Saga) ep1

For the first time ever, I’m collaborating with another ani-blogger: I Drink and Watch Anime’s own Irina! Remember when the two of us simultaneously reviewed Record of Grancrest War? We had different perspectives, and reading her reviews helped me maintain a more balanced perspective for the series. So I was thrilled when she asked to collaborate on this season’s Zombieland Saga

In the spirit of putting our best foot forward, I Drink and Watch Anime has the first post! So head on over and take a look! And while you’re there, check out the rest of the site (though in all probability you already have — she runs a popular site!). Not only are the posts fantastic, the comment sections are filled to gills with great conversations! 

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Episode 2: I <3 HIP HOP SAGA

Crow’s World of Anime: Irina and Crow in Zombieland (Saga) ep2: Rap Battle!

So, it’s Crow’s World of Anime’s turn to host the Zombieland Saga collaboration review. Irina set a high bar with the first post, so let’s see if we can keep the standards high!

Crow constantly flatters me but that has nothing at all to do with why I enjoy his virtual company. Nothing…

I honestly wondered how they’d top the death metal scene from last week. Truth be told, I rewatched that scene several times this week — I thought it was that enjoyable! Sakura’s reaction to Saki’s scream, Sakura eventually joining her — just good stuff!

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I Drink and Watch Anime: Irina and Crow in Zombieland (Saga) ep3: Guts and Glory

The collaboration with Irina from I Drink and Watch Anime continues with our review of Zombieland Saga episode 3, “DEAD OR LIVE SAGA.” I hope she’s having as much fun as I am with this collab, because I’m having a blast!

Could the show maintain the momentum from last episode’s epic rap battle or the first episode’s accidental death metal performance? Maybe — you’ll need to read the review at I Drink and Watch Anime to find out! Which you can do by clicking here

But there might be an even more important question!

The important question is, “Will Koutarou ever stop yelling?” And if he doesn’t, will the zombie idols finally rise up and make him stop?

Is it bad that’s becoming a dream of mine?

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Episode 4: Warming Dead SAGA

Crow’s World of Anime: Irina and Crow in Zombieland (Saga) ep4: Zombies in the Hot Springs!

It’s Crow’s World of Anime’s turn to host the Zombieland Saga collaboration review! If you missed the last episode’s review, you can read it on Irina’s site I Drink and Watch Anime!

On to the episode! I appreciate consistency. I really do. But there are times when I long for a change. Case in point: Koutarou yelling at and berating our zombie idol heroes! A little of that goes a long way, and we’ve had more than a little of it lately. I would like to see the show walk away from this joke, consistent or not.

On a brighter note, at least the zombies seem much less intimidated. Except maybe Sakura.

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Episode 5: The Nice Bird SAGA in Your Heart

I Drink and Watch Anime: Irina and Crow in Zombieland (Saga) ep5: Mud Idols

The collaboration with Irina from I Drink and Watch Anime continues with our review of Zombieland Saga episode 5, “The Nice Bird SAGA in Your Heart,” and this time, it’s hosted at I Drink and Watch Anime!

Last week, we were a little worried about the show. Would the show devolve into “just” a comedy about idols? Would we continue to be deluged by CGI idol dancing (as pleasant as that can be)? 

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Episode 6: Because It’s Sentimental SAGA

Crow’s World of Anime: Irina and Crow in Zombieland (Saga) ep6: Zombie Divisions Appear!

It’s Crow’s World of Anime’s turn again to host the Zombieland Saga collaboration review! If you missed the review of the last episode, you can read Irina and Crow in Zombieland (Saga) ep5: Mud Idols on Irina’s site I Drink and Watch Anime! My comments will be in regular type and Irina’s, in an attempt to express her effervescent writing style, will be in bold. I AM bold – Thank you!

After last week’s comedic high points like Tae’s rooster imitation, this episode felt a lot different. It took a turn for the dramatic! We still get some solid comedy (with Tae once again front and center!), but we get some character development, too.

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Episode 7: But It’s Zombiemental SAGA

I Drink and Watch Anime: Irina and Crow in Zombieland (Saga) ep7: One More Time with Feeling

The collaboration with Irina from I Drink and Watch Anime continues with our review of Zombieland Saga episode 7, “But It’s Zombiemental SAGA.” It’s Irina’s turn again to host the actual review, and you can read it here!

We continue to wrestle with the show — which is a theme we’ve been developing for a couple of weeks! Did the show get back to its insane zombie horror humor roots? Did it double-down on the idol genre?

Most importantly: What’s got Saki and Tae so annoyed?

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Episode 8: Go Go Neverland SAGA

Crow’s World of Anime: Irina and Crow in Zombieland (Saga) ep8: Lily and the Man in her Life

It’s Crow’s World of Anime’s turn again to host the Zombieland Saga collaboration review! If you missed the last episode’s review, you can read Irina and Crow in Zombieland (Saga) ep7: One More Time with Feeling on Irina’s site I Drink and Watch Anime! This week, we review episode 8, “Go Go Neverland SAGA.” I’ll be regular type and Irina will be in bold.

Last week, I wondered if the plot would ever return to some of the mysteries the show has setup. For example, the reporter seems like he recognized Junko. What happens then? How would the reporter process that information?

Zombieland Saga has defied convention before, and danged if it didn’t do it again. At the beginning of the episode, I was afraid we were going to see a story about the darker side of the world of idols, based solely on a stereotypical expectation. By the end…

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Episode 9: Though My Life May Have Ended Once By Some Twist of Fate I Have Risen, and If Song and Dance Are to Be My Fate, Then Carrying the Memories of My Comrades In My Heart As I Sally Forth Shall Be My SAGA

I Drink and Watch Anime: Irina and Crow in Zombieland (Saga) ep9: Tough Girls have Soft Hearts

The collaboration with Irina from I Drink and Watch Anime continues with our review of Zombieland Saga episode 9 with its title length title: “Though My Life May Have Ended Once By Some Twist of Fate I Have Risen, and If Song and Dance Are to Be My Fate, Then Carrying the Memories of My Comrades In My Heart As I Sally Forth Shall Be My SAGA.”

It’s Irina’s turn again to host the actual review, and you can read it here!

As you saw from the previews, this episode focuses on Saki. Does her backstory live up to expectations? Is it as monumentally cool as Saki herself? Does the manager ever stop yelling at her?

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Crow’s World of Anime: Irina and Crow in Zombieland (Saga) ep10: Yuugiri Strikes Again and Sakura Gets Boared!

t’s Crow’s World of Anime’s turn again to host the Zombieland Saga collaboration review! If you missed the previous episode’s review, you can read Irina and Crow in Zombieland (Saga) ep9: Tough Girls have Soft Hearts on Irina’s site I Drink and Watch Anime! This week, we review episode 10, “NO ZOMBIE NO SAGA.” I’ll be regular type and Irina will be in bold.

Given how playful the show’s been with our expectations, I guess I should have expected it not to give us Yuugiri’s backstory! We did get a great Yuugiri moment as compensation, though; and we got a dramatic development at the very end. This episode was simultaneously a continuance, a departure, and a return to form.

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Episode 11: A One-of-a-Kind SAGA

I Drink and Watch Anime: Irina and Crow in Zombieland (Saga) ep11: It’s Always Darkest Before the Dawn

The collaboration with Irina from I Drink and Watch Anime continues with our review of Zombieland Saga episode 11, called  “A One-Of-A-Kind SAGA.” It’s Irina’s turn again to host the actual review, and you can read it here!

This episode went in a different direction than we expected!

This is the next to last episode, and things look as dark as they ever have! One quick warning about this episode: Sakura drives Saki to frustrated nail biting and Lily to tears! 

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Episode 12: Good Morning Again SAGA

Irina and Crow in Zombieland (Saga) ep12: We’re All Zombies and We’ve All Died

It’s Crow’s World of Anime’s turn again to host the Zombieland Saga collaboration review! If you missed the last episode’s review, you can read Irina and Crow in Zombieland (Saga) ep11: It’s Always Darkest Before the Dawn on Irina’s site I Drink and Watch Anime! This week, we review episode 12, “Good Morning Again SAGA.” I’ll be regular type and Irina will be in bold.

YES I was born to be bold, baby!

I’m bummed. This is the last episode (as far as we know — see below!), and this series has grown on me. I’m going to be sad to see it end. Same with the collaboration!

I won’t lie, as soon as it ended I looked up whether it was maybe a 13 episode series. It’s still in m queue — you know… just in case…

I’m so going to steal that idea…

But at least we got plenty of TaeYuugiri, and… 

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Copyright 2022 Terrance A. Crow. All rights reserved.

4 thoughts on “Zombieland Saga Episode Guide

    1. Thanks! You’re too kind!

      And thanks again for the collaboration. You have a rare talent: I honestly felt like I could write a more in-depth review with your help than without it! You should probably patent that or something!

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